Why do people hate his idealogy so much?
Why do people hate his idealogy so much?
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Marx provided several valid critiques of the industrial era capitalist societies and their blatant exploitation of the proletariat, but his solutions were all ridiculously incoherent and failed to take into account anything about human nature and the fallibility of man
>Muh banks and porkies are corrupt!
>we should replace them with an equally corruptible all powerful government that can murder its citizens ad hoc!
because then I can't eat my bananas and coffee from Central America
Because (((they))) brainwash their drones into thinking class is good.
There is no state or government in communism, and socialism is not required for a transition.
class is inevitable. Humans are not equal, neither inherently, nor by making. Only the worthless wretches at the bottom are deluded enough to actually believe they deserve to stand with actual people.
Market socialists have the right idea tbqh. Private property is the driving force behind all the problems capitalism creates.
>It's not real Communism
oh boy here we go
Shitting in the woods is inevitable too if you've never heard of a toilet.
It's literally not real communism. This is objectively true. There is no argument against it aside from subjective feelings pretending to be arguments.
In Marxist theory it is
But you are right, Kropotkin had the right idea
Just kill the state
haha so edgy xD
you sure triggered those lonely robots on the board my fellow MAGAPEDE praise kek
>resorts to ironic shitposting everytime a viewpoint he doesn't agree with is posted
Shoo shoo Jow Forumsgreentext tourist
>Shitting in the woods is inevitable too if you've never heard of a toilet.
in no way addresses the claim. Stay mad.
I certainly triggered you.
>he thinks the shitpost I replied too deserved an argument
Yeah, took me 2 whole secs to type all that
Sure, people aren't equal, but this distribution (pic related) is unnatural and disgusting.
80% of the world population doesn't need to die just so you can larp as an important businessman.
Do you have your screencaps of the funny frog threads yet? It's about time for you to get back
People who fell for cold war propaganda that the USSR killed a trillion people and that think Barracks Communism is the only form of Communism.
>I don't like the truth so it's a shitpost.
>Barracks Communism
You are being ironic right?
k retard
That's Pareto principle and is as natural as it gets you brainlet.
Inequality is nature, and it's called natural selection.
why did you make him brown?
Economy is not a zero sum game.
Being rich doesn't mean making someone poor.
Japan being wealthy has nothing to do with Africa being poor. Africa is poor because they are dumb niggers.
Because it kills so I don't wanna live under it.
being rich doesn't make someone else poor, but if you're rich, all of your wealth is someone else's surplus value (i.e. the product of their labor), and that person is living a markedly worse life than you are
that's what marx wrote. now go back to Jow Forums with your 'job creators' understanding of economics
>that's bacterial growth and it's as natural as it gets, you brainlet. now stop complaining and die of cholera
the pareto principle was never intended to rationalize economics, retard.
you really have a childs level grasp of economics.
nigger tier logic that destroyed nations and killed millions of people over a failed economic/political system
t. cuban
It was Literally made by an economist to explain land and wealth distribution in countries, and Then it was found that it was present in almost every aspect of nature.
oh hurrdedurdeder communism is an ideology that can not be criticized. Oh a country that had a communist revolution, that had leaders that said they were communist, and titled their country communist wasn't actual real communism because it wasn't a perfect utopia.
Capitalism is anti-moral by nature you dumb faggot you can't pretend to give a shit and then let people die outside of hospitals
Yes because abolishing the right for people to have things is pretty ethical
yes of course the communist state runned hospital are always quick and efficient and have no shortages
>grandmother had to do a surgery
>have to wait 3 months for a commie doctor to attend her, despite being in bad pain
>3 months comes in
>doctors go "lol well seems like u got a problem but we don't got the meds to help u"
>about 2 weeks later only gets resolved for the meds in a illegal way not allowed by the state buying it from someone of the black market
>doctor does the operation with meds despite having them illegally
and many more problems with crapouissm, very funny how people in the 21st century still buy into this dead meme despite its failures
tee hee, silly amoral capitalists
>steals property under threat of violence
>shoots them anyway, just to be sure
> There is no state or government in communism
So how are you not an ancap then?
1. Theft (ie taxation) is also immoral
2. Free market healthcare is more efficient than socialized healthcare
3. There is nothing wrong with not giving a shit. Giving a shit about everyone is illogical and impossible. You, for example, could probably save some nigger's life if you sold everything you have and donated to some charity. By selling all your possessions RIGHT now, you are, objectively speaking, saying that your computer or your dragon dildo are worth more than some faraway nigger's life. And that's a good thing.
By not selling*
Dialectical materialism is an unsound ontological concept. His understanding of history is metaphysical. Calling it material won't change that. His criticism to capitalism was valid at parts but his proposed solutions, which he didn't write much about in the first place, are unviable and naive because they're supported by a framework that is ontologically self contradictory. His prediction of the future was wrong and almost none of his ideas has any place in the contemporary world. Even his general ideas like class conflict are too simplistic to analyze the current world.
I really dont hate it. I hate the fact that its been overrun by white upper middle class trannies that claim to be ready to fight the revolution and other retarded larping.
better question, why do people look up to this guy.
when any average person can think up the same shit he did.
because he was an idiot who should have listened to bakunin
Family lived in Cuba for most their early lives until moving to America in the 80's. Heard stories about my grandfather being put in prison for believing in God and watching his best friend getting shot right in front of him. There are others like how my other grandfather had to spend years working with another man meticulously planning how to escape Cuba by boat, that man also got him and my grandmother together so I guess I owe that guy my life. Communism kills, even if it didn't the quality of life is absolute horse shit, the images and videos I've seen make me wish we shot Marx in the cradle
Probably because of all the mass democide that went along with it. Not to mention the theft of personal property, starvation, and subsequent misery that also accompanied it.
the bottom 80% are niggers and nigger-gooks, though.
Since 2009 executive pay has doubled.
Since 1979 real wages have stagnated while productivity increased linearly. In that same time, the cost of health care, the cost of housing, and the cost of tuition have gone up disproportionately as a % of earnings. CEO pay increased about 900%.
The S&P500 companies have bought back $1T in stock in 2018. This hurts the economy
The US lost $40B in tax revenue to tax havens in 2011
Econ101 will tell you that economies are not 0 sum games. Sure. But these modern practices do not benefit people. None of this is innovation that helps anybody making less than 1MM/yr. There are very toxic activities happening in the market that make clear policy failures of the US government (and the lobbying that facilitates this). I concede wealth inequality would be fine if we were all using green energy, people had housing, food, healthcare, education, and the bare bones basics of what it takes to exist, but they don't.
This is all before the impact mega-corporate behavior has on the environment and the dozen times that America has gone into democratic countries in South America and the Middle East to install corporate friendly dictators. Japan may not have much to do with Africa, but America has plenty to do with Panama.
>why do you hate your true interests user?
>I just want to destroy all of the culture and civilizations, genocide the Goyim and starve you all to death
>no,no! You have false consciousness
>this is all very scientific
Do we need marxism for better wealth distribution? Isn't the piles of bodys enough?
his ideology is childish nonsense, I don't hate it anymore than I hate astrology
I hate people who worship him and follow his fake religion though, and it's more deserved than my unwarranted hate of astrologists since I'm fairly sure astrologists never ruined societies and killed millions of people
Too idealist to work, this creates useful idiots that are used and eventually ditched (and they never see it coming as they're idealists)
Because it starved and killed millions of the people it was supposed to save.
At least Nat Soc only killed half that and only enemies not it's own people.
>There is no government in Communism
You have no idea what Communism is
Based Bezmenov student
forgot to post youtu.be
>nat soc didnt murder their own people
tell that to the 160.000 German jews that have gotten murderd, many of them ww1 vets
Bu-but mah starvation!
There is a solution to this madness.
Why not take the /imperialpill/?
His critique was valid, has solution was not.
>hurr durr real communism is stateless
Literal retards. Marx never talked about abolishing the state. He said it would fade away, when it's no longer needed. It's like saying Nazis didn't kill Jews because in a Natsoc Utopia there are no Jews
lol dumb fuck
If I can't be rich, nobody can be rich!
Its not an argument to start flailing your arms and screaming whenever an argument is made that you never have a retort to. Just because you are angry that you are wrong doesnt mean you are right.
So like for example what you and your compatriots do in ?
Counterpoint: the point of civilization is to curb nature. If we were all to surrender to our natural impulses, murder would be legal, rape would be legal, assault would be legal, theft would be legal. If we let things go its natural course, you wouldnt be able to use the state to protect your wealth, instead those "inferior" people would simply come steal your money, rape your wife, murder your children, and then rape you. It is the fact that we DONT let nature go its natural course that rich people can be rich. So no, it is NOT NATURAL for the rich to be rich, it is infact a consequence of civilization not allowing things to go its natural course.
It IS a zero sum game. Its not making people in Africa poor, but it is making other Japanese people poor.
>1. Theft (ie taxation) is also immoral
There is no point in reading any further. The basis of CIVILIZATION ITSELF is taxation. Literally. Civilization=taxation. If you argue against taxation, you argue for going back to the stone ages
>the machines and factories are owned by the fifth of competent humans
Makes me rest easy at night honestly. Better them than a bunch of entitled plebians starving 100 million AGAIN because they're retarded
>globalization occurs
>wages/standard of living in 3rd world countries skyrocket
>corporations total addressable market creates record profits
Why is a communist complaining about stagnant wages? Don't you care about all the 3rd world poor receiving those gains?
Oh wait you're probably a welfare NEET who gains a small sliver of self-righteousness from acting morally superior about being a worthless NEET
Of course some people would view your argument as an argument for getting rid of civilization, because they want to be the ones raping and murdering everyone else.
That's literally communism 101. Lets sacrifice our standard of living so i dont have to feel bad about working at mcdonalds at age 40
We're not talking about some people. We are talking about you. You say that rich people being rich is a product of things going their natural course. The truth is that things going their natural course is people coming to steal your stuff and murder your family. Your post here is not an argument, its an attempt to divert away from the argument.
I would like to loot and burn whenever I want to be honest. I find normal life very boring. I'd probably get killed pretty quickly but there would not be a dull moment.
Because it's trash.
>Private property is the driving force behind all the problems capitalism creates
It's also the driving force behind all progress it creates. Fuck off, commie fuck.
>maybe one day I will wear the boot
>i'll let other people think for me
tbqh capitalism nowadays is anti-science. most corporations pay labs to ruin research and shill their agenda
i don't think this is capitalism's fault, just overpopulation. we should cull the bottom 60 to 80%, then shit will really get better
Commies get mad really easily
>Don't you care about all the 3rd world poor receiving those gains?
But we are complaining about the Top 5% receiving the bulk of the gains
>Commies get mad really easily
It's pronounced Communist. user.
>capitalism nowadays is anti-science
You still get significant competitive advantage for doing it, further amplified by the (easily abusable) patent system.
>most corporations pay labs to ruin research and shill their agenda
I get paid to do research, i get paid even more for patentable research.
t. pharmafag
Nobody likes kikes in government. Simple as that.
All the unironic capitalism shills, the only solution is a final solution
because his utopian theory doesn't account for real life greed. The dictatorship of the proletariat quickly evolves into the dictatorship of one and his crony friends over all. They own everything and the proletariat no more than slaves with no say and no hope and no possibility of anything more. Its been tried and it always comes out the same. There isn't even an illusion of freedom for the masses that at least capitalism offers.
looks good on paper, bad in practice
Why don't the 1% just kill them off then? They aren't being treated as well as some pets in entire countries, what use are the plebs to them?
>socialism is not required for a transition
t. Pol Pot
Marxist history
Only human suffering and genocides.
Never again
>mfw this is my most successful bait in WEEKS
Thank you communism! I always believed in you.
Marxist history
Took some bumfuck Russians out of 14th century feudalistic retardation and into outer space in a few decades before anyone else in the history of mankind.
Try again
Wait, why does Marx look like Frederick Douglass?
Will never unsee this now.
because it's dumb and the only people who want it are lazy faggots on welfare and vegans (who are inherently retarded anyway).