That kid thread
>that kid who got caught smoking weed in the bathroom
>that one kid who mooned a biker on a school bus trying to impress everyone on the bus
>that kid that sent hentai to his crush
That kid thread
>that kid who got caught smoking weed in the bathroom
>that one kid who mooned a biker on a school bus trying to impress everyone on the bus
>that kid that sent hentai to his crush
>that kid who drew hentai in class
>that kid who'd finger himself and have others pay him $3 to sniff it
>that autistic kid who would take a shit on the school toilet set
>that one Mexican kid who watched anime at school
>that autistic kid who pissed on the bathroom school floor
>that kid who air humped his homie
it still keeps me up at night
>that autistic kid who humped the gym teachers leg
>same beaner who wore a sao backpack every year
>that kid that masterbated in class
>that kid who would scream "cat orgy" whenever he got angry, which was often
>that autistic kid who took a shit on the gym floor
That was me desu. Watched it during class.
>that kid who snorted cocaine before a beep test
>that autistic kid who would pull his pants all the way down at the urinal
>that Asian kid that would yell nigger in the locker room
>that autistic kid who would pull his pants down while running to the bathroom
>that kid who punched a hole in the wall
>that kid who paid a classmate to write a poem to his crush, which he just copied from the internet
>that same kid that before delivering the letter got caught by the teacher, that proceeded to read it out loud in front of the whole class
True story from brazil
>that freshman girl who gave blowjobs for 10 dollars
>The white kid in the locker room who called his friends "niggas"
damn, what happened next?
People would pay? also
>that kid who, for some reason, said he was jewish but he fucking wasn't
>that kid who got rejected by literally every girl in the school
>looks in mirror
>that kid who slapped the teachers ass
Get tf off dad
>that kid who would write in his own blood
>that kid who could quote a hundred different jake and amir videos in their entirety
>that kid who huffed so much inhalants that he went into 2 week coma and now is crippled from the neck down
>that kid that tried to fight an Aussie exchange student and got decked
>that one kid who took a shit in the dressing room's sink
>that one kid who pulled his dick out when the teacher had her back turned
>that one kid who wanked in class
>that kid who thought he was welsh
>that kid who danced like a faggot at every opportunity and impressed nobody
>same kid who was pantsed and exposed for having a small dick
>same kid who earned the nickname "babydick"
>that kid who drew his tails oc in the bathroom
>that same kid who sang what does the fox say on stage
wherever you are i salute you
That kissass that jacked it in class for me
>that polish kid who shat himself on school camp
That Christian kid on the band who claimed to be a brownie and had a carpet where he would lay down towards the Meca thing
>that kid who freaked out and bit the school counselor
>that kid who was caught jerking off to my little pony porn in the library
>that kid who grabbed the geography teachers tits in front of the whole class
>the fact that that was all the same kid
godspeed you autistic fuckwit, wherever you are
>the guy who was caught smoking weed in the bathroom in 8th grade
>the guy who was caught with cheese pizza on his flash drive
>the group of kids who sat in the engineering classroom playing magic the gathering, reeking of BO and doritos
that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that one kid who posted on Jow Forums about that
>that one kid who claimed he was a descendant of the mayans
now i know that i am nothing but a filthy beaner, at least i will never see those people again.
>that kid that kept making that kid threads to get reddit screencaps
fuck off I ain't falling for it
>that kid that punched a hole in a toilet door
>That stoner kid who sold monster energy drinks to kids, broke the window every week and got arrested for calling the cops and accusing our principal a pedo
>That kid who threw a laptop at a teacher
>That autistic girl who cosplayed to school, wore no deodorant, panties and never shaved.
>That vegan, goth wannabe witch who did all that but also wore no bra and had tit-sag at 17
>That punk looking inbred chick who accused another guy of sexual assault for attention and got the poor kid arrested
>That Transgender IT who I lost my virginity to
Not Proud
>That autistic white kid who wore locks on his pants, always wore the same outfit and got caught beating the shit out of his meat in the bathroom stall.
Fucking hell I went to a shit school.
Did he win?
>that indian kid who wore a ushanka to school
>that really buff black kid who was protector for everyone
>that triracial kid who looked white(me)
>that kid who set a fire in the school bathroom
>that kid who got suspended for slapping the light in the ceiling in the hallway and breaking it
>that kid who had barbie dolls and turned out to be a twink in high school
>that kid who slapped a girls ass in front of the whole class by accident(also me)
Middle School was cool I guess