Going to literally kys in 6 hours. What should I do before that? How to mentally prepare so I wont puss out?

Going to literally kys in 6 hours. What should I do before that? How to mentally prepare so I wont puss out?

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Please don't do it user. You may not be able to see it now, but your life can and will get better, and you have the power to make that happen. What has driven you to take such a drastic and irreversible action? We're always here whenever you need to talk. We believe in you user!

do something that can possible aid in your depression. You're obviously not concerned with consequences so go all out. Solve your problem by any means necessary.

You have to livestream it so we can encourage you to go through with it

Sorry man. I appreciate what you do but I have already decided. I dont have any future and unless you have time machine I cant fix my past mistakes.

Take a bunch of cocaine. Then write a manifesto explaining your life, your beliefs, your reasonings, your feelings. Drop that shit off here and then do what you want.

How are you going to do it?

I think the acronym you were looking for is "kms".

>What should I do before that?


Just don't do it.

Don't puss out.

I absolutely promise you that you will thank me in the future.

Sorry to clarify I meant to write that you SHOULD puss out. Don't kill yourself.

I dont have internet in my phone. Hell I dont even have a phone that could handle browsing internet.
I dont have cocaine nor time to write a manifesto. I am planning so just go deep into the forest, slit my wrist vertically and fall asleep.

Rest in peace Peter the Wombat, a true robot to the end.

Idiot fucktard maybe it's you who should kys

>normalfagging this hard

OP, get drunk, a good bender, but read depressing shit that reminds you of how blackpilled, how cypher tier the life we live is. The injustices of the world. The fact that the world reveres in lack of fairness. The fact that we are not kind, it's all faux smiles. Remember that history is shit, and it can't change. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so nothing ever gets better. Everything is lies, ignorance. A fuck you I've got mine world with no cure to the common cold, it bans love, bans peace.

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Yeah sorry man. You are right.


I'm sorry, Patrick.

That's the lamest way to commit suicide, dude. Postpone your suicide until you can come up with a better way to do it. You're given a stay of execution on grounds of lameness and inadequacy.

Thanks. I think getting drunk is really good idea.

It's not that easy. Bleeding out is a long process, the adrenalin is guaranteed to prevent you from falling asleep, and your blood will most likely coagulate unless you keep your cuts in running water. Hanging is more guaranteed but much scarier and painful.

Why don't you believe you have a future op? Can you at least tell us about your past mistakes? Maybe someone here can provide some insight.

The world can suck, but that doesn't mean we have to give in. Robots have to stick up for each other, we're the only ones who will.

Do you have any money?
Go get some nice food to enjoy before you die.

I am not doing it for your pleasure dude, I decided I am either going to do it in 6 hours or never.

>. I am planning so just go deep into the forest, slit my wrist vertically and fall asleep.
That's a very bad idea. You should hang yourself if you're serious about this. Just as cheap but won't take 2 hours to die, even if you fuck up and choke instead of snap it's like a painful 2-3 minutes, not 120.

If you're already a dead man walking I don't see why you wouldn't try getting help in some way but up to you. Either way, don't slit your wrists, that's a fucking meme and makes me question your motives for doing this. Rope, gas, gun, belt or big splat, only ways to go out.

It's also going to be slow and painful and maybe not even kill you.
i.e. inadequate.

I am to stupid to hang myself, I will just go really deep and spin around so I wont know the way out.
Same as above, plus if it wont work I am facing pernament brain injuries with hanging. I would like to avoid it.

How about never then? Why don't you do and solve your problem by any means necessary? Can you please tell us the problem op?

Remember why you're doing it. Keep your thoughts steadily on those motivations. If you let yourself start thinking about other things, you will lose the ability or regret it halfway through.

It would be better if you didn't kys though. You could be more use to everyone alive than dead.

I just wasted my entire life. I dont want to talk about it.

if you want to ensure your death, research some more about this. you have six hours, right? how cold is it where you are? are there any bodies of water near you? hypothermia would work better in that situation.dont slit your wrists because that has a 6% chance of sucess and takes longer than death ever should

What should I do before that? :
Well, I'm not sure how numb/disconnected you are. But what used to be your greatest desire? A dream or perhaps an old pleasure you used to indulgde in?

How to mentally prepare so I wont puss out: Just thinking about your life, disappointments and the future might do the trick.

I would still advise you not to do it as you are of value to this world and your loved ones. If you end up doing it, goodbye user. May you find peace.

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So be it. God speed user. I hope you finally find comfort.

Please tell us so that we can help you user. Or just to talk. This is an anonymous board, and you are among people who are like you. No matter how old you are, it is never ever too late to live your life as you want to.

>he thinks he's going to just casually fall asleep after stabbing himself in the arm and twisting the knife a couple of times
>he thinks he will be able to handle the unbearable pain that's gonna come from literally TWISTING the FUCKING KNIFE in his fucking wound
good luck op

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what about sliting both wrists from hand to the elbow?

My fucking god i need to take a flight to prevent this homo from dying

OP wants to die and that was his personal choice, shut up and let him do it

no matter your willpower it would be really hard to achieve. also depends on the knife you're planning on using and etc. just overall too hard. i

No. As long as op is still sucking air, we will be here to show him why his life is worth living.

Hanging isn't more painful if you do it right and it isn't as hard to do right as you might think. It's just tying the knot and getting the drop right, neither are too crazy.

also strangulation, if you can't get a neck-breaking drop, kinda sucks but it can put you out in under a minute, even though it can take your body several to die but that's way better than slitting your wrists(1 min of pain vs hours) also you can do it from your doorknob or a sturdy enough tree branch, just tie and slope down.

so what else can I slip to speed this up?

Look, it's possible if you cut really deep enough. But there will be buckets of blood everywhere and you will have to see it through for a long time. I don't have the video, but there's one where some guy killed himself the way you want to and he was freaking the fuck out by the end of it. Still accomplished his mission though.

If you want to go with bleeding, you're better off hitting the carotid artery in your neck. You'll be gone within minutes.

There was an user who posted a few months ago who had tried to kill himself (tried being the operative word). He slit his wrists, cut his throat, and even cut his stomach open. His roommate called 911 about 45 minutes later when a shitton of blood started pooling out from under his bedroom door.
He got out of it with a few scars and a medical bill. This dude, who fucked himself up much worse than you're planning, SURVIVED for the better part of an hour bleeding out in his room, not to mention not even dying afterwards. What in the hell makes you think slitting your wrists is going to do anything other than cause huge amounts of physical pain for yourself and emotional suffering for anyone who cares for you? Spoiler alert: you're going to fall at suicide and wake up in the forest hypothermic (but not enough to die), with infected arms and congealed blood everywhere (but not enough to die immediately) and realizing what a moron you are. Reconsider your decision or this is what awaits you.

Do some more research, but i seem to be agreeing with other anons so far, dont slit your wrists, hanging yourself will work 100% if youre alone in a forest with no chances of getting discovered

This is just going to be really painful user, and you might not even actually die.

do drugs that ruin your body like heroin, you're gonna die anyway, if you're too afraid to do that maybe stay alive

brb alerting authorities

Go here, OP.


Check the side bar for other methods, don't die in abject agony.

so why all those emos slit their wrists if they don't actually die from it
I was memed into doing this and I feel bad
I guees I need to buy a rope

You should try out shrooms first or something like always gets recommended to everyone making these threads. People who've tried often say how much pity they have for people who have never tried and experienced such a thing in their existance.

If you don't care for such things maybe even Nofap can help you. Try to resist its temptations and urges if you mastrubate too much. I recommend it to everyone.

WALK with Christ, brothers of Jow Forums. Find power in a higher faith to cope with the misery of life.

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