Why is that you never see elderly interracial couples?

Why is that you never see elderly interracial couples?

The only interracial couples you see in person or online it's usually younger people like in their 20s

Does the relationship never last long enough for them to grow old together?

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It wasn't socially acceptable to be an interracial couple back in the day

I see many of them, but almost exclusively WMAF.
There are several such couples at my church that are middle aged or older and when I'm in Asia, for I too have partaken of WMAF dating, you see them all the time, every day, all over the place.

My mum's Japanese and my father is an Aussie, both of whom are in their sixties now. I'm a textbook hapa.

Your Dad has good taste fellow AusFriend.
How did your parents meet?
My children will be hapa also, are there any challenges or issues they can expect that we should prepare for?

because until the last fucking 50 years it wasnt even legal in some places you fucking moron read a goddamn history book before you go out and make a useless thread like this

Watch out so you don't raise a supreme gentleman

My dad went to Tokyo for education. In his free time he started showing up to a karate class, where he met my mother. My sister and I where both conceived on their honeymoon in Hawaii. I live on the mainland U.S. now in California. You should expect to encounter the usual racism of stupid people, but I'm here to warn you about something bigger. A child has no consent form to sign before you bring it into the world, this is why my genetic line ends where I am. I think my parents were good people, they were just lacking foresight. They're okay with adoptive children, I hope you can be too.

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Based antinatalist hapa

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You fucking retard, I wonder why there werent too many interracial couples that started back when 80 percent of people were racist

Well, my gf wants to have kids, so I don't think there's really much option for me in that regard.
Would our children be better off being raised in Australia or SEA?

If you have sons, try your best to raise them with a healthy Asian mentality. They will inevitably get bullied for looking Asian in school despite their dad being white and them feeling white so they won't be able to cope/deal with it well.

Meh desu, it would be really tough to raise a Hapa son properly and have him have a good self-esteem. I'm generally progressive but I wouldn't encourage WMAF having children.

Why is this not an option? I hope you consider adoption. Because children and babies who are already born have needs. However, your nonexistent offspring have no needs, you'll only be forcing them into suffering with the rest of us.

And I've never been to SEA. I've been to Australia over thirty times. So my endorsement is clearly with Australia.

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Yea, that's fair. Though the way things are going here being Asian will be so common that no one would get bullied over it.
I guess raising him overseas sidesteps that problem.

I've seen them before. I had a math teacher in her 50s who was married to the black security guard. They were quite cute.

She specifically wants to get pregnant and have her own children.
Frankly I'm in agreement with her, I don't know if I would love adopted kids as much, but it doesn't matter because she wouldn't want that anyway.

>women expressly desire to put themselves through a childbirth
>women don't consider what they're doing to their offspring
>men don't care either way, as long as they get the puss
The world confounds me

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Everyone's a cunt, including me.
Sorry user.

Ive seen them and when i do they actually look pretty happy. It depends i guess we dont see them too often because interracial dating wasnt too popular back jn the day because of things like racism.

gee i dont know, segregation maybe?

>men dont care either way
those men are cucks. Raising a child that is not biologically your own is a waste of resources and is only for the weak who wont pass on their genes. Better off being gay desu, less hassle and you dont contribute to the roastie problem.

It used to be illegal dummy

I defend them. They aren't cucks, in essence they're the highest life forms on this planet, the rest acts like cockroaches. Only bugs are proud of conforming to DNA. Do you know what a waste of resources is? Conceiving a child. All the misery, pain, boredom, loneliness, and for what? So you can praise your god of materialism, humanism, cheeseburgers, and waffles? Life, natural selection, evolution, etc. is incredibly wasteful. Tens of thousands of fish eggs, and only around 2 escape a brutal death? It's disgusting.

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People weren't retarded back then

>be hapa male
>want to have kids
>can only reproduce with another hapa because to taint another's bloodline with my mutt genes would be too much to bear

does anyone want to have my kids