What do you guys study? Just curious about your age and what you study and if you like it or not

What do you guys study? Just curious about your age and what you study and if you like it or not

im 24 and i study computer science. Im in my freshman year of uni. My classes are going smoothly so far but i get bored easily.

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changed programs or something? stopped being a neet?

I was working on and off. Eventually decided to go to uni

20 , In my final year of engineering degree. Already have a job and will be joining this year

I'm 26 and studied economics. I got a master's degree last year and am likely done with school.

I'm a cucksci senior about to graduate next semester. I started out just doing it for the money and because I'm too autistic for a normie major but I started unironically enjoying my classes towards the end of junior year, now I'm sad I didn't try harder before because my GPA is too shit for grad school

29, I majored in English lit, minored in creative writing. Easy grades, graduated cum laude. I mainly only went to school to stop family from bugging me while I did as little work as possible. I NEET'd it up after graduating for a few years and eventually a friend got me a nice job. I hate working but at least the place I work at lets me have semi-flexible hours and pays me enough to live by myself.

>I mainly only went to school to stop family from bugging me

Do all parents do this shit

24 and philosophy freshman

will try to go into politics somehow if my degree helps

imagine being this dead inside.

its the opposite, i'm doing it to improve the world (or miserably fail at it)

looka at this nigga

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Also computer science. I'm in junior year, get As and Bs in my core classes but it feels like I haven't learned shit and have no practical knowledge. I have no idea how to apply anything I've learned on something that someone will pay me for and it's making me nervous. I have no passion to learn outside of class, and little time.

23 I study Management Information Systems. I think it's alright, I'm really good at it but I only see it as a way to make money. I just want to save enough money to become a neet forever.

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Welp... 23 CS bachelor and working. Single af and trying to guide my miserable useless workmates to success.

26 and studied finance. Graduated summa cum laude because I'm not a brainlet. It was a good choice because I'm an intp and never run out of things to theorize about. Also I manage my own 6 figure portfolio so I can escape the working class one day.

21 and will start my final semester of pharmacy in next week.
Scared shitless because I feel like I don't know enough to be an actual healthcare professional.

Wish I could just be a thot but I'm not hot enough for that.

if you're middle class and white, yes

25. I'm studying to become a psychiatric nurse.

What kind of career did your degree net you? I'm hoping to get into a publishing house after I finish my lit. bachelor's. My parents are the exact same as yours, honestly. They're a little worse, though, since mine are the classical Asians who envisioned their son to become a doctor. Imagine the shit I had to go through to convince them that there's a future in letters, man.

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Don't you still have to go to pharmacy school after your bachelor's? That's an additional four to six years, right? I had a friend who's on the same path as you, and she felt the same way halfway through pharmacy school.


Comfy degree, I enjoy reading about history anyway but the only thing i am not sure of is the teaching career, I don't know if I will be a good teacher

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Is there anyone in this thread who studied something completely different after highschool? For example i have a degree in graphic design but i want to get start doing Electrical engineering in college.

Doing my bio masters at 23. No job so far except summer internship. How fucked am I?

>Already have a job and will be joining this year
I wish I know this feel.

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23, medicine, gonna be a doctor, radiotherapeutic oncology residency preferably

how was it? I'm studying economics right now, I'm in my first year. Just got past accounting, maths 1 and microeconomics. I'll be doing macro and maths 2 this block. Microeconomics was a major pain in the ass, not even sure I passed. Is the rest of the study going to be this difficult too or will it get easier?