>problem with executive functioning means i can't even do the things i want to do, never mind any kind of work
>lack of focus means that even when i manage to do something, i fall out of "the zone" and have to stop because getting back into it is too mentally exhausting
I want to kill myself so bad. I'm literally broken, and the only chance I have of ever having a proper life is if I'm constantly drugged, and even then there is a chance they just won't work for me.
Problem with executive functioning means i can't even do the things i want to do, never mind any kind of work
>be OP
>be fag
ha ha epic burn my dood
upvoted and gilded
Is it ADHD?
Haha this epic greebtext will definitely get me some upvote en le reddit haha
>problem with executive functioning
You mean you're stupid?
>have to stop because getting back into it is too mentally exhausting
So you're saying you're also lazy?
Sounds like you should just an hero, dude. If you can summon up the energy and figure out how, that is.
Yeah probably, especially because I hit most of the other symptoms, and my elementary school teachers said I probably had it
This isn't some green text story trying to be funny, it's me talking about mental illness
You don't understand
I get you. Have you made a conscious effort to train your brain?
I've tried, but I've never gotten very far. It's hard to fix a problem when the actual problem is being unable to do anything
Literally me. I just accept being a retard, take it easy OP
I can't take it easy. It's destroying my life.
I'm interested in what exactly you've done to help your situation. where are you gonna go from here?
Only women complain, and "issues with executive function" makes you sound like a faggot. everyone has work they don't want to do and sitting around until "you feel like doing it" isnt an excuse not to do it. Just fucking do it or at least start on it. Normalniggers want you to fail, are you really going to let them win?
I've tried to try my hardest to force myself to do things, I've tried to set alarms to get me to do things, I've tried to create "little at a time" systems, I've hurt myself when I do something wrong (such as not doing what I'm supposed to do, losing focus, or having compulsions). I imagine I've tried some other shit too, but none of it ever works.
I want to get professional help, but I'm still waiting for my doctor's appointment
You don't understand. It's not "things I don't want to do" it's EVERYTHING. I don't even do things that I actually WANT to do because my wants are synced with what my body actually does.
I see, user. I hope it works out for you. In the meantime, keep trying
what do you do while you're not doing the things you are supposed/want to do
Thank you user. I will.
I need to get medicated, everything I've tried doesn't work, and everyone online has said that it's not something that you can fix on your own.
Browse online while skimming over text, sit there staring into space having sometimes incomprehensible thoughts, daydreaming
Why can't you just push through it?
Because there's something actually wrong with me user. This isn't "Oh I don't want to" it's that I physically can't.
If i were as whiny as you i would probably want to kill myself too. please update us when you see the doctor, im curious as to what their treatment for you would be. i hope you find some help.
>If i were as whiny as you i would probably want to kill myself too
>please update us when you see the doctor, im curious as to what their treatment for you would be. i hope you find some help
Medication, probably stimulants. Executive function disorder is often a symptom of ADHD, which I most likely have. And thank you :)
>This isn't "Oh I don't want to" it's that I physically can't.
Physically usually means you can't because you're a cripple.
You mean you don't feel like doing it because it seems incredibly difficult. I know your kind, user, you're part of the ones that find even getting a glass of water difficult.
A small piece of advice for you if you don't want to fall even lower: Don't keep empty bottles in your room.
go millitary just bootcamp will force you to improve
No it won't. I'll just be a fuck up there too
Get the fuck off the internet holy shit
>executive functioning
how do i get diagnosed with this? i have to forse myself to do anything and it literally exhausted me to the point of falling asleep when only being awake for 6 hours
oh my god OP you are so fucking whiny
i hate it when people try and use more words than needed to describe mundane discipline issues
>my wants aren't synced with what my body actually does!!
>issues with executive function!!!
>you don't understand!!
literally everyone has problems with motivation, stop trying to make it seem like you have some deep physiological problem
the more you describe it like this the more youll believe it, you're just making it worse for yourself
It's not a motivational problem, it's an actual mental issue that you can look up.