Fantasized and idealized suicide and murder for so long I developed a ryona/guro fetish

>fantasized and idealized suicide and murder for so long I developed a ryona/guro fetish
Honestly it's pretty liberating. Only if there was less of those shitty western 3DCG and less pics of the cannibalism subgenre.

Any other lads with this patrician fetish? I want your thoughts. Only post here if you'd pop a raging boner from cleaving an anime girl in twine with a sword.
Or you'd fuck a zombie girl, it's one of them slippery slopes

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Got some help, user.

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i dont understand people that want to kill random strangers, i understand if someone ruins your life you want to take revenge, but i seriously dont understand why people want to hurt innocent people

also zombie girls are hot and i would gladly fuck one but that doesnt mean i like guro

I just helped myself to a pretty nice pics desu.

That's cause you're a shitty omega geek that hasn't gotten over his self-pity stage.
Or maybe you're underage and didn't develop any kind of backbone or selfishness yet.

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how is it self pity to not want to hurt random people, that seems the opposite

Cause you still feel like many bad things that happen to you are deserved or some form of divine retribution for not being better.
Newsflash, the world is not a place of balance or retribution, you just have to take justice into your own hands, and that justice might as well be a pleasant bittersweet flavor.

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i dont feel that way at all, its just that if i wanted to ever hurt someone i wouldnt post about it online, but that would only be if someone raped me or something

>develop selfishness
Abandoning selfishness one of the steps to the path of maturity. What are you talking about?

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It's all just a fantasy though, user. Never fantasized about the surreal?

The concept of maturity is a false God. You either develop a personality or you succumb to peer pressure and become a normalfag.

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i have fantasized about that stuff but its always revenge never against innocents, only revenge on people that have ruined my life and other lives

I'm not a fan a sexual guro. But I do like pics of anime girls getting brutally killed

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Hurting out of revenge is an empty act and only leads to you feeling regretful of your actions and unfulfilled by the outcome.
Hurting out of self-satisfaction on the other hand? Same as masturbating, except not as carnal. The innocence is just cherry on top. Seeing despair in innocent eyes is a delicious feeling.
That's why bully fetish exists Good taste btw

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Thanks. Aosora is one of my favorite artists

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based non sexual guro posters

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I too enjoy this wonderful fetish.

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shut the fuck up you edgy 16 year old lmao. pretend to be tough on ig or fb not here

manlet ass white boy hahaha

Yikes Trayvon

Honestly worst fetish. Absolutely fucked. Irredeemable.
Ted bundy fetish.
Everyone with this fetish deep down knows it's wrong and hate themselves for it.
What the fuck man, immoral fuckmans

I don't like highly sexual guro it disturbers me, i like asphyxiation but only if it's to passing out strangulation to death makes me sad even if it is only a drawing

Only patricians allowed to post in this thread.

I like to have fun too, user.
Sometimes I think of fun things in my head.

Little gargles, little squirts, little labored breaths

I wish I could do fun things and not get spanked for being very naughty

I like color purple a lot. I like percussive maintenace, too.

I wouldn't like to hurt innocent people, but sometimes my brain can't help but react in a funny way

I know it's supposed to be sad, but my heart races a little bit and my cheeks start to feel a bit warm.

Guro is less degenerate than traps

Reporting in
I fantasize about it a lot. Like when I'm masturbating to a normal image of an anime girl I'll imagine brutally mutilating and murdering her, and I'll get rock hard like nothing else. I do like guro too, but I try to avoid it because it explicitly reminds me of how sick this is. Also a lolicon too, which makes it all worse.

>I wish I could do fun things and not get spanked for being very naughty

You sound like a edgy faggot.

I try not to get them mixed with each other, lolicon and guro. It's like holding back two rabid pitbulls from mating with each other and making a freak baby.

You'd sound better when you're gurgling in your own blood.

I can't say these things in a straight way because I don't like to be nonchalant about it. I know it's not normal.

I don't think you can say anything in a straight way. Because you are gay

OP is an edgy faggot


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I love pictures like this. I just want to comfort her and get her to a hospital.

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I can't help it. I fap to lolicon 80% of the time, and every time I have thoughts about brutalizing them and it gets me harder than anything else.

I like guro

I used to fantasize about killing myself and others all the time user.
I got my license a few years ago, saved up for a decent shitbox and driving became my passion, I made a living delivering and started to enjoy living just a little bit more.
I still fantasize about snapping and killing myself in a horrific wreck at 3am on the highway but its fine desu

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I love guro