Anons. Suicide is not an option for me right now. I fucking wish it was but it is not. Please someone be my therapist tell me how am I gonna get through this fucking mess
Well maybe tell me what you're dealing with.
*sigh* *adjusts glasses*
alright, what's going on user?
How is it not an option you cretin. Just die and make the traffic better for the rest of us
[p.s] a thread died for your crudely shitty drawing FagP
OP might have dependents of some description. Might have some final obligations to carry out. Possibly just too afraid to die.
there's nothing I hate more than a feg that complains about suicide but never do it
either do it or don't talk about it faggot
Nothing is going right in my life I am running out of time in everything I do I feel horrible when I take orders and I fail them and when I complete them I feel void. I am always slow at learning anything I need / want to learn even if it's small, I am also terrible at most things almost including the things I've studied and my only plus side is I have one friend and theyre loyal to me. I am always procrastinating and I can't get over with it and I am getting into censored porn from this stupid board and I got into discord because it's a guilty pleasure and I hate everything and my life.
I get the impression that you hate a lot of things. Perhaps you'd like to talk about your anger problem with OP's therapists and
I'm not complaining about suicide, user. nice iq
He ain't no real man. The anons that kts are more real than he is
He too weak to do it. REEAAAAAAAAAAL soft
I'd respect him more if he kept it to his self
but he cant
so fuck em
weak nigga
Nah you a real bit ch. A real soft pucci boy
that says he gone do it but never do
You make me sick
also this you whinny nigga
That's way too generic (and also partly the problem; you're not viewing things individually, instead you've lumped them all together to build a depressing narrative that further throws you into the cesspit).
Tell us where you are in life, if you're in school or have a job, do you live alone or at home, are you ugly or retarded or have social anxiety, do you have hobbies or do you just browse the internet, etc.?
I'm ugly. I'm retarded. I go to school. I have no hobbies except playing games and browsing online shit. I play the piano and draw, and I'm terrible at both. And neither are hobbies because they're what I study. I suck dick at maths and literature and shit so people view me as low iq scum which I feel like.
You're in university studying piano and art? Has anyone ever told you you were low IQ scum for not studying STEM or literature (or history or whatever)?
Also, just as an exercise, does reading what you've written about yourself seem a bit whiny and pathetic?
>shooting your face instead of your brain
dumb anime girl
I'm always told that I only study those because there's no real skillfull shit in them or real difficulty. Also, I read what I said about myself and I just feel voidful reading it. Like I feel nothing, except a small pain in my head
If everyone could play the piano and draw they'd do it, but they don't because those things require a lot of practice. You say that you're bad at both, but how good or bad are you really? Where are you relative to your class? How hard do you work at improving those skills? Also, what kind of career path do you have in mind?
I don't have a career path in mind. I barely make it through my class as the lowest and slowest there.
Have you considered switching out of what you're doing and doing something else then? Why did you study piano and art in the first place? Do you like it? Are there things you want to draw; do you enjoy playing the piano?
*rapidly jots down notes while making occasional squinty glances at OP*
Do you feel that your inadequacy stems from failing to meet other people's standards and expectations? Do you feel pressured and judged by others?
I enjoy both of them and don't want others to get in the way of that. Except, they are.
I do. I feel strongly about it. I feel that I can't live up to what anyone expects of me, and I feel EXTREMELY pressured and judged for every move I make
Why do you feel pressured and judged, and exactly who do you think is pressuring and judging you? Are these the people that get in the way of your enjoyment? Do you have some kind of image of an "ideal" self in your mind that you constantly fail to live up to? What is that image?
Finally I can use dis again.
*puts down clipboard and clasps hands together*
I see, user. Well, while social pressures certainly do provide some necessary societal functions, that doesn't mean that they're always necessarily justified. It's your life, your feelings, your decisions. It's up to you to decide what is important and meaningful to you, regardless of other people's expectations. You may feel judged, but in the end it's still up to you to determine for yourself whether or not those judgments are justified. If they are not, as I suspect you feel, then there must be some sort of conflict between your own personal values (whether realized or not) and those that you feel society projects on you unfairly. However, your constant feelings of inadequacy likely stem as much from your own judgments of yourself as they do from legitimate perceptions from others, which indicates a lack of clarity on your part as to what actually matters to you on your own individual terms. It's up to you to figure out what those values are and how to actualize them in your life, on your terms, for yourself.
*sips water*