Why don't we just kill the incels?
Why don't we just kill the incels?
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I didn't read that shit but I agree, incels AKA Failed normalniggers are what ruined this board
Holy shit, You'd swear this was a parody. Women are the devil. On another note, will engineers lead us into a glorious new age? Sounds like they have the money and the power.
lol this chick's post is the ultimate blackpill
you deny it because acknowledging the truth would mean having to change yourself fundamentally, and that takes work
Why should these guys change themselves and their opinions to fit women's tastes? That's not self improvement, that's capitulation.
The ultimate blackpill is that women and niggers are ruining society and it is only the high achieving white man that is holding it together.
our only hope for salvation is if we can engineer sexbots that can give birth via artificial wombs and CRISPR and then eradicate women and niggers
even if you change they will never accept you
>emotional immaturity
Read: lack of socialization to conform them to social norms.
Based and doompilled
It's worth remembering that in the US, the only demographics that actually "contribute" to taxes are white and Asian men. Niggers, women, spics? Fucking drains on society that need the taxes of the white man to even survive as groups.
"What's Housework Worth? $1.6 Trillion a Year in U.K., Officials Calculate
The overall total is greater than the combined output of Britain's retail and manufacturing companies, and amounts to an average of nearly 19,000 pounds of unpaid work by each person in Britain, whether otherwise employed or not.
In reality, however, the value is not so evenly spread. A previous official study found that women shouldered most of the burden of unpaid work in Britain, doing proportionally more than twice as much cooking, child care and laundry as men. Transport, including driving to work, was the only area where men put in more unpaid working hours than women."
Hard to tell if this post is from an actual woman or not. I known highly intelligent women who really do think this way. Her analysis is spot on in a lot of ways, but the fatal flaw is believing that being highly socialized or highly empathetic is inherently a valuable trait. The belief that being sexually liberated is a valid life choice while being antisocial is invalid shows that for all her intelligence, she is still just a dumb roastie. She likely acknowledges that the guys she is talking about are smart, but she somehow ignores the implications of the fact that all these guys of higher intelligence roughly come to the same conclusion independently. Why do you think they fall into those two groups? The hyper vocal ones, and the antisocial ones? I would think its because those are the two primary coping mechanisms to deal with the absolute state of things. One group sees how broken and flawed it is and tries passionately to fix it, and the other sees how futile it all is and just withdraws. She has made the same unfair judgment that is reflected broadly across society. She is gynocentric and sexist towards men. The belief that the female sexual strategy is good and right and the male sexual strategy is bad and wrong.
The other mistake is viewing minorities as some sort of magical perpetual victim incapable of autonomy. She seems all about freedom of ideas and speech, unless its unattractive physically frail guys who have ideas she doesnt like. then it is a problem. She accuses them of being emotionally immature, but what she views as emotional maturity is really just willingness to concede to the desires of others and bend over. She basically is mad that guys who are physically unattractive dare have confidence in their ideas and actions, how dare they not yield to the wants of women and other victim groups. Quite a few of her criticisms however are spot on.
What I don't get is why she has a problem with the quiet groups. She calls them emotionally immature when they sound a lot more mature than her. Reacting calmly and rationally at being called a nazi- blatant ad hominem if it's coming from the average person- shows that they're very mature. Accepting others' opinions gracefully and without judgement also sounds really mature. I don't understand why she has to go and fabricate some sort of grand conspiracy about how these people are somehow "emotionally immature" and therefore inferior to her. She sounds a lot like what would happen if you took some of the most hateful, delude robots on this board, and turned them into leftist women. The scary thing is, her and people like her have the support of society.
housework only has worth if it's paid. of course nobody is going to pay you to clean your own house, cook your own food and nurse your own children, so the idea of adding a monetary value to these actions so you can pretend they have any relevance to the larger world of economics is asinine.
although it's always amusing seeing feminists dig back into cooking, cleaning and childcare to try to prove women are contributing members of society, when all their other rhetoric is about how doing that stuff is oppression.
>Reacting calmly and rationally at being called a nazi- blatant ad hominem if it's coming from the average person- shows that they're very mature.
There are many situations where calling someone a Nazi is a rational response - for example, if they espouse "race realism", ethnonationalism, or other beliefs that were part of the NSDAP agenda.
Not caring that your political beliefs align with the NSDAP and not being able to empathize with the victims of your ideology is what makes you emotionally immature.
>The scary thing is, her and people like her have the support of society.
Gee, I wonder why...
Is this bitch seriously offended that people have different political views than her? This giant appeal to group mentality argument (you're different from me and my friends therefore you're wrong) is indicative to the herd like mentality of western women and the inherent need to conform to and focus on social issues above all else. Instead of trying to shame or ostracize people that aren't like you, or impose your moral high ground on people you deem inferior, why don't you shut the fuck up and do your goddamn "stem" job (which I assume is just working a PR desk at a tech firm)
>housework only has worth if it's paid. of course nobody is going to pay you to clean your own house, cook your own food and nurse your own children, so the idea of adding a monetary value to these actions so you can pretend they have any relevance to the larger world of economics is asinine.
"According to the BLS, housekeepers earned a median salary of $21,820, or $10.49 per hour, in 2016. The best-paid earned about $34,430, while the lowest-paid earned around $17,370."
Why don't you pick up an economics 101 textbook and go to the section on "opportunity cost", you pseudointellectual numbskull.
She never said the quiet men were nazis, she just said that they "took rationality too far" as if that were a problem. It was the latter group that she said was "hateful" or whatever. It seems to me like she just doesn't like things that she can't understand- in this case, people who put logic first, before their feelings.
>If you don't rise to the bait and screech like a hysterical harpy you're immature
You don't even know what she means by "took rationality too far".
Lots of hideous ideologies used the guise of """rationality""" as an excuse to ignore morals and carry out hideous acts. Try looking up "scientific racism", "unit 731", or "The Final Solution".
>I'm a woman in STEM
Stopped reading after that.
>According to the BLS, housekeepers earned a median salary of $21,820
i thought we were talking about all the unpaid labor all those poor women out there are shouldering, not the paid labor of maids and babysitters and shit. i'm perfectly aware that rich people hire maids to clean their homes. i don't see what relevance that has to women being a net negative in tax revenue, or how it proves they're not leeches. the logic of estimating the value of the average woman's housework by comparing it to the work of professional housekeepers seems suspect at best. the professionals are getting valued by real people who are paying real money out of their own pockets, the average moms are getting valued by an nyt article writer's guesswork. it's a phantom industry being used to push a message.
>Not caring that your political beliefs align with the NSDAP
That was never the implication. She was attempting to call them a word that she thought would shock them and make them respond emotionally, and when they didn't she got upset. Honestly, which party sounds more mature here?
More like
>if you don't reconsider your political beliefs when they align with genocidal regimes, you're immature
the nazis built roads too, you going to stop driving?
>i don't see what relevance that has to women being a net negative in tax revenue, or how it proves they're not leeches.
Unpaid labor is untaxed. This is why women are net negative; they aren't paid for all the labor they do, which would be an extra $20k per woman per year if they were properly compensated.
If anything, men who don't compensate their wives for the labor done in the home, which again has a market value of around $20,000 a year, are the leeches dependent on others to survive.
Building roads was not a defining tenet of Nazi ideology, so no.
I posit that genocide of our enemies is a desirable and necessary course of events. Now what?
>Why don't we just kill the incels?
Because women are weak and not physically capable of it? I mean you can try but guys like me will just take it as an opportunity to anally rape you then behead you.
If you're incapable of recognizing that genocide is wrong, you are emotionally immature.
I'm not sure why this is in any way hard to understand unless you're an actual retard.
In an inherently meaningless universe there is no right and wrong. Morality is simply what we decide it to be. I decide that it is morally correct to see that my people are the dominant race on Earth. You assuming that we have to play by your definition of morally correct makes you the retard, I'm afraid.
The final solution wasn't really that rational. There's no rational reason for amost any of the groups that were targeted (Jews, gays, political prisoners, gypsies, etc.) to have been killed. I suppose the eugenics program that the nazis had going on could be an example of rationality gone too far, but even then they weren't 100% in the wrong. If you're disabled or have a high chance of having disabled children, it would make sense for you not to reproduce. As for euthanizing disabled people, it would probably be less moral to keep them alive if they're a complete vegetable. If they're still functional, they should live. Unit 731 also wasn't too rational, either. Remember, OP of the reddit thread said that they "took rationality too far", NOT that they used rationality as a justification for irrational and cruel acts. Scientific racism, on the other hand, could be called rational. Discrimination is wrong, and every memeber of a race should be treated on a case-by-case basis as an individual, but it would be foolish to assume that all races are equally intelligent or strong. I realize that black people tend to be less intelligent than the average, but I also know that it would be irrational to assume that all black people are dumb. I know plenty of smart black people. I myself am black, and while I wouldn't say I'm some sort of genius, I think I'm fairly intelligent.
>inb4 ur larping!1!!
see pic related, nigger
every time I hear women rant about "emotional maturity" or "emotional intelligence" I know what it really means is the bitch has been in several arguments where she was acting mainly on emotions while people such as myself bombard her argument with logic,facts and statistics. And oh boy there is nothing women hate more than talking numbers while they are losing their stupid argument based entirely on their animal emotions. You see other more masculine men either get emotional and mad and because of that the woman thinks she has won. While the other more beta men cave in and hang onto her every word because they think they are getting pussy.
The "high school loser" men like us just don't give a damn anymore and just want to get our fucking jobs done. Bitch its a work place if you just want to chat and be social then get the fuck out of all STEM fields and go be a barista or a secretary. Its our job to build the world and keep it fucking moving not sit around and chat about the Oscars or whatever inane trash is popular with women these days. I have worked in IT for over ten fucking years and the women never last in the field usually because they have no idea what they are doing and fail to understand that sometimes crunch time hits and that means long hours and no fucking holidays for a few days to months depending on what is going on. Usually their disastrous tenure at the company ends because management realizes the bitch is so inept its taking 1 or 2 guys half a day just to fix her fuck ups. Finally they end up suing the company after making sure to run off a few good workers who produce more in one year than that cunt could produce in ten.
Women need to understand some of us just don't care about their fucking bullshit and socializing. You entered a fucking nerd field so either join the culture or go fuck off and do something else. Most the time its better to just leave a position empty than hire a woman they are that fucking worthless.
>every time I hear women rant about "emotional maturity" or "emotional intelligence" I know what it really means is the bitch has been in several arguments where she was acting mainly on emotions while people such as myself bombard her argument with logic,facts and statistics.
Amen. That's exactly it.
>There's no rational reason to kill the kikes
>There's no rational reason to kill the faggots
>There's no rational reason to kill the traitors
>There's no rational reason to kill the gypsies
No, they sure should be killed.
>if they were properly compensated.
they are properly compensated, that compensation is zero. like i said two posts ago, nobody's going to pay you to clean your own home, cook your own food and raise your own kids, so the proper economic value of that work is what it actually gets; zilch.
that first article is a rhetorical trick for exactly that reason. it takes something completely different, which is professional housekeepers who are paid only because a rich person's time and effort is worth enough that it's more profitable to pay someone else to clean their home, and using that as a benchmark for determining what the worth is of the normal housework a normal woman does. the only value any work has is what someone is willing to pay you to do it. in the case of the housekeeper, there is a person who cares about the money leaving their pocket determining what the value of the worth is. in the case of the housewife cleaning her own home, there's the nyt's napkin math. no man would have a wife if on top of doing the extra hours and more challenging careers that men tend to do, he had to pay her to clean the house that she fucking lives in. a man would only have a wife who does it without getting paid, because she's in the same boat with him. the proper compensation; zero dollars and a "thank you honey."
it's not "unfair," it's that this work is next to worthless.
that's all without mentioning that "twice as much" doesn't mean that the men do zero housework, so why don't you factor their unpaid labor in to your equations and figure out if men still wouldn't come out on top?
absolutely based, im glad im in STEM
shes 100% right but she cant do anything about it since 99% of women are too lazy and low IQ to hold down a STEM career. glad this cunt is seething
>In an inherently meaningless universe there is no right and wrong. Morality is simply what we decide it to be.
Sounds like user's 9th grade social studies class just covered nihilism.
I wish i was smart so I could go into engineering just to stick it to cunts.
Why are women so terrible? They make my life a living hell with their hysterical freak outs
Yeah it sure wasn't rational, gays only caused aids in the first world and jews still run the banks that control our lives. And gypsies are outlaws.
The work has a value as determined by the free market. To deny that is to deny the very essence of our society, the soul of our nation. The labor is inherently valuable, in and of itself. It is not relevant nor does it matter who the laborer is. This is basic economics, user. The indisputable fact is this: these women are engaging in unpaid labor. Any time a woman cooks or cleans or does laundry without being properly compensated, she is being exploited financially by her husband. This form of abuse is so preventable, and yet it runs rampant. The biggest obstacle is the tragic reality that many accept it as common sense that a woman should just work without even expecting fair payment for her efforts. This internalized self-hatred and inability to recognize the value of her work stems from a low self-esteem imparted on her from a patriarchal society. It saddens me that this kind of oppression continues largely unchallenged just because it is the status quo. I hope more women will become educated about this social issue, and demand fair payment.
>nobody's going to pay you to clean your own home, cook your own food and raise your own kids, so the proper economic value of that work is what it actually gets; zilch.
Jesus christ. Please take an actual economics class so you can learn how ludicrously wrong this statement is.
There is no such thing as "economic value", what you're looking for is "utility", which exists independent of any monetary transaction.
Economics Basics: Utility
No, you're wrong. Women are not cooking or cleaning for their husbands anymore, they're "focusing on their career" and having 1.4 children.
You'd have a point if they would be doing that, but as it is now we're paying them for nothing.
This. I clean my apartment, does that mean I do unpaid labor for myself? No, it means that I'm an ordinary human being.
Women are literally parasites. They hijack men to leach off them. Without us they would die.
>The work has a value as determined by the free market.
Which is zero. Way to disprove your following post, user.
No, you're the one stuck in econ 101. There is such a thing as economic value, it's the market value of a given good or service.
>opportunity cost
No, they couldn't do anything else. That's literally all women are good for. The only opportunity cost at play here is when they take birth control to 'work on the career'.
They're natural schemers if you think about it, how else would they have ever accomplished anything in a world where they are smaller.
Women honestly depress me at this point. everything they do seems to be based on emotion and instinct they feel even less human now then they did when they were out right insulting me. A lot of men think being a woman is easy mode and they may be right but I can't get rid of my brain that uses logic and intelligence just to get jobs easier or do less work in life in general. If you want the female mental experience then just give yourself a lobotomy or severe head injury.
I can't even think of them as human anymore. They are just animals and nothing more. Its so fucking sad because some of them have potential but the rest of the whore herd fucks them over. Its hard to even get mad at them for cheating and whoring around. It would be like getting mad because a dog chases a cat. Its just the nature of the beast you can do your best to tame it but it will never truly be human.
What if youre an autistic incel but also bad at math and not in STEM?
>There is such a thing as economic value, it's the market value of a given good or service.
The market value of household labor is $10.49 per hour, as sourced in . I'm going to assume you're a troll and not actually as stupid as you sound.
Funny how my master's degree courses in economics never mentioned any such thing as "economic value." Perhaps I should ask for my money back?
you can throw however many wiki links will make you think you look smart at me, it won't change the fact that there is no universe in which women would get paid to do things that are only important to themselves, their own children and their long-suffering husbands, assuming she hasn't divorced him yet. it's unpaid labor because it's worthless labor.
i also don't know why you're linking opportunity cost at me when i referenced the concept in the post you're responding to.
>The market value of household labor is $10.49 per hour
If you decide to hire a housekeeper, that's true.
But women in relationships are not housekeepers, are they now, they are career women in this enlightened age?
Also, do I get compensated by the state then for doing my own housework?
that's the market value of doing household labor in somebody else's house. that is not at all the same as labor done in your own, for your own benefit (sources below). housekeepers still have to go home and clean their own houses, even.
>There is no such thing as "economic value", what you're looking for is "utility", which exists independent of any monetary transaction.
You're hopelessly confused.
An action can have utility without having any value in an economic exchange.
The effort I put into wiping my own ass when I take a shit possesses utility. But it possesses absolutely no exchange value, and rightly so - because it's not reasonable to expect another person to pay me for wiping my own ass.
You have a point if your girl also lives in the home she cleans.
>Jesus christ. Please take an actual economics class so you can learn how ludicrously wrong this statement is.
Please tell me where I can apply to get a full salary for cleaning my own flat. Who pays it?
You are an absolute idiot.
If I was to pick a woman out of a crowd today and inform her that I intended to buy a house and allow her to live in it, for free, and to buy her groceries every week, at no cost to her, and I would even buy her all the clothes she wanted - and all she had to do was clean the house occasionally, and cook the food, and wash the clothes that I bought her, we would easily reach universal agreement that she was receiving a very good and one-sided deal. In fact, most people would probably assume she was my mistress, and would describe her as a "kept" woman.
If I then move into the house, the additional marginal effort she has to make to cook for one additional person is so negligible as to be beneath notice. And, of course, there's still only one house to clean.
When I was single, do you know what I called the times when all I had to do was clean my house and cook meals, and didn't have to leave the house to go to work? I called that "vacation". It's absolutely obscene to compare it to actual work.
>The market value of household labor is $10.49 per hour
No, it's not. Since you are complaining that the vast majority of people who perform household labor get $0 in compensation, the exchange value is much closer to $0.
Please note that not only housewives have to be considered when calculating this average. How much do single people (young unmarried people and the widowed) get paid for performing household labor? And by whom?
Based user giving her her own medicine
I don't get it, she's saying these guys ended up like this because they were bullied and treated like shit by everyone since they were young just for being awkward or nerdy and what, they should just 'get over it' when they've never known any different? Then they finally find a group of people who accept them and are good to them but that's bad.
Wow a dumb cunt who's entire personality is being a woman that dislikes men - calling slightly right leaning opinions Nazism
Her account reads like a parody
Hey guys, I found the roastie
Yes, "ethnonationalism" was espoused by the Nazis - to a pathological and murderous extreme. Meanwhile, ethnonationalism has always been the norm in Europe since the beginning of human history. Why should it be redefined as evil because the Nazis took it to a near-demonic extreme? The victims of the Nazis also lived in ethnonationalist states.
Notice that people on the Left often point out (correctly) that the European colonial powers set Africa and the Middle East up for chaos by creating new nations with arbitrary boundaries which mixed people of different religions and ethnicities -- then object to Western people having ethnically coherent countries.
whew guess I need to be a subscriber to that shithole to be able to do this
>Edit to reply to your edit
Boy, yet another reason to hate reddit's layout, some fuck can go back and change his argument on you.
Notice that she considers it appropriate to criticize people that she works with for "excessive gaming" or not going to bars. It is none of her fucking business what her coworkers do in their spare time.
What I take from it is that, the value of that work is $10.49 an hour. If you doing it yourself, you are paying you 10.49 to do work. For the women case, its like they are doing that work for themselves + her husband. Her husband doesnt have to do housework, because he lives in a house where that is taken care of, saving him $5.25/h (the woman does all the work, but by a half of work for both logic, he only saves his part, since she also enjoys the house shes cleaning).
Now, I admit that would be stupid for someone to work for free, so its convenient for the man to provide her more than the $5.25 she would earn doing that for someone else.
What we dont see is what the woman gets in return for the housekeep. Half of a possible rent of the house she lives, bills, clothes, food, etc. Would that add up to more of less than $5.25? More, I believe, but its good for her, because she is earning more, anfd its better for him, since his time is worth more than that.
One would argue that its easier to get someone to clean your house than to get a wife, but theres the social status of being married, affection or sex. So, there you go, thats my take on the subject.
In the mind of a roastie the vast majority of betas do not even deserve to exist. They would kill us off but they would be upset to even see our corpses lining the streets. They want us pushed into the dark alleys left to die or have us kill ourselves in our homes. Even then they have no desire to even see a brief media article about the death of beta males. In an ideal world we would just simply cease to exist so the roastie doesn't have to spare one of her 2 brain cells on the beta loser.
Then they hit the wall and are forced to start looking at those betas because all the chads in their age group are hitched so they must lower their standards. They begrudgingly marry a Beta provider hating him every moment she has to see him. She holds off until the kids are at least into Kindergarten and discards the beta taking his wealth and demand even more through child support and alimony.
Women are terrible companions and terrible friends. The only thing they are good at is being an annoying parasite which is quite frankly probably an insult to many parasites. Even tape worms are less annoying and costly than a woman.
Feel so sorry for the men who have to work with that cunt. I really hope she dies.
>excessive gaming" or not going to bars
women hate video games because they have figured out men get more out of video games than they would out of a woman. And fuck going to bars I am not spending 100's of dollars for shit watered down liquor. I could drink 10 times as much for the same price just buying my own shit at the liquor store. Why does this roastie want a beta nerd like me at the bar anyway? Oh wait if there are not enough desperate beta males in the bar then who will pay for the roastie's precious cocktail? God forbid the cunts may have to buy their own drinks. Better get used to it because men are awakening and getting out of the game in droves.
The free ride is going to come to an end and millions of these bitches will die alone consumed by the dozens of the cats in their homes after they die.
I fucking hate women. This is now a women hate thread
Kek. He posed a reasonable argument and when you couldn't argue that your views are objectively correct, which is what you tried to do, you resulted to ad hominem.
The problem with people like you is, because society at large has told you at a very young age certain things are wrong, your brain gets stuck in a feedback loop where you only know what you've been told as correct. You will never think past the barrier of mob rule, and will never be a fully autonomous human being because of it.
I would wholeheartedly agree that genocide is wrong. But your arguments and thought process as made clear by your replies shows me that we aren't even close to being on the same side.
If you don't have any original ideas, please do refrain from posting. There are millions of people that could have written exactly what you wrote, exactly as you wrote it. On a website that has always been a place for anti-establishment/society ideas, nobody needs the input of the establishment/society. You are not enlightening.
Don't bother replying. I won't read it.
This is what sounds crazy to me, even if the guys she's talking about did go to bars or not play video games and act like they're supposed to according to her she'd still treat them like shit and just make up some other reason for why they deserve it.
She refers to IT as "engineers", so I have a feeling she might be in IT, and all her interactions are with subhumans.
Not sure what she means by the last sentence either, were these guys meant to be dunked on their entire lives until they get a high paying job and then just take it on the chin as adults and not be bitter about it at all despite being the entire formative years of their lives, doing everything to help the kind of people who only ever treated them like shit?
If she constantly goes to bars and parties instead of showing up at her job, it's no wonder she dislikes her coworkers. Her roastie brain must be capable of feeling at least a little bad for being a useless diversity hire and so she's lashing out at her coworkers for giving her negative feelings by actually doing their job
>There are many situations where calling someone a Nazi is a rational response - for example, if they espouse "race realism", ethnonationalism, or other beliefs that were part of the NSDAP agenda.
Israel is an explicitly ethnonationalist state. Are they Nazis? Hell, every non-western state today and every non-western country pre-1960's was implicitly or explicitly ethnonationalist.
>Gee, I wonder why...
Because the banks, media, Hollywood, lobbying, etc. are all dominated by a Jewish good ol' boy network. This network likes diversity as long the minorities stay in line. Marc Lamont Hill and Tamika Mallory could spout shit about white people all they wanted, but when they criticized Israel they got the axe.
The Jews even admit all this in their own publications:
Posting another redpill.
You probably fantasize about doing that shit, you sick fuck.
>be atomized white kid from vanishing middle class
>go to school and get ridden by your parents
>treated like a criminal for occasionally being restless or talking in class
>squeezed between a ruthless, inhuman hierarchy and peers that hate you for no reason
>do poorly in sports because nobody let you run around as a kid, cultivate nerdy hobbies as a result
>go to college for engineering, figuring it's the one place you'll finally fit in
>it's a complete fucking lie and a scam
>don't fit in because all of the hobbies you cultivated have been turned into commodities and sold to the people who bullied you in school
>get hyperexploited, spend the best years of your life juggling unpaid internships and 18 hours of diff. eq. and weedout physics/compsci
>be socially stunted and authoritarian as a result.
Kill a Nazi, but I still don't understand why people don't get this. Fascist deference hierarchies are all these people know, they've been exposed to and abused by them their entire lives. But these fucking shitlib media jackoffs who have ridden a golden litter their entire life into basically carefree, cosmopolitan sinecures incessantly blame reaction on 'whiteness' and 'masculinity,' constructs that don't actually mean anything.
>they often disregard any opinion you have about them
It probably just means the person's trying to study and/or do their work while this woman is barraging them with political bullshit
Why won't you get annoyed by the fact I don't like you!?!?!