When did you come across this place? How did it happen? What drew you in?
Why did you decide to stay? Did you have nowhere else to go to? How much time do you spend here?
Did you make any lasting connections from it? Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others?
Are you satisfied with the state it is in? Do you wish you would have a better place to go to? What would make this place better?
Is coming here affecting your performance in life?
I am eager to have these questions answered by you. If you are reluctant to open up in this thread, I may provide a different form of contact. I will aditionally answer any inquiries you may have.
>When did you come across this place? Jow Forums? 2014 >How did it happen? Boredom. Started browsing while waiting for threads from my main boards to get more replies. >What drew you in? Autism. >Why did you decide to stay? Autism. >How much time do you spend here? 'bout 3 hours a day >Did you make any lasting connections from it? Nope. >Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others? Memelords unironically spamming about "chads", "stacys" and normalfags are hard to see eye to eye with, but that's mainly because they're whiny newfags who can't handle banter. >Are you satisfied with the state it is in? Yes. I actually want more self proclaimed incels to flock here so I have more pathetic fuckups posting stories for me to laugh at. >What would make this place better? Word filtering of certain key terms and robot slang, combined with an active mod team. None of which is going to happen, of course, because Jow Forums is a containment board in the same vein as Jow Forums and /mlp/.
Jaxson Flores
>When did you come across this place? How did it happen? What drew you in? Regretfully I was introduced to Jow Forums by a school friend in 2007. He browsed /b/ at the time. I went on /b/ for a while before I took a disliking to it and began visiting other boards like /a/ and /v/, more in line with my interests. I ventured out of curiosity.
>Why did you decide to stay? Did you have nowhere else to go to? How much time do you spend here? The people here were like me. Disenfranchised from a normal life or plagued with a general melancholia that prevented them from being normal. I only spend a couple of hours a day here now, I used to spend entire days in the beginning.
>Did you make any lasting connections from it? Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others? In the same way I feel a distance between myself and others in real life, I feel a distance with people here too. I don't know if I'll ever be more than an actor on different stages.
>Are you satisfied with the state it is in? Do you wish you would have a better place to go to? What would make this place better? It would be nice if it weren't so plagued by HRT stuff and the surge in racism. I accept though that it's human nature though and just avoid the threads I don't like, it's not my right to police the beliefs of others.
>Is coming here affecting your performance in life? No. I quit Jow Forums for over a year at one point and I felt the same as before I started coming here. My life is static, regardless of my efforts to move.
Nathan Torres
how edgily written lol im just here for fun
Isaac Kelly
I don't remember how I ended up here, one day I decided to lurk boards I didn't know much about and just ended up staying permanently I guess, this was back when this was the greentext stories board and seeing the board change over the years has been interesting I guess I'm not too happy about all these generals popping up lately to be honest, generals are pure cancer for imageboards
I've made two (2!) good friends from here, I've added a ton of people over the years and a most of them have been boring assholes I couldn't connect with except those two which I still talk to
This place doesn't affect my performance in life, I'm here when I feel really good but also when I feel like shit
>Autism. Could you elaborate? Are you attracted by the honesty and strangeness of the people that post here?
Is there any particular reason you left my last question unanswered?
>I feel a distance with people here too. What do you think is causing you to feel this way? If the people that surround you are more similar to yourself, shouldn't it be different to the real life scenario you have mentioned?
>I quit Jow Forums for over a year at one point and I felt the same as before I started coming here. Two hours a day is notable amount of time. What did you use that time for when you weren't coming here? Did you substitute this place with something else? If not, would you have felt better, in a way, if you had access to a community of disenfranchised people without the negative aspects of Jow Forums?
Alexander Wood
>I'm not too happy about all these generals popping up lately to be honest, generals are pure cancer for imageboards Could you further develop your idea that generals are destructive towards this board? I am interested in your thoughts.
>I've made two (2!) good friends from here Through what method did you move communication from the board to a different media?
>I'm here when I feel really good but also when I feel like shit It is understandable to come here when you are feeling down, given the atmosphere that the board fosters. I would like to know why, however, you enjoy being here when you are in a good mood. Do you feel certain connection to the people here?
Cooper Williams
>What do you think is causing you to feel this way? If the people that surround you are more similar to yourself, shouldn't it be different to the real life scenario you have mentioned? It's just something that's wrong with me. I like people, I have friends, I think I can love people but there will always be something a little bit off. An invisible wall between us. I have a friend who is similar to me in a lot of ways, though he is something of an egomaniac and has a passion for life. Still though I feel a distance between us.
>Two hours a day is notable amount of time. What did you use that time for when you weren't coming here? Did you substitute this place with something else? If not, would you have felt better, in a way, if you had access to a community of disenfranchised people without the negative aspects of Jow Forums? I had a full time job and I read, write and play video games. I still play video games and read and write but I quit the job.
Are you probing people to find the weak and then preying on them with offers of private conversation?
Blake Watson
>Could you further develop your idea that generals are destructive towards this board? I am interested in your thoughts. People lock themselves up in 24/7 threads and never interact with the rest of the community and it ends up feeling like a collection of different websites in a single board. Going from board to board already feels like going to different websites, I don't want that on my robot. Plus they're the perfect breeding ground for circlejerks and drama as if that wasn't a problem without them already >Through what method did you move communication from the board to a different media? Steam, video games >Do you feel certain connection to the people here? Not really but it's nice to just come in here and have threads where I can talk about my crap like I'm doing now. I guess I like wallowing in misery even when I'm in a mood that it doesn't really affect me, it's a habit at this point really. I don't visit any other community other than some imageboards
I was on /b/ when it got first made and I liked the idea of a /b/ that didn't have constant reposts. That's it.
Ayden Bailey
Found Jow Forums as a 13 years old dicking around in internet forums. Like the whole anonymous thing, not the muh legion shit but the fact that posters had no name and thus the discussion is much more unbiased than other formats in which the identity of the speaker is more important than the content of his message. Did have a muh legion phase tho. Before I knew it I was here every day.
One of my best IRL friends is from this board. We've known each other for a year. I've had several online friendships that lasted months and even years, but none that last to this day.
I wish reddit would leave. Same for women. I wish fags stayed in their containment board or at least stopped posting gay shit all the time. Other than that it's ok.
And yeah my mind is all fucked. When I've tried to be a functional human I quit this place. I stayed out of here for a good while not long ago. But inevitably everything goes to shit and I crawl right back.
Chase Smith
>Are you probing people to find the weak and then preying on them with offers of private conversation? No. I do not intend to prey on anyone, and have yet to offer anything at all. My intention is to obtain the users' opinion of this board, their likes, dislikes, and if they may offer, their personal relationship to it.
You described the event of your friend introducing you to Jow Forums as "regretful". What makes you feel that way?
>I guess I like wallowing in misery even when I'm in a mood that it doesn't really affect me, it's a habit at this point really. Do you think your continued use of the board has contributed to the acquirement of your habit? What would you do instead, if you did not like to wallow in misery anymore?
>I don't visit any other community other than some imageboards Why do you choose to visit this and other imageboards instead of other communities? Have you attempted to use another similar forum?
Thomas Collins
im here because of the salt of gacha
Ethan Evans
just give me hokusai already for gods sake
John Davis
>Do you think your continued use of the board has contributed to the acquirement of your habit? What would you do instead, if you did not like to wallow in misery anymore? It's a lot of things but yes, this place did help I'd keep living what little life I have? It's not the only thing I do all day. I'm gonna stop elaborating on this because it's getting embarrassing >Why do you choose to visit this and other imageboards instead of other communities? Have you attempted to use another similar forum? I've been visiting these places since I was a toddler, I don't like regular forums and the anonymity is nice. I use IRC and discord but I feel really out of place in public/group chats so I try to avoid them as much as possible
Sebastian Adams
>One of my best IRL friends is from this board. We've known each other for a year. I've had several online friendships that lasted months and even years, but none that last to this day. Did you met your friend on the board? If so, do you remember in what manner? How did the relationship progress to real life? What, in your opinion, made the rest of your online friendships falter?
>I wish reddit would leave. Same for women. I wish fags stayed in their containment board or at least stopped posting gay shit all the time. Other than that it's ok. What do you recognize as the attributes of threads or posts made by reddit and women?
>And yeah my mind is all fucked. Do you think the content of this board is affecting your mind in any way? Is it a positive or negative effect, if any?
>When I've tried to be a functional human I quit this place. I stayed out of here for a good while not long ago. But inevitably everything goes to shit and I crawl right back. Why did you think you needed to quit? What did you miss the most when you were away? What made you come back here, if it is a place that you need to quit in order to improve your life?
>salt of gacha I am not familiar with the term. Would you mind elaborating?
Anthony Gutierrez
wat? 4chang?
>When did you come across this place? Very first time started on /v/, 2015/b/, pre-2016/pol/, stuck on Jow Forums early 2016. >How did it happen? Not sure. >What drew you in? 2b2t. >Why did you decide to stay? Autism. >How much time do you spend here? About 21 hours a week. >Did you make any lasting connections from it? Kinda. My first imgboard. Introduced internet. Still here. Made real-life and net friends. >Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others? Everyone outside Jow Forums are normfag. >Are you satisfied with the state it is in? Bots haven't changed a lot from since I came, which is good. >What would make this place better? Leave it as it is now. Already good. No need to get gooder. ~p
Gavin Smith
>I feel really out of place in public/group chats so I try to avoid them as much as possible What makes you feel out of place? Are you unused to a non-anonymous setting, or is it a matter of perceived differences of lifestyle?
Carson Russell
Why so much interest anyway you weirdo, are you up to something
Gabriel Adams
>No. I do not intend to prey on anyone
I felt I should ask. It seems like a good way to find vulnerable people to take advantage of.
>You described the event of your friend introducing you to Jow Forums as "regretful". What makes you feel that way? It was /b/ specifically that's regretful. I suppose I don't really regret it, but /b/ is just an unpleasant place. I saw things on /b/ that I never wanted to.
John Moore
>When did you come across this place How did it happen? What drew you in? >2011, /new/ like once >2012 Jow Forums Had a strong inclination for Jow Forumsshit ever since I was a kid. I'm 25 now and barely go there anymore because Ive not gotten anything particularly new from browsing it, not as fun as it used to be. Some rando on steam introduced me to it at first. The mysteriousness of the anonymous posting and the board culture drew me in. I now stay on /v/ /tv/ Jow Forums /tg/ /an/ and /ck/ (and /wsg/)
>Why did you decide to stay? Did you have nowhere else to go to? How much time do you spend here? It was the best place to be, I spent a lot of time feeling very down, depressed for years, this helped me stay entertained and connected. /happenwatch/ squad boyooo Nowadays I browse the aforementioned boards once a day at least and 4 times a day at most. It must consume between an hour and 3 of my day. Sometimes I don't browse at all for days. My "always connected" days are over, yet I am still here, forever.
>Did you make any lasting connections from it? Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others? My participation in a certain on-site/off-site board culture related event type community has given me some great friends, two of which Ive been buddies for almost 5 years, both visited me in my home country more than once. It was great fun.
>Are you satisfied with the state it is in? Do you wish you would have a better place to go to? What would make this place better? God no, Jow Forumss last good year was 2015. As I write this I am staggered by how long ago that was. 2016 was a downhill transition period, 2017 was disgusting for the whole site, 2018 saw improvement. No idea on how to "fix" it. I think we're fucked, this is it.
Caleb Jenkins
There is no malicious intent behind my questions, although it would be interesting to know why you would think otherwise. I merely have an interest in knowing what role this board occupies in the lives of its users.
I understand your need to ask, and why you found the fact of being introduced to /b/ regretful. Thank you for your contribution to the thread.
Ian Reed
>Is coming here affecting your performance in life? It used to, but honestly, I was so fucked I was gonna underperform no matter the form of escapism I resorted to. I have no regrets about this site.
>I am eager to have these questions answered by you. If you are reluctant to open up in this thread, I may provide a different form of contact. I will aditionally answer any inquiries you may have. I'm free to be added and talked to in discuck or steam if you'd like to know more. Have a good one user.
>When did you come across this place? Jow Forums in general - 2005 r9k - whenever it was first created. have come and gone as the board has changed a lot of over the years. Rarely come on this board anymore as it started going more downhill in 2014 and is filled with underage people or people here to shitpost ironically. >How did it happen? went from ytmnd and somethingawful to here. I've stayed here since, because I hate other large platforms (eg. reddit, etc). I hate the overarching system designs they have. I detest the karma based system of reddit, and other websites often have overzealous moderators or people that resort to ad-hominem horse shit based on post history. I'd rather wade through a sea of shitposting than have overly moderated forums with people speaking disingenuously for the sake of getting karma or upvotes. >What drew you in? the anonymity but general sense of community that existed >Why did you decide to stay? very few other boards are fairly unmoderated and anonymous. >Did you have nowhere else to go to? no. Many of those other boards I could venture to are fairly unpopulated now. >How much time do you spend here? don't know - enough >Did you make any lasting connections from it? no, because I like to keep people at a distance and that is the point of having an anonymous board in the first place. I have memories and that's fine. >Were there any times when you felt you couldn't connect with others? yes >Are you satisfied with the state it is in? no >Do you wish you would have a better place to go to? yes >What would make this place better? a different community. many of the oldfags left. I should probably join them.
You cannot try to force change without destroying what made the board what it was in the first place. Overzealous mods and trying to enforce a supposed culture destroys what made the board what it was in the first place.
>Is coming here affecting your performance in life? Not really. I'd find another way to waste time.
Jack Scott
I learned of this board while exploring the other boards. I started on /b/. Decided to stay when I realized that shitpostibg is difficult here. I spend most of my free time here. I am not sure how to feel. I am not a optimistic about it.
Connor Thompson
Thank you for the contribution. I have a few more questions I would like to ask. As preferred, I am available on Discord as Hope#9537. Everyone else who would rather communicate through a different channel may add me.
Mason Mitchell
Why are you dissatisfied with the place the board is in? What would a better place, or community, look like? How would it differ from the current Jow Forums?
>many of the oldfags left. I should probably join them. What would joining them entail?
>I spend most of my free time here. I am not sure how to feel. I am not a optimistic about it. What are the aspects that you dislike the most?