I took screencaps of people's faces from Youtube videos. I would like to share some with you

I took screencaps of people's faces from Youtube videos. I would like to share some with you.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_19_27-11 19 18 and 11 22 18 Wearing bandaids on my face - YouTube.png (401x414, 320K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This man is about to sing a song.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_18_49-15) My bengali cover of the Nupur song - YouTube.png (568x576, 368K)

This man shaved his face.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_21_54-I MISS AND WANT TO BE WITH HER!!! I SHAVED MY FACE!!!! - YouTube.png (510x481, 343K)

This woman is sharing her diaries.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_18_05-Diaries of Gracie Part 1 - YouTube.png (379x601, 431K)

Thank you. I appreciate your service.

The boy is taking a plane trip to visit his friend.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_17_56-Taking 2 airplanes to visit my bestfriend 😤❤️ - YouTube.png (389x694, 316K)

The woman found an interesting news article.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_17_16-A Scary New Way of Anti-Aging.. - YouTube.png (506x483, 496K)

The man talks of fear.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_14_12-FEAR Is Eating Your Soul! How To Face Your Worst Fears! - YouTube.png (422x418, 214K)

Man teaches English.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_13_48-English - YouTube.png (363x453, 271K)

Woman talks of her life.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_31_29-LIFE UPDATE _ Uni dropout, Moved to Australia_! & What I've been doing (401x326, 180K)

Children use face masks.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_13_56-Face Masks With My Brother 😂💛 - YouTube.png (1119x583, 1.04M)

Child has friends.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_18_18-Cookies and Friends - YouTube.png (353x396, 245K)

Sorry, this is all. I hope you have enjoyed my thread.

Attached: 2019-01-07 00_11_57-My name is ChiEvJanuary.look my face - YouTube.png (389x706, 402K)

good research user. Proud of you

I'm glad, thank you.

Hope to see another one of these

Somewhere some hipster artfag is stealing this idea.

Give me the link to this one, user. Sounds interesting.

they are all real people with real feelings and real lives.

we see 1000x the amount of faces in our lives than we normally would in prehistoric times.

I think 90% of people are schizoid or have legit fullblown schizophrenia but just don't know it.

Here you go.



Attached: Screenshot_20190106-151741.png (1080x2160, 1.25M)

braces are kawaii

I like to do it with Tiktoks sometimes.

Attached: Capture.png (282x310, 133K)




This is a funny one you have.



Here you go.


Girl talks about not having any friends

Attached: nofriend.jpg (752x431, 19K)




I like this thread it's nice, thanks OP

This young boy is writing a symphony

Attached: Screenshot_20190106-130642_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 338K)

I've taken a few of Mark from Spectrum Pulse

Attached: speculum prolapse.png (371x440, 293K)

I was subbed to him at one point

Attached: autotune on the brain.png (319x376, 231K)

But those goddamn hand gestures

Attached: art & culture.png (776x677, 724K)

They just got so annoying

Attached: hey there folks.png (711x683, 673K)

Aaand that's all of them

Attached: parodic levels.png (759x674, 664K)

Fav thread of the night thnx

Saved this little gem right here.
No offense to the guy of course, just the face was a funny enough to have a giggle.

Attached: le tourette syndrome man.png (465x399, 198K)

I like to do it too. Here is one.

Attached: ZGMxNDVkM2UzMCMvYkV6a1dOdVE4TkktOTMzRFVSbTkzM2hISjBnPS82N3gwOjYzNngzNTgvODAweDQ1MC9maWx0ZXJzOmZvcm1h (800x450, 39K)

Who is this fine gentleman?

This girl is about to demonstrate her ass shaking skill

Attached: amber-jiggles-her-ass-1.jpg (640x480, 33K)

His name is Elliot. He does vanilla latte reviews and drives BMW asian style

His name was Elliott Rogerson

What an absolute gentlemen

Attached: 1483099444882.jpg (759x1092, 85K)

The internet is crazy how it lets you see how everyone lives. Some places on Earth and the people that live there can seem so alien. I don't think it's natural though, people would be much happier if they only knew and could compare with the people physically around them. Like you said, it seems like everyone is mentally ill but it's just become normal.

You did good OP. Proud of you

good thread OP. how do you search for your videos? my method is often to use the generic file name for videos i.e. VID_20190107. you can do the same with IMG_(date) on google but it's not as interesting

She looks like the mom on good luck charlie

Attached: leigh-allyn-baker-240.jpg (240x320, 25K)

HERE IS A NICE DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE SUPREME. Bad soundtrack though. Does not fit the image.


Holy shit, I forgot how ugly this woman looked.


Bloody hell it is original.

Attached: Chilling at the Sandpiper Golf Course parking lot.png (940x627, 702K)