How do you guys cope when going through a really bad depressive episode? I'm in so much pain right now

How do you guys cope when going through a really bad depressive episode? I'm in so much pain right now.

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I talk to my wife about it and she makes me a lot of comfort foods and gives me the same amount of endearment that she does to her cat.

Never been depressed thankfully but you should seek help user. From professionals rather than Jow Forums autists. Speak to a doctor, family member or friend.

I take antipsychotics and sleep. It's not the best way to cope but I'd rather not deal with the pain. I wish I could sink into the ground and feel nothing.


I dunno man. I'm going through what feels like my first true period of depression right now. Everything just seems so fucking pointless.
I truly understand why people turn to drugs.

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I accept what I'm feeling, understand there's no logic that will solve it, remember that it's TEMPORARY, and do things that feel good: play vidya, watch favorite TV shows, go for a /nightwalk/, eat a favorite snack, nap, go work out, etc.

Accepting it and remembering it's temporary will make you feel 50% better about it. The other 50% is time. You'll wake up one day and feel great again.

Some form of physicals activity helps a lot for me. Everyone is different, but that's my solution.

Get angery about shit, anger might not be much healthier but it's preferable to feeling weak, alone and pathetic
You never know as well, maybe one day you'll actually do something about it too

Why are you depressed? can you pinpoint some of the reasons?

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Situational depression is not temporary or just inexplicable bad feelings
seriously just fuck off no one was talking to you you annoying fucking normalfag

Feel like complete shit till it ends. Pace around the house flapping my hands saying "why?" or "oh god why?" again and again

same, i'm trying not abuse lorazepam right now.

comfy pic btw

I listen to sad music and be a dick to everybody

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i used to take comfort in the thiught that I could end it at any time. Suicide became a fantasy that I would meditate on all day long. But ever since I promised my dad i would not take my own life. I don't know what to do. nothing makes me happy, i dont really enjoy anything anymore, and i have no hope for the future. I always thought that I was too selfaware to go completely nuts, but lately im starting to wonder if im eventually gong to become a full on lunatic

Dream about killing yourself every night for over 10 years but never do anything, never feel joy or have anything to look forward to and just basically become a zombie.

Seems to work for me.

Then go see a counselor who can help you understand why you're feeling that way in a specific situation, and see a psychologist to get medicine to help with it.

Or you can play pretend psychology with anons on the internet, then keep whining about why it never gets any better. Most likely you'll do this because you're a pussy who can't handle reality from an expert trained in identifying your real issues.

All of his advice is good regardless of whether or not you have chronic depression or a bout of depression. It all feels the same.

>tfw psychiatrist basically tells you he's outt of ideas and mentions electroshock therapy


Smokes, alcholol and vidya. Also sad music like mumble trap or lofi.

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unironically weed helps me the most. except when i'm dry the depressive episodes hit 5x harder.

that shit is scary I heard about losing your memory from it.

>but lately im starting to wonder if im eventually gong to become a full on lunatic

It really does be like that. I'd love to go to some sort of psychiatrist and finally have someone just straight up confirm that I'm going crazy, but I can't afford it and I don't want to scare my family as there has been a lot of suicide in the family before. I wish someone else would just kill me so I'm not to blame so I'm not to blame and they don't feel guilty, just sad.

How much do you make? Is there anything you can give up for one or two months to pay for a psychiatrist to improve your life? Having a family history of suicide is a pretty damn good reason to go.

Yeah I feel the same way. I've been diagnosed with bipolar so I guess I am just crazy but lately it feels like I'm losing my grip on reality. I want to ascend to a higher plane of existence where I can observe people without the emotions weighing me down.

Can you guys tell me how this shit works? Like how do i get notified that someone replied or how do i keep track of my posts

Just drink the pain away my friend

Oh I don't actually believe I can do that by the way but that's how I'm feeling right now.

A notification will pop up by default near your inbox, just relax dude, here's some gold to get you started :)

Nothing, I'm just in college with no job. I honestly don't really believe that it would even help me anyway, but I just want to know for sure that I am fucked

You fuck off back to Plebbit, that's what you do

Try LSD or shrooms
See a psych for some antidepressants
Get ketamine infusions if you have the $$$ and live near a center

Your college should have provisions for you to see a psychiatrist on campus. Treat them like a regular doctor. All you do is tell them your symptoms and they prescribe you some medicine to help. It'll be your first step to feeling better. After that try counciling. Just give it a try a few times. It's better than how you feel now.

Electroshock therapy does have the side effect of temporary amnesia, but the efficacy rate is 80-90% IIRC so it's worth it

talking and spending time with friends

that has helped me a lot

other than that trying to spend time with things you enjoy, even though that can be really hard and feel really pointless

hope you make it through user

>LSD or shrooms
why do people keep mentioning these? what do they do?
>See a psych for some antidepressants
what do these feel like? I hear they take weeks or months to start working which sounds like bullshit

LSD seems to have anti depressed effects for a while after their use. They're studying it to see if they can microdose it to help with depression.

Antidepressants can really help with anxiety and to a point depression but you need to keep yourself healthy and active. They can be really numbing if you take too much of them.

They take the extreme highs and lows you feel and level them out. You'll be able to think more clearly because you're not fighting your emotions as much. You feel stable, that's about the best way to describe it. SSRIs/SNRIs do take about 2 weeks to take effect, followed by any adjustments thereafter. Once you've got your dose set you won't need to go back and adjust anymore. Like one visit every 6 months.
You can get other medicine in the meantime that can help immediately, but they're not designed to be long-term solutions (e.g. xanax). They'll make you feel good for like 2 hours or so but then you go right back to where you were.

I've had bad depression since I was 15. I'm 26 now. I was getting to the point that suicide was pretty much my only choice. I ended up going to the GP and seeing a phyc. Turns out I have Bipolar and have to take medication and shit. But on the plus side I'm not all over the place now. Worth going to the GP to get it sorted out

Sorry bud I'm way too paranoid to do that shit. Also I've embraced being unhinged and I want to see how deep the rabbit hole is and see if I can go all the way to lunacy. It occurs to me that insanity is the end result of thinking. THe average person doesn't think and avoids thinking, but when there are no distractions you see things the way they truly are. I feel Im understanding things more now than I ever did

You're not. You're understanding less. You won't find any more truth by allowing an illness to consume you.

I don't really have a choice. I've been on meds and in therapy for years. i'm probably just fucked but it's no big deal because I'm no danger to anyone.

Not everyone is blessed with a life partner

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