Why doesn't she feel that she is good enough for anyone?
Why doesn't she feel that she is good enough for anyone?
Low self esteem.
That's why she's posting pictures like that. It's to fish for compliments.
Because she an attention whore who counts on fags like you to get more attention.
Think about this: think about how exciting it is when a girl is sexually attracted to you. You feel on top of the world, you feel like you're invincible, that you can do no wrong. Now think about being a woman, you are constantly reinforced that you are sexually attractive. It must be the best feeling in the world.
Who? What man exists in this world where this is the lowest standard? What world would you ever want to live in where that was the case? What is a
"person" that dehumanizes themselves this way? What does it mean to me?
She is lying to get even more beta orbiters who will give her even more money lmao
>ungodly amounts of makeup
>le uguu kawaii light pink fucking everywhere
>trap socks
>cat ear headphones
>attentionwhore posture
>"Why doesn't she feel that she is good enough for anyone?"
Is this a trick question or something? I'm pretty sure no one would want to date a slut as obvious as her. If she actually gave a shit about getting a boyfriend, then she wouldn't dress like such a stupid slut in the first place. She's literally asking to not be in a relationship, and the way she dresses screams "lol give me more money beta orbiters because I haven't fucked Chad in 5 minutes and I want to die q_q". What a stupid bimbo cunt
>reverse image search this to find who she is
>Results are all little girls in princess dresses
What...what on Earth is wrong with her ass?
Is that Photoshop or does she have some kind of birth defect?
and im also retarded because her name is in the fucking pic
It's not a "her" at all. That's the problem.
What's wrong with it? Looks fine to me
I have the urge to abuse her.
This type of attention seeking and constant need for validation...makes me want to kill people.
Wow, if that's a guy with that misshapen and bloated ass, it's no wonder he doesn't feel good enough for anyone. Because he's...not.
Sometimes self-hatred is entirely appropriate and just. This would be one of those times.
if she appeared in the same room as me, alone, i would begin beating the shit out of her. then keep her locked in my basement for months making her watching Hitler speeches and reading chapters of Mein Kampf abusively
oh fuck off are you serious
oregano non oregano
Yep. You came to a guy. You're big gay now
Or she's just an e-girl
Oh, perfect, she's going to ALA. If I see her I'll call her an attention whoring cunt
shes baiting to make her whiteknight spergs think they have a chance dummy
>dresses up and poses for a picture to post online
>low self esteem
How can you even think this, this is being forgiving of women at its finest
dude the very reason shes doing it is because she has low self esteem you moron, shes fishing for attention and desperately trying to use anything she has to get people to like her, psychologically well people dont need to do that please be retarded elsewhere
Of course you wiII
>dude the very reason shes doing it is because she has low self esteem you moron
This is such total bullshit.
I know you think this sounds rational, because counterintuitive utter crap like this is written into the lines of every psychologist character on garbage TV dramas. But it's utter nonsense.
People who genuinely possess low self-esteem would never fucking DARE put pictures of themselves online. People who genuinely possess low self-esteem don't go fishing for attention, because they would expect any attention they successfully GOT would be bad.
You're automatically vain if you think "Hey, you know what I should do today? Put on pink underwear and live stream it so people can tell me what they think." That is TAUT-O-FUCKING-LOGICALLY what a vain person does.
>Vanity and low self-esteem are the same tho!
They most definitely fucking are not. That's more bad TV drama dialogue.
Based thot destroying poster
Fuck these e-whores and the faggot white knights who support them
She's fishing for compliments. People who actually have low self esteem do NOT post their pictures online ffs.
I've done it before to momo, the fat one. I have a big crew of friends and my crew is pretty big in the gym department
You're doing God's work, user
Never stop shaming these whores
you're definitely lying
>he needs a crew of men with him to find the courage to harass girls
Tough guy....
It's just more funny because it's real intimidating to the orbiters. You know these costhots travel in packs with three to four orbiting guys and maybe one other costhot, right?
need the name, chief. Science reasons.
Record it. I want to see it.
If you are who I think you are then those aren't your friends but either way you should be ashamed of yourself
Will do if I bump into her. ALA is this week.
I'm not who you think I am.
Because "anyone" means the best looking, highest status guys that she can think of.
But she regularly turns down models and her ideal date consists of vidya anime and pizza.
She knows she's good enough for some people. She just don't see them as people.
Being single is good for attention. She wouldn't get the flood of orbiters as much as she has if she was taken.
Go ahead, e-mail her and see what happens.
Was about to go to bed then saw this thread and thought DAMN this bitch has a big ass. SO I looked her up and I sighed cause she's basically every other thot on the internet doing "cosplay" and selling lewd pictures of herself to pay her rent. she like every other girl on the internet. I want a guy to watch anime and eat pizza with. then when guys ask her out she's Nah. and guys for top 20% chads and shitty guys that would probably beat her up then complain about begin in abusive relationship because she's really retarded. then post "UwU" on twitter and and complain about her confidence. and still see lewd pics of herself on the internet. LIKE FUCK OFF THOTS!!!!!
Yet your posting on a public forum? Get over yourself
I want that bird on an album cover.
Also what could a thot think to want other than pizza and netflix?
I agree user, thots be stupid. She probably cheated on her ex or something, like all whores do.