
>not supporting British businesses edition

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Wahey the lads!

who else coming to see the Jersey Boys on the 2nd feb?

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Xena can slay my cock any time while cuck boy Hercules can watch

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>join okcupid because desperate
>it's practically a dating app for tumblr people
Seriously this shit is a fucking cesspit. You can put garbage about they/them pronouns on your profile

Ended up going to a different chicken place

It's more expensive
Staff are full blown pakis instead of kurds
They act exactly like their species too, complete disrespect to customers and look of disinterest

I was checking the menu when the paki at the counter asked what I wanted, he looked like he was laughing


d o i n g a p o o l o l

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is it normal for my Ribeana to taste funny?

Is that our local paki tranny nonce?

You have to tick a box to say you're monogomous when you sign up too.

>Seriously this shit is a fucking cesspit
Sounds like a great place for us at r9k then

oh go away you sex pest. you need a frozen piss disc

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I agree with Poley. Migrate over to the proper thread

I agree but it's done now, let's use this one then. next time never use a thread made by some /brit/ or /britpol/ cunt

Yeah what the fuck, every other person on here seems to be a tranny or that gender fluid nonsense (whatever that shit even means)

Fuck you

Support the official thread cunts

This is a quality thread lads

Blendr is better for mongs. OK cupid is a nightmare.

cmon lads, the proper thread

don't act like you didn't make this thread you attention seeking nonce

played like a paki

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