To you, what does it mean to be a robot?
To you, what does it mean to be a robot?
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Inability to connect with anyone. Like a circle going through a square hole.
Well, I guess a circle could go through a square hole. Should've reversed them.
Growing old from /b/
If your friendless KHV your'e a robot. Normies will seethe but it's the truth.
But what if you paid to be none of those things? (Like I did)
I feel this, l really do
to be indifferent to relationships and society.
Be autistic, it's why I am here even if though I'm not a KHV.
Golden rule still applies. To have the world view of robots you must be the lowest common denominator. If you're not that then you're just an edgy larping normal fag. Sorry fag you're not allowed in this secret cool club
If you still have both your eyes, you're not a robot. Depth-perceptionchads will never understand.
To be completely rejected by society as a whole. To really not even be seen as a person. It's not about your inner attitude, it's more about everyone's attitude towards you. Because of that, famous people can't be robots, neither can women.
I always thought of it as not being a part of society.
>To you, what does it mean to be a robot?
This is Ciara + Agatha. best girl.
Hands down, Sunny is best girl. There is no competition here.
Since about 2015, absolutely nothing.
Sunny might be too far gone. She could be saved I guess. She's a dumb kid with a shitty background, but not the narcisistic pychopath Ciara is. BPD is pretty much unfixable.
Okay but why do you have over 176 photos of her
>Okay but why do you have over 176 photos of her
I have 700 pictures of Ciara.
wtf are you trying to say? That being a psychopath is better than being Sunny. She's not even Bi-polar.
>could be saved
She saved herself by not interacting with us anymore.
Because I like the way she looks, I have a whole archive of her.
So called "Beautiful Angel Ciara" has borderline personality disorder. Any one with a Cluster B PD just run away from them. They're a walking disaster.
>She saved herself by not interacting with us anymore.
Sunny still palls around with Ciara, and that gang of misfits.
you got some caps to back that up?
i keep hearing and seeing alot of girls have borderline personality these days.
and why is it always girls to men not get this illness?
every time someone tries to explain to me what it is i never understand it.
i think the reason why i can't understand it is. it seems like its not even real. is it just some made up bullshit. how can someone be so retarded that they don't even know who they are or they can't control themselves. like they don't know what they are doing. does it just mean you are a fake person. i don't get it.
does it mean you almost have a personalty but you don't know who you really are and then it drives you insane.
i don't know how anyone can be like that.
Males get Narcisistic personality and Anti-social personality disorders. Women get Histrionic and Borderline PD.
BPD girls cluster online because they're attention seeking psychopaths. They're very rare in the real world.
yes i met one on instagram that told everyone she had bpd
she would constantly talk about her life was bad and she was like asking for help from everyone constantly making people feel bad for her and collecting orbiters
all her posts where about how bad her life was or bad things happening to her.
>is it just some made up bullshit
I was never a Psych major, but I took enough Psych classes to know that half the shit in Psych is just made-up "muh feelings." The mind-numbing thing is that it's not even a new trend, even the fathers of modern psychology (most famously Freud) just completely made up things off the top of their head and then said that they were true.
Lots of modern """diagnoses""" follow this same pattern, "I know what I want to diagnose this fag with so I'll keep looking for new evidence until I find some I can use to justify this diagnosis that I totally didn't just make up right now." I had multiple women in my Psych classes that would freely say that they totally knew they had bipolar because sometimes they got sad, but none of those mean doctors would give them a diagnosis so they couldn't get free money for it.
>I know what I want to diagnose this fag with
yea you are right it is all made up bullshit
i went to the doctor once and they talked to me for like 30 minutes and ignored what i said and wanted and told me i have something else
im guessing they program people with brainwashing from birth in this false system we live in and then the negative effects on people from being in this society that is false.
the negative effects or cons are the metal illnesses lol and they tell people they have them but only the true manipulators know the truth.
>have an entire tumblr culture where people with retarded "illnesses" like seasonal depressive disorder are seen as heroes
>openly give thousands/mo in gibs to anyone who gets diagnosed with this New Age shit
The trans shit is a dystopia too user. So many psy-ops and chemtrails going on there.