Just posting something I feel like sharing anonymously. Thoughts?

Just posting something I feel like sharing anonymously. Thoughts?

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More mental illness. Love this notebook.

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Well, OP, I think it's just

it describes me so well.
In an original sense, of course

You should be writing that on your forehead, not the paper. Make sure you don't write it backwards by accident, stupid.

The oracle told socrates that he was the wisest man in greece since socrates said he knew nothing. Follow Christ.

Why did you get it wet


It rained, and I had to use my notebook as an umbrella. Now my book's all warped and torn-up looking.

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it's rather nice in the abstract art sortof sense. post more pages

Looks like someone is a grade-A attention seeker

Let me guess, you also 'cut'

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I bet you could sell it as "art".

that there some booboos needs a bandaid

I the rest of what I've got is a bit more... "Personal" in a way. Short stories, bad poems, nagging thoughts.

It's pretty embarrassing stuff. But I want to fill this book up. I'm five or six pages away. Have any suggestions?

One of them looks like stu2id.

write a 5-6 page suicide note and jump off a building

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Draw snowmen for a page or two.

please don't. I mean im still holding on and if I'm still holding on then you should too.

I'll be the first one to admit that I am, of course looking for sort of attention. Aren't we all? Bored, and decided to share something personal that I've never shown anyone, and likely never will.

I cut. Once. Went way too deep and left a scar. Regret it. You'd be surprised what kind of damage a flimsy razor could do if you push down hard enough and slice fast enough. No pain.

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What's making you just hold on? Why is life hard for you?

Actually going to do it now. Thanks for the suggestion. Really really. I appreciate it.

First snowman has been made. Might make them all look slightly different, since I've never drawn one and need practice

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I'd probably pay to have that as wallpaper for my room.

That's really encouraging. Thanks, user! Drawing isn't really my forte. I'm more of a shitty writer.

I'm picturing a pastel blue and a bunch of snowmen all over my walls now. What do you usually write?

Will you draw me something cute, i really need this

I really like this. Thank you for sharing.

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Is this something cute?

A room like that sounds very... CHILL! lol. I usually write cringey poems, or just about what's on my mind. Mostly negative memories. Also ideas I have for a story I want to write.

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Picture came out sideways and now it just looks like a cloud lol. Another drawing

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Tell me some ideas for a story, I promise not to plagiarize them and make a blockbuster movie..

This is better than I hoped and im saving it to look back at so i can smile thank you

Nothing grand. An idea I've been working with is a protagonist who gets arrested falsely, becomes a drug addict, and ends up becoming like, a sort of religious symbol or something years after he dies.

It's not meant to go public or anything. Just something for me to write/read. Too much of a self-critic

I'd give it a few reads.I can picture homeless junkies proselytizing his cult.

Aww shucks, user. Sometimes you can be so sweet. :) That comment made my night. Thank you.

Yeah. Honestly, I'd probably throw in some real-life inspired aspects into the story. I mean... I am posting from inside of a rehab. Lol. Though, I no longer identify as a drug addict. I really just need to learn how to write a proper story.

Also, cover of the notebook

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good call. OP should tell them he's Tracy Emin

write out every Jow Forums post no. you make from here on so future archos will ponder on your cryptic code

I've tried something similar but with Fibonacci numbers. But it got hard to keep up.

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Well you got quite far in. I'm impressed.

Ok how about a treasure map?

Also, fucked up one time. Sad times

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Can you send me a signed copy when you're done writing it?

A treasure map sounds interesting. Maybe not for my book, since I would want someone to find and read said map.

Maybe like do some sort of treasure hunt thing and hide some kind of expensive jewelry. Sounds like it'd be fun. Leave some clues around and such. Working on spamming snowmen in two pages like I did with the faces

Well, keep it going with the snowmen as we don't want them to get lonely. What sort of jewellery are you thinking? Glad I gave you some ideas to get your teeth into

Haha. If you're okay with sending an absolute stranger with your address. Wouldn't be worth reading.

I'm not a very experienced writer, so it'd be a very raw, personal piece that could be improved greatly.

Are you okay user? You seem a touch disturbed

Did the voices tell you to do that

I'd still love to read it someday.

Something not too expensive. Maybe, like, a really nice owl necklace or something similar. Pic related.

I'm a bit loony. Yeah. But nothing too crazy. I just feel more comfortable sharing my mental instability online to strangers than irl though. Only safe way to vent imo

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I hope you're doing alright man. I don't want to judge but don't you think your mental health would benefit more from more positive journaling and drawing? Stuff like this seems like it could get you stuck in a real negative place if you keep reinforcing it through this.

One of these days, user. :) Thanks for the positive reinforcement. We often tend to be our own worst critics sometimes.

You're right. I'm actually working on filling up this book so I can move on and work on something much more positive and constructive. I have a brand new, spiffy journal that'd be more dedicated to a healthier writing style.

But I'm tempted to have another one on the side, just so I can have a place to write out some of my darker, sadder thoughts. Never one without the other?

Also, I appreciate the concern. Seriously. Thank you.

No bother man. To be honest with you I used to be pretty depressed and feel really hopeless all the time myself. It took a long time for me to realise that a lot of the reason I felt this way and could never climb out of it is because I spent so much time reinforcing it and wallowing in it.

I never journaled or created anything depressing mostly because I'm about as creative as dirt but I would constantly reinforce negative things in my head and I think I became attracted to the strange appeal that comes from being a sad person and feeling disconnected from society. Even though it's a horrible feeling it had a strange romanticism to me that ended up just contributing more and more to my sadness.

When I eventually realised that I don't enjoy being sad and made a serious effort to change my outlook and try to start moving past my sadness instead of sitting with it I began to see some serious improvement. Whenever I had negative thoughts I'd just immediately try to distract myself from them like you would if you are desperate to get an annoying song out of your head. I treated them like that as well. Not as a legitimate perspective to be analysed but just an invasive thought that I should get out of my head. Now I'm much less negative and when I'm self critical it's constructive instead of just me making myself feel awful. I always aim to be happy and while I still get sad I recognise it as just a normal thing and work to move past it.

Sorry for the massive blog post I just feel really passionately when I see people who might be stuck in sadness. I spent so much of my life in it just because I got comfortable there and didn't know how to move on. Everyone's different of course and this probably won't be the exact same for you but I hope this can help you a little bit.

Best of luck to you mate.