User why don't you install TanTan right now?

user why don't you install TanTan right now?

No tinder Stacies who only want chads
High moral QT Chinese girls
Would love to chat with you!

>B- but I don't speak Chinese!
Don't worry user! Google translate has gotten so good that you don't need anything else.
Just don't make too complex sentences and you'll be fine!

>I can only find people in my country
Either root your phone and spoof GPS or buy premium (it's super cheap, around 5-6$ for 3 months)

>But I'm a neet/too ugly/what ever
No you're not user!
There is someone for everyone!

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Chinks are ugly and only want Chang Big Wang.

They just treat you as free English lessons.

That's honestly a myth.
It might be like that for a few cases in the smaller provinces, but it's really not like that in any semi major city.
Usually they don't want to speak English if they can avoid it. They are actually interested in learning about you and talking with you
>inb4 it's only because you're white
Yea no shit and you generally only want them because they are Asians! Nothing wrong with that user!

>Big Wang

>big wang
Close your shit OP chinese womens are sluts like every women in this gay earth

>got 600 matches in 2 weeks
>all the gook girls apparently are into blue eyes
>got bored of it and uninstalled the app

Why would I install another whole app when I have Tinder Plus and can change my location to any place in the world, including Chinese cities?

Tinder is full of sluts and Chad hungry cunts

That's usually how it goes, but if you already have human contact then gtfo from Jow Forums and go on some other board

Sam fagging go away cucks

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>high moral

Nigga whaaaaa?

what's the point if you don't live in china? is it worth talking to them?

Lol if you think any other app is different. All girls want Chad.

Sorry but no
Original shitttt

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I'm the guy who uses Tinder Plus to talk to girls from other countries.

Even if you never meet them, it's a nice confidence boost knowing there are girls out there who could see you as a romantic partner, versus American women who treat you like trash unless you're like 6'6, have a model tier body and face and make like a trillion dollars a year.

But you could potentially develop it into a LDR and eventually bring her over. Like the saying goes, you just keep throwing shit against the wall and only one of them have to stick.

Now are you going to tell us how we should buy Huawei phones and vote for Trump and buy more neodymium?

Once again depends on the girls.
If you find girls in the capital who come from higher education, then it's true.
If you're like me and have no friends, no one to talk to and really just want any from of attention, then yes.
Yes but here you are the chad, even if you're by far not a chad by Western standards
This. Best advice.
Tantan is just easier for people who don't look as good
Kek I wish, but I only get paid 1 RMB pr post shilling TanTan, Huawei don't pay me

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I dont have a credit card, or that kind of money.

Spoof GPS location then user!
It's not that hard and free

But I despise women. I come to these threads for kicks.