Depressing images thread robots. It's been a while
Feels Thread
this is a sad picture
He chose to sit there. 100% Everytime I was in a situation like that then and now I chose to sit by myself and think to myself "woe is me"
My sad image is a screenshot from YT of a SATANIC FUCKHEAD telling about how he enjoyed killing his own kitten. He has told this shit already TWICE in Egg Fuck's streams, He has also told how he FUCKS HIMSELF TO SEVERE ANIMAL ABUSE (and gore), even people CRUSHING ANIMALS TO DEATH, animals who are DOZENS OF TIMES WEAKER THAN THEIR KILLERS IN EVERY WAY. And NO ONE PAYS ATTENTION, on the contrary, there are PLENTY OF FUCKHEADED FILTH WHO WANT TO BE HIS FRIENDS. On the basis of that, and on the basis of YT allowing this kind of shit, I CAN ONLY CONCLUDE THAT 80-90% OF HUMANITY ARE SOCIOPATHIC FILTH, who give a fuck if an individual of different species is being hurt (by their friend). They actually put considering other HUMAN'S FEELINGS AHEAD OF CONDEMNING HORRIFYING ANIMAL ABUSE OR ENJOYING IT. And THEY ALL NEED TO BE ERADICATED, one way or the other. Well, I keep dreaming about breaking the neck of this fuckhead and drowning him after that, while I film it and then share it in the dark web for people to masturbate to it, 'till I find a solution to punish fuckheads of his kind or at least part of them. I have ZERO mercy for fuckheads of his kind, or the fuckheads wanting to be friends of his kind. They all need to go. And offing them is a smaller crime than what they do, because their victims are innocent while they themselves are not.
Always hurts to see this one
That's a POWERFUL jawline, he looks young so maybe he got better?
I don't know how to feel about this
That pic has to fake I would have seen it before
Yeah, and the SATANIC NON-HUMAN FILTH actually torturing animals need to be done the same as they did to their victim. Forgot to mention.
This is how every country will look soon enough
probably the reality of us all
got to love the current state of involuntary cultural enrichment
This was an addition to this
You mean about my post or the posts of the satanic filth? Well, if the latter does not make you feel anything then you probably are a sociopath like 80-90% of humanity. Sorry about that.
All of this shit makes me taste blood in my mouth. I have to say that I DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE. There is something inherently wrong about them, being so HUMAN CENTRIC. I am not sure if I want to be part of this species.
I feel like this one is overly optimistic - I can see myself trying to kill myself at 40, but I don't think I could go through with it. More realistically I see us dying alone of extremely painful rectal cancer at age 70, with no friends or family left alive who will still talk to us
It's real. Surprised you haven't seen it, it's been around for a while.
Jeez youre a pussy its just a big rat
He literally didn't - the other table is full
We've gotta stop letting people take pictures of us alone with cakes.
Well hi there, FUCKHEAD. How do you feel about that idea of me breaking your neck and drowning you so that people can masturbate to it in the dark web? Does that sound hot? To feel the same pain you caused to that "big rat"? Anyway, YOU WILL GET YOUR PUNISHMENT. Also, your college should be informed what a ticking TIMEBOMB you are, fantasizing about stabbing women into their stomach and enjoying rape porn. There's probably some female students in your school or at least female teachers. They need to be warned. Then you won't even have your studies, but you are back to your NEET life, being even less desirable to women than you are now. THANK GOD that at least no woman will fuck you so that your genes won't be able to spread.
At least he gets a birthday party, unlike some of us
Based retardposter saving us from the dangers of higher thought.
Based higher thought poster saving us from the dangers of anti-animal retardism.
Everything you've said has resonated deeply with me, and I would gladly sign your petition based user.
How could you break my neck if a dead rat makes you sad haha
Friendly reminder that all the best chads/tall muscular dudes in countries like America, Britain, France, Germany, & Russia died in both world wars.
i came here for sadness and all i got was gayness
Thank you so much. I think there would be leagues of other people willing to sign a petition against YouTube as well. Need to put it under consideration if there won't be change in their policies.
Because dead you does not make me sad but DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY. Haha.
And yeah, you most definitely are THAT fuckhead who I talked about. Because you are talking about RAT instead of a cat. You see, you once praised how hot that one girl was who tortured a rat/mouse in her video, so that you probably fucked yourself to it too. Then your demented friend giggled how it must have been quite a crunch as the girl finally bit the mouse's head off. You two are clearly non-humans.
I agree with you based cat crusader
These devils anger me too
all theyre doing is praying user, the reason there's so many is just because they always come together for friday prayers. if you're really scared from people going up and down in the streets then i dont know what to say to you
wow you like people dying thats kind of sick your college should be informed what a ticking timebomb you are
Humans are very curious animals user deal with it nigger.
Thank you. We need to do something with the human laws to get humans punished for torturing and killing animals the same way they would be punished for doing those things to humans. What would you think would be the punishment if you bit a human's head off of his body just for the sake of entertainment? Yes, life in prison or death sentence depending on the place. That is not enough though, there should also be punishment for entertaining yourself with watching such things being done to any other living being, a heavy prison sentence. Then we'd get Malformed Man and his kind be punished too.
I only like people dying when they deserve it. None of the people I deal with in my daily life do.
I will DEAL with them. I promise that. :)
I'll go to have a rest now.
this was me all through high school
Me too. I always waited that all the others had first taken their food, entering the line last. Then I went to sit into a table where there was space left. That way I avoided being bullied in line, and also having to sit in the same table with my class mates none of which wanted me to sit in the same table because I was ugly and weird. Now that I am an adult, no one wants me to sit in the same table either, as I am sexually inactive person. So I go to eat a lot later than the others, so that I do not have to sit in the same table with the people I know. Because they do not want it. And I can't sit into a different table, because there will be consequences, people I know will start acting hostile towards me to show that I have done something wrong so that they are not accepting me in the same table because of that, not because they are rejecting me for an unjustified reason. People are like that. They need to make the target of rejection look guilty. It's making the life of the rejected person complicated, but luckily there is solutions, such as eating your own snacks when it comes to the problem of sitting in tables.