What are the worst boards on Jow Forums?
Hard Mode: No Jow Forums, /lgbt/, /soc/, /b/, Jow Forums, /mlp/.
What are the worst boards on Jow Forums?
Hard Mode: No Jow Forums, /lgbt/, /soc/, /b/, Jow Forums, /mlp/.
/v/ without a doubt because it attracts twitch faggots
/s4s/ also 1chan. I know its cheating but its just a bunch of fucking trains why?
In terms of moderation, /v/ is one of the dumbest boards on the website. It has probably the strictest mods I've ever seen. You can't post anything meta or culturally related to gaming, they just want strict gaming discussion which is retarded. I've never a board that hates its own subject matter so much.
In terms of actual content of posts, /s4s/ is just braindead stupidity. /tv/ is full of degeneracy and needs to be wiped out.
Jow Forums, /sci/ and /vip/
Maybe its burn-out but I swear /mu/ has gotten sad these days - I suppose its the inevitable case where everything that can be talked about has been discussed and so new releases are the only fresh material, although this is then lathered with unfunny humour and Fantano memes, genuine discussion is at best awkward and hard to maintain even on generals. There seems a very weird case of the board becoming pretentiously un-pretentious in the sense that where previously there was a sense of haute-culture snark that while derived from falsehood was largely taken in jest, now there appears to be uncompromising honesty in taste and acceptance of low-standards at the expense of the board having an identity and instead becoming just another hobby site. I can't get the words for it today, perhaps its better for the board to be more open and honest yet it feels more artificial than before, perhaps its the loss of excitement in releases, its embarrassing for people to be interested in things as if each and every band formed a colossal console-wars that everything seems far more grey now.
Jow Forums ruined the site so no hard mode. Other than that probably /x/, you'd expect some in-depth discussion about spooky shit or the paranormal but they're all memelords and low IQ ESFPs.
Train otaku will fucking destroy you, watch your tongue.
You're spot on. /Mu/ is so shit. Music is more of a fashion statement there and all the users are unabashedly underage. At least mentally underage. Try to avoid the place now, which is a shame because I've found some good music there.
Jow Forums is the worst, obviously, it took over /b/'s spot as the source of all cancer on this site years ago, you can literally see in the archives, they track the most reposted images, the boards that Jow Forums has tainted are filled with pepes and wojaks and nothing else, and then you have boards with nary a wojack or pepe to be seen, it's like night and day
other than Jow Forums and the boards it has metastasized to, I want to give a special "fuck you" mention to /co/, possibly the worst moderated board on the site and home to some of the most insufferable manbabbies on the entire internet
It's a shame because /co/ from 2006 - 2009 wasn't bad, but then it was so new in 2006 it hadn't found an identity yet, and by 2009 it had found one, but the great newfag invasion had hit and the cancer was starting to sweep over the board, combine that and the pony wars and by the end of 2011 /co/ of old was dead forever
seriously, fuck modern /co/
/fa/ is fucking gay
/sp/ is the lowest iq banter on the planet, it's like Jow Forums except the argument is always the same bullshit "UR TEAM SUX (insert slur based off persons flag)
/gif/ is shit only because the trap shit hasn't been moved to /cm/
/tv/ has been going to shit. Nothing but someone posting an unrelated image and saying "Kinos for this feel?"and the topic of the thread always goes on about the image, whether it be political, sexual, or a meme. The same threads every goddamn day.
fucking secret furry haven
Jow Forums is shit. nobody even knows that /prog/ used to exist.
either /b/ or Jow Forums. whichever brings in the most newfags/normalfags
Definitely /qa/, it's basically the garbage bin for threads, moreso than /trash/. That entire board is sustained by psuedo-/jp/ autism. It's not even usable for its original purpose because of the anime girl spew.
/fa/. Users are either underaged fucktards or rich kids using mommy's credit card to buy branded clothes.
ez gg
Jow Forums is just a load of crypto touting. a wasted opportunity
better question is which boards aren't shit
Jow Forums makes it seem like mental and physical health have an inverse relationship.
/v/ /tg/ and /trash/ for having all of the furfags
Fucking kek. Yeah, that is pretty true.
honestly I feel like Jow Forums made almost no difference. There was always some guy sperging about race and politics in every thread the only difference is people just wouldn't acknowledge it
[s4s] is unironically one of the best boards on this site
/x/ has basically morphed into full-blown schizo posting these days
/cm/ is a SFW 2D imagedump board
/qa/ is one of the better, more fun boards around. The Jow Forums happenings thread is oftentimes the single best thread on the entire site, bar none.
Taking into account hardmode, it would be /v/. It's basically facebook tier at this point.
Jow Forums is basically /r9k2/ but with an even bigger focus on hating your appearance. The only thing that's better(?) is that femnon posting doesn't immediately equal a thrash thread since there's usually a legitimate reason to state your sex.