
Proper fucking thread edition

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bump for correct thread lads, better post in here

wonder weasal raped my wife in the ass and my daughter in the ass with no lube and blood

>weekend gone in a flash once again
only 40 years to go

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I'm staying here. Fuck all tripfags and tripfag drama.

This is what happens when the radiomongs shill /britfeel/ to every little shithole

reading with a glass of port

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Good lad, no idea what OP was thinking with the other thread. Amer does seem annoyed at it though so that is something

What is it though Iad?

here's to another night watching top gear specials until i fall asleep lads

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don't know how it happens lad
I tell myself I'm going to do all these things and I never do

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>Nigger neighbours

Anyone else here deal with this shit? I am so fucking sick of them blasting rap music out all the time, they literally have no sense of community or common decency. When they aren't playing music they're shouting and screaming.

It's a great street and I had to live next door to these fucing subhumans. Anyone know a good way of dealing with this?

>Repost from the last thread, still need to see if there's someone I can call or something

Sour cunts you'll get what you're given

ya nonces

ye Im seriously doing a stinky poo

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good taste lad, the specials are the best ones. shame the grand tour is a bit of a let down

Currently messaging a fairly hot milf in a 'polyamerous' relationship, on okcupid about her sex life.
Desperately trying to get her to say some dirty stuff to wank over but she's just harping on and on about womens rights to that stuff.

a sexy discord for sexy ppl like u

Some newfag mongs from brit and britpol keep making new breads

>that one guy who posts the same thing again

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Going back to study in the UK on the 13th

Is it cold there?

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Police can't deal with noise complaints where I live, it has to go through the council. But they're lazy and incompetent. I guess you could hound the council and hope they do something, or take matters into your hands. *wink wink*

Albanians are worse. There's about 20 of them living in a 1 bedroom flat upstairs, at one point they had 4 vans and 3 cars on the drive. Best thing to do is complain to the landlord or the council. Alternatively you could start fucking with them, smash a few eggs in their mailbox.

na night ziggeh, see ya in the mornin' pal 229

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>tfw no gf to watch Das Boot with who won't ask to skip the slower scenes because she appreciates the tone of the film

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love all this seething

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>let their tyres down
>swat them
>start leaving conspicuous watermelons near their property
>sign their address up to everything under the sun online
>disc of frozen piss under the door

gn ziggy

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Delete it lad, you're going to get us in trouble with jannies.
But I'm not sexy

finishing the night with a fat bowl and some hot choc, hope you lads are comfy

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>you're going to get us in trouble with jannies

who cares, only sad fucks would work for free

I care because the thread can get banned.


then what would you do with your time moni?

Maybe your thread but not this one, fuck off radiomong

I made a new friend

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No, my mum brought round her mates norf fc tier bf because she died and now. I'm stuck in my room getting increasing hungry.

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Guess I'll try the council, though surely blasting rap music is a breach of peace, especially if it's pushing people so far.

Sorry to hear that user, no Albanians down my end, just this one pack of apes with no decency.

Any nightlids here ready for another all nighter? Slept until 6pm so doubt I'll be going to bed anytime soon.

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I wake up at 3pm sorry lad

Unfortunately not lid as I have exams tomorrow. Good luck, night night

be quiet lad

I think you lads are a bit confused. I was asking the cunts in the other thread to delete their thread. I'm not poley and I don't listen to the radio.

What games you got fren? I might buy some new ones frens play.

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where should i go
apparently ive got tons of holiday still left to take, and has to be used up by end of month.
want city to just wonder around and take photos, free museums and shit. then airbrb and cheap restaurant at night, cba to go out.

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Made 2 big massive pots of soup very successful sunday evening

In regard to this post from the last thread:
I know how you feel m8. I've given up on searching; the mentally ill usually find their way to me. That's as close as it gets to comradeship. Damaged people drawn together to share their misery. Welcome to Jow Forums.

Reminded me of this kino.


No lad, off to bed, na night

>younger brother wants his girlfriend to move in so they can save up for a house
>mum isn't keen on this because she knows they won't last a month together
>she also knows it's the only way they'll be able to save up for their own place
>asks me what I think
>think for a bit
>she then says "oh never mind, I guess it's a good thing that you'll never have these problems"
>'mmm... yeah'
made me realise how fucked I am if my normie brother has to resort to this

ohhhh what a feeeeeeling. dancing on the ceiling


DO you work night shifts or something? Man needs his beauty sleep.

want to watch this but seen the ending so i guess theres no point

>hacker lad

>DO you work
oh user

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The ending is the least important part of zombie movies though, it's all about the character interactions leading up to the ending.

>>she then says "oh never mind, I guess it's a good thing that you'll never have these problems"

cheeky bitch, how could she be so heartless as to say that to her own son?

aaaaaaa i haven't had anything to eat for like 3 days because i've been ill and now i'm really hungry. can someone cook me some food i'm still too ill to cook

Still I remember Key moments also the smart Zombie thing was cringe.

Thanks tho your post made me smirk

probably because he fucking leaches off her or something.

Right now I'm mostly just playing BO4. I recently got Spyro as well but haven't played it much.

If you count editing on Wikipedia as a job then sure I work night shifts.

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Do you write out the edits then post them to Wikipedia?

I mean I don't either, but I try to avoid all nighters now, I have enough mental problems with them making me weird.

>Used to do all nighters watching anime on a weekly basis

Most zombie movies end in a total wipeout of the cast with maybe 1 or 2 survivors still stuck in that shithole.
I've given up caring about the endings.

In 2001, the White British population of the UK was 87% of the total population. In 2011, that figure dropped to 79.8% and now, in 2019, I imagine it's around 75%. In the 2021 census, it could genuinely be as low as the 70% mark and that doesn't even account for the nearly 2 million mostly non-white illegal immigrants that are suspected to be living in the UK.

My point is this: the age of a white Britain is over, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. There's no need to be fearful of this new Britain that we're transitioning into. The trends shows no sign of slowing down and just like in the USA; we will be one of the first countries to have 'majority minority' in that the White British population will consist of less than 50% of the total population. You can resist all you want, but there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop this inevitably.

I personally think this is very exciting. We are one of the most diverse countries on the planet and that's a beautiful thing. I know it's a bit of a platitude at this point but diversity really is and will continue to be our greatest strength.

A bit pricey fren, my bennies can only stretch so far.
Got your eye on any other games?

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not even racist but I'll be moving to a nice white british countryside town that'll be unaffected during my lifetime x

Repost, also nonsense, leftists are fortunately losing their grasp on power and won't be an issue in a few years time.

Germany's Demographic Demise?


haha too right *walks away to find less obvious bait*

>I have enough mental problems with them making me weird.
How so?
Better than being a dayfag and becoming a seething nutjob imo, even lately with drama nights.
True, seen some cheesy found footage one with a bunch of college students? dm?

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haha yeah I love modern britain

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I pay rent for my room and my brother doesn't despite earning more than I do.

Anyone have FA Cup success lads?

How is it bait? Those are figures from official UK census'

Shit lads, Physics exam tomorrow and although I know the definitions and the formulas I can't fucking solve a problem for the life of me. Other problems were much simpler now it's some sin*m(1,2,3) shit no fucking idea.

I just make edits where and when I see fit. You know the Wikipedia article about the Gatwick drones? I made that one.

I'm getting CTR: Nitro Fueled when it comes out in June. Probably going to get the new Doom game as well.

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as long as the units match you're halfway there

You aint getting in my pants that easily boyo.
I'm already mentally capped out for people I talk to anyway.

Did you ever realize that everything going on in your mind -- every thought, feeling, sensation, everything you are aware of -- is in fact happening only in your private internal world? Your thoughts appear only to you, and are not being heard by anyone else whatsoever. There is one physical world here on earth, but billions of different internal worlds. We are all in our own separate theaters, witnessing entirely different shows, and yet we behave as it we are in the same audience, watching the very same event we call life.

Why is it important to contemplate this truth? To meditate on this is liberating, because it implies that what we are personally living inside our heads is not real. We are aware of our thoughts, so in that sense they are real. And yet, our thoughts do not exist outside of our awareness. There is nowhere else where the thought that is appearing to you at this moment is actually occurring. Unlike the way we imagine it, our thoughts are not solid, like trees or rocks that exist outside of us in some tangible way. Certainly I have never seen a thought walk by me on the street. Where, how and if thoughts even exist within the body is not clear. That thoughts appear to our awareness, on a giant projection screen (to which we are the audience), is all we know.


>the only people that will ever love you are genetically programmed to

Let's say that at this moment you are having a thought about a friend and something specific that she did, and what you want to say to her in response. That friend who you are thinking about is not experiencing your thought (about her) at this moment. If you don't engage with, or entertain that thought, it will literally not exist. The thought appears only within you. Your friend knows nothing of it. And making it even stranger, you did not even have the thought that you are calling "yours." Rather, it appeared to and within your awareness, without your ever choosing it or asking it to show up! If that thought is not fueled with your attention or interest, it will already have disappeared.

What makes a thought feel real is the attention we bring to it. We make a thought into a solid object by focusing on it and relating to it as if it is an event happening in the world somewhere. Usually in the world of the person or thing that we are thinking about. We link the two -- the thought and the object that the thought is about -- when in fact, the two are not actually connected. Our thought does not affect the object of that thought unless we believe it does. How freeing it is to know that if we do not attend to a thought, answer it, change it, identify with it and all the rest, it literally ceases to exist. If we let a thought be nothing, then that's what it will be... nothing.

It can be a bit frightening to realize that we are the only ones living the experience that we are living, that what we are calling our experience doesn't exist in any real sense, except for an instant inside our minds. So, too, it can be unsettling to consider that there really is no shared experience going on whatsoever. Furthermore, we do not choose the thoughts and feelings that appear before us -- they simply appear to our awareness and then disappear, like fireflies in the night. From what thoughts are made and from where do they come, we simply cannot know.


Depression, anxiety, the usual robot things with a side of blind rage over little things that gets me into fights and arrested.

What about you night-walker user?

But the question then begs, if each one of us is hearing different thoughts (living an entirely different circus, if you will), none of which we actually script ourselves, then to whom or what are all these separate and individual performances appearing? Who or what is the larger audience -- the collective awareness within which all these individual events occur? This is a question to ponder rather than answer.

And so the next time that a thought appears before you, within your awareness, remember that it is not real in the sense that it has some solid form or exists somewhere outside of you. The contents of what you are thinking about are in no way affected by the fact that this thought is appearing within you, nor is he/she/it aware that such an event is happening in your internal world. The thought appears in front of and within only you. Without the juice of your attention, it simply disappears without a trace.

(3) END

if I have to move my eyes I dont read it

Thought my keyboard was broke so I've used my touchscreen keyboard thing which is shite.

Turns out I just had filter keys on.
Shame I wanted your boicunny
Can relate except the last part you dazza normie.
>night-walker user?
No, just some user but I'm one of his groupies

tl;dr: your thoughts aren't real

/night walk user/ has groupies?

The real reasons the world is going to shit is because of massive overpopulation and global warming leading us to the brink of global collapse. The world as we know it is becoming more and more uninhabitable for humans and the world leaders are choosing to ignore it because embracing it and trying to enact change would destroy the status quo in terms of power dynamics. Capitalism needs to fall to it's knees in order to produce the economic changes required to even slightly reduce the damage we are doing to our environment. And the upper echelons of society will not let that happen lest they piss of shareholders or lose a couple of hundred million out of their billions.

We are witnessing humanities destruction. That is why there is geopolitical tension EVERYWHERE you look and it's mounting to unprecedented levels. Have you ever heard of the west being this fractured before, bar, obviously Germany in the 40's? Trade wars with the Chinese, Russia manipulating the American and European governments like puppets and installing rightwing leaders to fracture the masses, europe in crisis due to the influx of refugees from a war torn middle east... and speaking of the middle east don't get me started.

We're all absolutely fucked. We're just lucky we're at the very end of it. It'll likely start going to shit at the end of our lifetimes and tbqh I don't really care because I'll be dead before the shit hits the fan. All I know is I am certainly not bringing kids into this mess.

>this is the closest the clock has been to midnight since its inception in 1947. Just consider that for a minute lads.

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Fat norf fc man is still here


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And in 50 years time it'll be 2 seconds to midnight.
All that will change is how we measure it.
Miliseconds, nanoseconds. It'll never hit 0.

Why worry about something that's completely out of your control?

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see ya in the mornin me sweet stardust

Copypasta spam spackers get force fed glasses or red port.

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Well that's obvious.
You could theoretically predict the future with 100% accuracy if you knew the state of every atom at once, our paths are already set in stone.

It won't hit zero because there won't be any form of society to continue the clocks existence.

I'm not worrying lad. I just think more people should be aware. Would quite like to see all of us plebs taking shit into our own hands and taking back the land and wealth that is rightfully ours.

I'm relatively content, I'll be dead before it hits the fan most likely. Or at least in old age eating porridge, watching countdown and having my arse wiped by a nurse.

every time you move your eyes your vision actually cuts out for a split second. if it didn't then it would blur like a camera does. for an average of 2 hours a day you're effectively blind

>he has a manifesto
>he posts his manifesto thinking people will care and it will wake them up

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>contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation

A recurring pattern for you this isn't it lad?