Asking out girls

ITT post a story about asking out a girl

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Other urls found in this thread:

>freshman year high school
>becoming decent friend with pretty girl
>develop crush
>hot as fuck one day
>forgot to wear deodorant
>stink like shit
>go to bathroom and rub handsoap on my armpits
>doesnt do anything just feels bad against my t shirt
>friends of girl I was crushing on tell me to ask her out
>after school at her locker
>dont even ask her out just sperg out and tell her i like her
>get rejected

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>be me
>finally muster the courage to ask my crush out
>she says yes
>don't know where to actually take her out
>dump that bitch by e-mail

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>be me
>try to post on forums
>never works

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>Be me

Here's an old video from the 1940's on how to ask a girl out, and what to do on a date.


>be me, high school
>walk up to girl sitting alone a library
>introduce myself
>ask for her name
>say she looks like a nice person and ask if she'd like to go out sometime
>says sure
>give her my number
This has worked 3/7 times
Sometimes I wonder... can you lower your standards too much?

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>match on bumble
>have a nice time messaging back and forth for a while
>bring up local fun thing to do
>she is receptive
>"do you want to do thing?"
And we've been together ever since

19 yo newfag here, rejected and friendzoned every single time in my whole life (14) times, but every cute girl i match with in Tinder tells me that i'm good looking, idk, i don't wanna try anymore, probably making it virgin to 40's liie in the movie, also no friends, maybe i kill myself before 40's

If you're matching with cute girls on tinder who say you're good looking, why are you so pessimistic and sad?

I never asked out a girl because I'm too introverted to talk to people, especially when it comes to girls

I had an almost identical experience in 8th grade user
Are you sure youre not me

>be in high school
>ask a girl out
>"hey wanna go eat chinese with me?"
>never ask anybody out again

>ask out chubby and slightly below average coworker
>she leads me on for a week before she eventually spills it when I ask what time she'd be available for a date
>tell her I'm glad she spared my feelings
>spend the rest of my lunch break wanting to cry but couldn't produce tears
>she's hostile and goes out of her way to avoid me until she leaves and moves to another state the next week
Overall it was a good reminder of why I'd stopped trying.

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Because every girl i like out of Tinder just rejects me, i feel bad, and also, out of the 7 grills that i know from Tinder that are decent looking and would give me an oportunity to have a date all of them live like +100km away, eventually i will go to see some of them but for now i'm depressed because i made it to adulthood without even a kiss, betwen other things...

>asking r9k if they've asked someone out

How I asked first gf out on a tinder date

>Hey, I've got some bomb LSD. We should cuddle and fuck to good music.
>That sounds amazing.

*unzips dick*
Long time comin' this one.
>have small crush on cute quiet girl since middle school
>she gets pretty hot in high school
>we have classes together, become good friends
>compliment her often
>bomb a math test to catch up with her as soon as she finishes hers
>make shit small talk until we are about to part ways
>"Actually femanon, I think you're really pretty and want to know if you'd like to go out with me."
>"Uhh, like where?"
>user.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close
>actually say, "I don't know, the park? Lunch? I didn't think I'd get this far"
>"Oh... I'll uh, I'll think about it"
>flashbacks to last fuckup
>this means no
>Weekend passes
>I wait for her after school nearly miss her
>she stops me and says "Hey, I thought about it, and I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Thank you though, that was really sweet."
>goes for cheek kiss, gets blocked by my edgelord long hair
>"Ah that's okay then, see you tomorrow."
FF a few months
>she hangs around boipucci tier onion boy a lot at detention
>of course I notice
>he shows her retarded YT videos at lunch, total cringe non couple
>He buys her retarded chink made shit for her birthday or something
>they date
>its over
>no gf throughout hs
She even dumped him for a Yellow man eventually.
Will tell more if interested

>you have plans later?
>no, why?
>wanna go get dinner?
>you mean like a date?
>then sure. do you want my number?
>yeah, that would probably be helpful
feels good not being a repulsive autist

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I've done this. Gave me the wrong number. Feelseh

Yea... go on

>be me
>ask out qt asian girl in 8th grade
>she says yup
>say ok cool and walk separate way

You should've given her your number

Much obliged anymoose.
Her best friend was almost loli type, small, skinny, high voice, quirky.
She may have had a crush on me at first during freshman year, too retarded to notice.
Their friendship rivals lesbian couples.
>She is pretty flirty once I notice she compliments my hair and plays with it a lot.
>Be way the fuck too clingy with her after rejected by grill in see
>figure if i date her best friend she'll be jealous
>RIP grades
>make her a fuckin bagel sandwich for her for one of her birthdays because she comments on how delicious my sandwiches look
>throw in some shampoo or lotion or something in gift bag
>get hug
>FUCKING TEXT asking if she wants to date
>being the cosmopolitan reading NPC she is, she rejects me by text.
In person soon after
>"Hey femanon, do you think we would make a good couple?"
>"I don't know, that depends, do you think we would?"
>"I mean I don't want to make it weird between us and ruin our friendship"
Bad end
>I try again, mustard up courage to buy her valentines choco box off of school fundraiser
> bitch, where is new girl i will give her valenchoco
>"she's dating beaner yo"
>too sad to give them to her or eat them, they rot in backpack
>man am i a faggot for allegory
Toss them in trash
>she ends up with fat beaner stoner from our group, I suspect its his green eyes
>we were cool too
>remember I had asked her to prom before they started dating
>he asks "are you sure you dont have anyone you're taking to prom"
He knows
>"Nope, fuckoff dont care to anymore"
Bad end end
There is even more for you patient bots

this is the move with cold approaches. if she isn't interested and is just being nice to you in person, then she'll never text you and you don't waste your time. if she does text you, she's obviously interested

She did it on purpose, wouldn't have called back in that situation

>Talking to girl online
>Ask her to go on a date with me, since we lived only about an hour apart
>Go out on date, spend day together doing stupid stuff
>Fast forward a year, married
>Fast forward 2 more years, divorced
End of story.

>Lady at work going out of way to talk to me, learn my name, shake my hand, talk to me
>Asked me about my work schedule, if our days line up. ( Same building, different gigs)
>Looks like prime mommygf w/ round bum.
Must do something about this. Going to man up for once in my life.

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>Be me, 16 years old.
>Fat, but not neckbeard or ugly. Just a chubby 6/10 dude.
>Been best friends with this girl for awhile, she's nothing special but neither am I. I like her.
>Finally muster the courage to ask her out, send her a text
"Hey can we talk after Math? I have smth I need to get off my chest."
>She says she does as well.
>Feel excited, hopes are higher than a Jamaican.
>She comes out to me as a lesbian that day.
>Tell her that what i need to tell her isn't important

I'm 20 now but this shit still hurts. She's in a happy relationship now and we talk sometimes.

I got cucked by Gay, lads.

>Fat 6/10
I hope you know fat people are 2/10 by default and that's being generous. Being fat is basically the same as being ugly.

>Fat people are 2/10 by default
Cool story bro

Tell that to Proxy Paige and the rest of really fuckeable fat gurls out there boiiiiii

If you were waiting for yellow man story, it's merely hypocrisy
>be asian looking
> girl called me asian a lot, unironically
>suspect thats one of the reasons im not her type
>see a pic of her lodging with an jap in japan
>message her "guess you like asians after all huh"
>"i guess so"
>"ask him "Can you ski?" he'll think its funny "
>"You never change user"
Never speak with her again

Cope harder but that won't make you any less fat or ugly. Just stop eating so much and move your body some more, fat people are ugly even if people won't tell you because it would hurt your feelings.

>be me
>15 y/o
>shy ginger 6/10 really into me
>4/10 so don't buy it
>ask her to go watch a movie
>she agrees
>I actually want to see that movie
>sit next to each other during whole movie and do nothing
>she was disappointed
>contact fades
>I wasted my only chance of getting a gf for movie about pajeet on a boat

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I've actually slimmed down some since Highschool. I was pushing obesity but now I'm only a bit over-weight.

Thanks for motivating me to hit the gym some more and keep burning those calories you worthless whore :)

>like this girl for a while
>asked her out a couple times waaay way back but nothing ever came of it
>get my wisdom teeth taken out
>on painkillers
>open snapchat
>she's bitching about tfw no bf
>do it again
>"You know what user? Sure."
>don't actually set a specific date
>don't know how Snapchat's supposed to work
>it fizzles out in a day or two

Well, fuck me for trying.

>go to bathroom and rub handsoap on my armpits
>doesnt do anything just feels bad against my t shirt
Can someone explain why this happens? Its one of those things that we've all done but is too specific for anyone to question or search up on the internet without accidentally getting the answer to something completely un-related

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>4th grade
>Have crush on girl
>Girl's friends all tell me my crush likes me
>Too pussy to do anything
>Next day girl and her friend's come up to me
>They all tell me to ask her out
>Still too pussy
>This goes on for awhile until I'm barely able to get the words out
>Get fake married and hug sometimes
>Break up with her after a week to seem cool to my brother
That was the only relationship I've ever had.

>be me
>ask girl out on a date
>she says no

and thats how its been ever since i was in high school

>meet girl
>tell her you wishes to put peepee in vagoo or poopoo
>girl says no u