Fuck me that's a lot of damage

fuck me that's a lot of damage

Attached: 1546800951667.jpg (1242x1702, 1.76M)

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ZOMG, how offal.

Attached: British-Simpsons-Tea-Spit.jpg (251x182, 11K)

You'd have to have a lot of guts to clean that up

Did a whale explode?

Sauce? In the most orginal way possible I guess.

looks like a scottish meal truck crashed

Attached: 1456624397327.jpg (532x783, 180K)

Probably pig or cow guts from a meat processing facility or slaughterhouse being taken to the dog food or fertilizer factory.

tell those aliens thyre no cow bowls today

Its a slaughterhouse truck in Montreal. Spilled a bunch of pig guts.



hahahahaha MEAT

The amount of guts is supposed to be the main part of this picture, but what's more concerning is
How the fuck did that even happen? How did the guts come out that violently? There's guts down the road, there's guts everywhere.
There's guts inside the seat area. The guts fucking exploded out everywhere.

I fucking loved Slither

. Jjmkggnn

Attached: looks-like-meats-back-on-the-menu-boys.jpg (669x358, 149K)

The truck was carrying offal

rip whoever had to clean that up

as in it was pure pig gut or were they live pigs that died in the truck and their guts went everywhere?

Excuse me but how would the pigs just spontaneously explode?
But why did they explode out violently?

fucking retard, the truck was carrying the guts. Most slaughterhouse sell the guts to make dog food, people don't eat pig guts so they are sold apart

Why would it be pure pig gut? Although that's clearly what it is ... why?

It's simply offal.