ITT: Ways you missed out on a normal high school life

ITT: Ways you missed out on a normal high school life

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>go to the same elementary school for 10 years
>in 8th grade move far away
>don't get to graduate and go to high school with my classmates of a decade
>abused and developed schizophrenia in 9th grade
>hospitalized for a month
>expelled from missing too much school
>home schooled for rest of hs career.

I was homeschooled and I haven't had friends since the 7th grade.

>Hobbies or talents other than basic anime/vidya
>No driver's license

Same shit all through college.

>be me
>start high school (australia does 7 years of primary school, then 6 of high school, we don't have middle school)
>spend first 4 years of high school in special ed class cause of autism
>me and one other high functioning autismo are the only relatively normal ones in the class, the rest are drooling cripples
>get put in mainstream classes for last two years of high school
>struggle with normal classes because i never did real work in the special ed class
>didn't get bullied for it but was ostracized by normie peers because they thought i was a retard
>still ate lunch with other high functioning autismo everyday (he didn't get put in mainstream classes)
>realise that the mainstream classes i wanted to be in were full of cruel, shallow stacies and chads
>spend next year and a half somewhat miserable
>never had a gf and literally never learned to socialise with normal women
feels bad man

>be me
>Got into a relationship with a troubled girl
>She was really nice, but had bipolar/anxiety/depression/asperger's
>Our relationship was unhealthy for the entire duration
>Abandoned all my friends for her
>Developed severe anxiety
>We broke up shortly after graduating
>My first 2 years of high school were my best, the last 2 were my worst.
>mfw I would be a lot less lonely and craving intimacy if I had never been in that relationship

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literally had no friends, teachers forgot my name and I ate in a bathroom stall but only when the niggers weren't there

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I did this in my junior year. We split half way through the year. When I tried to go back to my friends they just bullied me and spread rumors about me. They ended up ostrisized me from the whole school.

That sucks desu. I'm still trying to come back from that, finish college and not get fired. I just wish I wasn't here with no friends and a burning desire for intimacy again.

>tfw haven't told your feels to anyone but anons for months now

>No gf
>No parties
Regret but ita not like it was awkwardness keeping me from going
>No school dances
Dont regret

>get pulled out of school at 12
I win.

I didn't go to highschool at all

I'm 22 now.



In year 7, thought I had a great social circle of friends. In year 8 turns out they only were "friends" with me because they thought I was retarded and were laughing at me. Then was brutally bullied till I eventually dropped out.

I left to go to college after sophomore year. Never will know what wouldve happened had I stayed it out, though it would've probably been bad based on how poorly my first two years went

I lived through it and make 60k a year now but not only did I not go to school... my parents moved 5 times while I was growing up. I'm still friendless to this day.

My asshole friends held me back when I couldve been going to parties, fucking Stacies and hanging out with chads. Instead I was held back because they guilted me into never branching out. And saying that I wasnt a good friend if I wanted to meet other people. Only until years later did I realize it was a crabs in the bucket mentality and they only cared about keeping me down rather than watching me succeed

Pro tip: real life isnt like the movies. People arent inherently good. But if you find people that are youll know. If you have to question it, then they arent inherantly good. I dont even talk to those friends from high school anymore

Long story short. Good people wont hold you back and will always welcome you back with loving arms if you decide to branch out and meet new people

>went to no parties
>no girlfriend(s)

guess that's it. it doesn't bother, I wasn't interested in either, and I still am not. it is the same case as a senior in college

>forced to go to Christian private schools entire life
>never get into serious relationship
>barely any friends
>sexted with the only girl who was not super into the jebus thing for first year of high school
>move in tenth grade to slightly bigger but more strict school
>meet friends who, if I hadn't moved away again post graduation, I'd still be friends with to this day
>no parties, no events, no real gf, not even an opportunity to lose virginity until post graduation
Fuck Christian schools. No opportunity for real world experience, just coddled and given shitty rules to follow because Jesus.

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>no gf
>no parties, unless LAN parties count
>few friends
>no school dances
I'm currently a senior, though, so this could all change. I'm not sure I want it to, though. The stuff normalfags do at parties or school dances (sex outside relationships, drinking, drugs, socializing, dancing but actually grinding on people, etc.) doesn't appeal to me.

>first time at a public school in a new city
>spend lunch in bathroom stalls
>tenth grade drop out and pass online school easily
>also spend a year dressing like a boy and telling people I'm gay (all of this changed)
>another move eleventh grade, richest and most strict town and school
>beg my mom not to send me to this snobby school
>develop anorexia binge/purge subtype that year
>also a year spent in the library during lunch
>drop to 85 lbs get hospitalized
>can't leave the institution until my mother lets me (under 18)
>miss prom, graduation, any friends or ACTUAL knowledge from school
>my mom threatens to sue for withholding education so the school lets a tutor come to my house and give me a diploma

Yes, I was lucky I didn't fuck it up even more.

I was raised during the shift from analog to digital society. I was raised with an overbearing mother and 3 older sisters. I was raised in a Catholic school for my whole life until 6th grade, when they put me in public school.

I'm a bit socially fucked up, ya see? Can't understand that being scolded for using the computer to play with friends is exactly what social media is today, and now my family scolds me for not using social media. Times changed fast for millenials.

>Had actual asperger's and obsessive compulsive disorder which went completely undiagnosed because my >alcoholic mother didn't give a flying fuck if her only son had severe social problems his whole life.
>Obviously was the outcast weirdo in all of HS

I had to find out myself as an adult that I had (and still have) serious developmental problems which were compounded by my absent father, drunk angry whore of a mother, and constant changing of schools throughout childhood.

Why the fuck didn't that dumb bitch just get an abortion if she knew she wasn't going to care? It would have been cheaper in the long run. Probably just wanted the child support which she spent on alcohol and she assumed I would wander off on my own at 18. Worthless cunt.

>Barely any friends
>Most of them were cunts and probably didn't even like me
>Horrible personal life
>Nonexistent social skills
>No GF or female friend for that manner
>Constant depression
>Rarely came out of my home
>Basically none existent to most of the class
>Didn't even have a conversation with a girl for 5 years straight
>Turned borderline incel at a point
>I consistently fucked up every unexpected social interaction

The more I think about it the more I want to kill myself

I wasn't actually home schooled, parents just took me out of school, I'm pretty screwed up now and still a NEET at 24.

Glad you've made a living for yourself, at least. I've entered adulthood without a purpose or drive.

Fuck home school.

where is she now user? have you thought about justice killing her?

Drugs and alcohol


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>played football
>showered alongside black teammates with huge cocks
>every day I had to try to suppress my boner
>never had the courage to touch one, suck one or bend over and present myself for them
>haven't gotten to see any black cocks since then other than pictures

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I only ever went to one party with my stupid faggot friends at the time and it sucked...just a bunch of banal retards getting drunk and smoking shitty weed. I didn't even get any pussy; I honestly wish I'd have just stayed home and eaten Cheetos.

I feel adulthood is pretty easy at least financially even though everyone else hypes up how hard it is.

no one prepared me for how lonely adulting would be though probably because they've never had to experience it

I'm ugly.
I'm not even that ugly, i just have facial traits that ruins my look, my chin is so prominent that i look like a fucking baba yaga or something. My teeth are fucked, i have a forced underbite and even with that my chin is still on the same line as my nose tip. My nose is too big, too wide and upturned, not even upturned, but like angled 45 degrees like someone photoshoped it in and some other things that i have no energy to list.
Overall all of those features ruin my face and i obviously have no money to fix all of that surgically, even though i really would want that. I also had severe myopia through my childhood which i fixed, albeit too late, but lasik was the best thing that happened to me, worth everything.
On top of that i had and still have speech disorder that i tried to fix for years, working hard but every single time just ended up dropping it.
So with all that said, you can kinda see what affected my high school years. Still want to kill myself actually. Might do it this year. Maybe.

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>where is she now user?
She's nearing 70 years old now and forced to work as a caregiver because it's all she's qualified to do. Amusingly, she has been the same age as some of the people she's hired to care for.

Hate has been replaced by pity. She's just a mess that can't even make friends with other women. Some relative or government agency should have stepped in and took the child away from her, but that didn't happen.

I probably had a better high school experience than some anons here but I squandered any potential I had in terms of excelling socially by being really awkward. Any girl I found attractive or had showed interest in me I would act aloof around or ignore which fucked up any chance I might of had with them. To this day I have bad social anxiety which cripples a lot of opportunities for me.

>caring about high school
glad I'm not this pathetic, thanks for the self esteem boost

>>struggle with normal classes because i never did real work in the special ed class

this is the story of my entire education and it started because I was born in july and placed in the wrong year when i first enrolled. i went from year 1 to year 3 and didn't progress with my first classmates putting me at a disadvantage all the way through my education were i never caught up.

there were seven english classes at high school and i was in the bottom tier. while every other group was taught shakespeare we were watching x-files episodes and licking envelopes. I was in group with the most dysfunctional, violent, but mostly just downright bored kids.

surprisingly there was never any trouble in those classes and the school lunatics saw me as one of them because of a shared connection.

I had brown, chipped, crooked teeth from a young age and tooth decay. Could barely think, let alone socialize or relax. Fuck everything.

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>transferred to a hippy dippy private school
>graduating class of 14 kids, half of which were more autistic than me.