do you have any tattoos?
Do you have any tattoos?
>allowing your 7 year old son to make decisions that will impact him his entire life
the absolute state of single mothers
1 in my left arm, a big one in my chest and i pretend to do a s.t.a.l.k.e.r mark on my forearm this year.
I have one but it's not finished yet, i might get more but Who knows
he already seems socialized enough to the point he's confident enough to take on a fashion sense. He will probably have this personality and fashion sense for the rest of his life. The tattoos seem pretty tame and they're on parts of his body that would be covered in the work place so it's not like he won't be able to get a job in the future.
i wonder how these tattoos will look as he has a growth spurt and gets taller/wider
that kid is going to slay so much pussy its not even funny
Who do you think forced this "fashion sense" onto him?
5. Going to get a sixth this year.
It is not legal and pic is a bait retards.
his rich parents? The tattoos aren't even bad. It's not like he's being forced to be goth/weeaboo/religious. If the child doesn't mind the pain of the tattoos and they aren't harmful then it isn't an issue.
His mother that does tattoos? The tattoos not being bad doesn't mean anything. He could change his taste when he grows up but still be stuck with these nonsensical tattoos.
>tfw haven't had social media in centuries
That's not twitter, is it? Assuming not instagram, but could be. Want to use the hashtags to find the post.
None. Only niggers and white trash have tattoos.
Yeah I do and I plan to get more. I dig the aesthetic. The only issue is that they're expensive and I got no money nor a will to work.
Instagram i think, it's definitely not twitter
He's going to be a trustfund kiddie and/or a drain on tax dollars.
Nonsense. Many cultures, from Pacific Islanders to Vikings, have long had a tradition of tattoos.
That's actually kind of cute. A kid asking for pain from his mother instead of getting it randomly without knowing why.
If it's legal to cut his foreskin it should be legal to tattoo him.
No, I am not a retard who needs to mark himself.
Those are some very clear and distinct tattoos.
They will come in very handy ID'ing him when he breaks into houses in 8 years
i probably wouldn't get a tattoo, because nothing matters to me enough for me to get it inked on my body... except somethings that people would see and think i want to gas all the jews in showers of death or something
Tats are disgusting and degenerate
My mind is too analytical to stick to one image and it's meaning for my whole life and i have too little of a personality or life to be attached to some thing or idea enough to tatoo it.
Also, tats only look good for a little while and then they look like shit.
absolutely based and redpilled
Your examples are more or less covered by what he said.
won't those tattoos warp?
I love seeing some good ink on people, but only if they know what they are doing. Kids will get some edgy shit on them to look "cool" and idiots will get a name of their gf tattooed, thats obviously retarded. I don't even have to say anything about rappers and thug types in general. But people who do it with style and have a story behind each one can really pull it off imo. I'll prob get some, I have several ideas but I'll need to get more financially stable first
he won't be able to get a job with dreads
>Many cultures, from Pacific Islanders to Vikings, have long had a tradition of tattoos.
The tattoos they had also didn't look like shit
Yeah tell that to Brock Lensar or the undertaker
Tattoos are for bad ass bikers and fighters
When a girl sees a tattoo she gets wet knowing the man is an alpha male
What are you some kind of wimpy faggy church going WASP?Women don't beta male goody two shoes like you
>He's free to make his own choices!
>Can't be older than 10
He really shouldn't be free to make his own choices, they'll all be stupid. This kid is fucked.
It's also worth noting that we're not Vikings or Pacific Islanders. Our tradition is that tattoos are for sailors and criminals.
They also had tattoos to symbolize their places in their communities.
They weren't shit like a butterfly trampstamp or Tyrone's name tattooed around their asshole rofl
Yeah OK nigger. Keep telling yourself that.
I don't think "bad ass" when I see a white person with tatts. I think "opiate addict" or maybe "meth head" and imagine that they live in some shit rural town with that black user who's on probation for DUI and wants to move to a city.
Doesnt matter what a square like you thinks. Your gf cucks you with tattood bad asses that shat choke her while she calls them daddy
very stupid, is that the shape you unlock your phone with?
The only kind of tattoo I would get would be the universal on/off symbol over my heart.
i have a chad tattoo on my face so now i am a chad.
did you draw that yourself with a felt tip pen
Slightly better than turning the kid into a tranny since you can lazer off tats.
No because I dont want something permanent on my body. If I buy an ugly shirt I can just donate it, my fashion sense is way different than it was 5 years ago and I dont want to make commitments future me would cringe at
modern attitude. people have had tats for thousands of years for very different purposes.
I got a face tat the other day...bout that trendy rapper life now i just gotta hit da stu and spit some hot shit. .need some beats doe who has work???
Pick your poison lol
But yeah i agree it's better than that