At least I'm not a female lmao

At least I'm not a female lmao.

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This post made my day. Thanks user.

Why wouldn't you want to be a female? Constant sexual attention and constant positive reinforcement to whatever you do, no matter how low IQ you are.


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That was extremely rude, lad. but based and red pilled non the less. Cheers

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Thanks for allowing me to see this unique string of words user.

There is alot of good things as a guy you can do. Dont let the media fool you. Thanks is very much a man's world. Just because America is under a matriarcy doesn't mean the rest of the world is.

>actual human beings exist that were so unlucky that they just happened to break the 50% chance of being female

Im actually surprised it was original.

What unlucky fucks those must be. Born as a woman, ha! Good one user.

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was listening to someone talk about how the penis evolved, and yeah it was basically designed to be a raping weapon to get to the females eggs faster for fish. I feel bad for women, they don't even know what they are. They think men "love" them hahah

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Imagine literally bleeding out of your gaping second anus every month.
Imagine being naturally weaker and smaller than others.
Imagine Being naturally submissive.
Being a woman is shit

Shut your mouth, user! female fish did nothing wrong within the holy see ever!

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HAHA! good one, user. Feed this fish!

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I cam cum in 10 seconds whats your excuse you faiiled fucking lesbian?

Imagine being born female in India or any 3rd world countries

Imagine not being born female but still having a cocktail size pecker.

What woud you rather smash against a pillow

Also dont respond just kys and dieforever you fucking mongrel pecker fucking demon shitter

This post was sponsored by your local Jesuits and freemasonic order. Drink pepsi

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Sorry for everything my pajeet fembot friend

Go fuck yourself Iwill bet real life money that the CLIT you obsess over is something I can destroy in seconds

I dont wanna cause you're gross!!

>They base everything off looks and call everyone else ugly. they will get old and become worthless dried up ugly scabs while will still be "ugly" and get to jack off to and admire newer hotter women while we can laugh at the old roasties who will be dried up forgotten goods with shit personalities and no knowledge

OH NO NO NO ..please. stop! pffffftttt BAHAHAHAHAHAH

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Men are so jealous of women it's not even funny. Nice try OP.

It seems you are mad. Maybe go get a drink of water and then come back to the grown up table.