Who do you orbit? How big are your folders? Mine is 1.6gb

Who do you orbit? How big are your folders? Mine is 1.6gb

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Imagine orbiting girls in 2019

i orbit jupiter, pretty cool

also made of ice

pic related

shit the picture didnt upload

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girls orbit me and send me stuff.
yoy are pathetic

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Is there life within you, Europa?

All of her social media and YouTube videos are GONE because some faggot came to her work and asked for her

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yes, but more to come soon from you guys apparently

pic related

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good joke 6/10 made me haha strong for 10 seconds, but OP destroyed that moment. I hope you burn in hell OP, you hear me?

Hahaha hohoho soooo funny. Le upvote good sir xD

Why do you want OP to burn in Hell he just like cute girl

upvote my ass

only girls I orbited was Ciara and sunny but both are gone so fuck myself

upvote my dick bitch

i only orbited tahlia because i was australian. i orbited because i unironically wanted her to be my gf. deleted my folder after finding out she's turning into a normie. not surprising though cause she's a foid and all, but a man can dream

>Hobbys/Orbiter/BeautifulAngelCiara/Fappfolder 1.6GB

Post some of that sweet sweet orbiter folder stash rn

here you go, my orbiter stash

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let me show you the pics

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this orbiter is so hot dude

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Nigger stfu you have a brain disease

i bet your fun at parties

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yall need to calm down and just orbit tay tay

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gotcha, here you go

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I got 3.6 GB of this to go my friendo

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do you know what happened? ori



This is her explanation but theres probably more to it

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she continued to upload videos and fresh pics of herself and broadcast her entire life to the public. in a way, all of this is her fault.
if she is genuinely taking a break from social media and attention whoring, then good for her. but she can't play the victim here.

that still doesnt excuse someone coming to her work without asking to attempt to talk to her about internet drama. the only reason someone would do that is because they want to trap her in a place she cant say no to talking. it means that she wouldnt agree to meet up normally. two wrongs dont make a right

looks kinda young user. you might want to quit while you're ahead.

no shit. i highly doubt he was going to do anything violent though, he's from fuckin 4chin. chances are he's not very intimidating irl. i assume all he would do is awkwardly approach her, maybe be a little unfriendly/try to ask her a few personal questions.
was that cool on his part? not exactly; it makes him look like some salty butthurt orbiter. but she literally posts everything she does in her life on the internet. she has continued to post doxxable pics of herself, she posts videos of herself, she talks to fuckloads of people, she continues to get involved in fucking childish middle school e-drama, she constantly says she has "turned over a new leaf" when she genuinely hasn't, she takes nudes and sends them out to whomever of her choosing. she's an utter mess. that's why people mock and ridicule and "observe" her.
there's always new recent leaked chat logs of her being scummy and disgusting and she's an attention whoring drama obsessed little degenerate.
in the post she literally admits it's "fun and exciting" at first, but now she's experiencing some real consequences to her actions so she thinks she can play the card of scared innocent unassuming nice little girl. what a fucking joke. i hope she goes down for good and fucking suffers for all the shit she's done and continues to do. she can't keep dicking around on the internet like some detestable mentally adolescent e-whore and expect everything to be perfect.

have you been under a rock for the past six months? theres been no legal nudes releases, no middle school drama, no saucey chat logs, all she would do is post random videos on youtube. she obviously hates herself enough by that post saying she only blames herself. ever since she turned 18 she has been doing well and she was already doxxed and everyone knew where she lives/worked. genuinely curious as to where youve been recently since she has been behaving

this is why ciara is fucked in the head and mentally deranged and irredeemable human garbage, because disgusting faggot orbiters like you enable her every move

she's admitted to taking nudes and sending them to people she ""trusts"" recently, and told maimon she'd send him nudes of herself "when jay dumps her."
she's fucked people over remorselessly, even close friends, she stabs people in the back, she's extremely fucking fake and puts on some persona when you first meet her to make you think she's nice and different from the person she used to be, and you find out it's all complete bullshit. she's a deceitful little whore and deserves everything horrible happening to her.
the fact alone that she still hangs out on discord around popular discordfags and attention whores in drama servers means she hasn't changed at all. she has the maturity of a fucking child and she only cares about herself. literally narcissistic personality disorder having money grubbing parasitical demon. not only that, she also willingly hangs out with shady people as long as they give her her attention fix and increase her social status. literally every single one of her problems are entirely her fault and she is to blame for everything. she cannot make herself look like the victim here, because she is the least innocent person in the history of histories.

recently? that was back before it was even her 18th birthday if it was even real screenshots. are you the salty orbiter whos mad that she called you out for creeping on her at work? when you said recent i thought you meant past eight months lol. you cant even find a bad recent thing to say about her.

you're fucking pathetic. lmao.
she turned 18 and suddenly her recent behavior turned around magically and she had a wild change in mindset and personality? how does that work?
she has done scummy degenerate shit in the past few months, but she's just been more discreet about it. i'm not going to mention all of it, because you're going to defend her no matter what.
go away you desperate for e-pussy waste of life.

she got scared straight prolly. or it was her master plan all along to dick around and stop when she was 18. who knows.. all i know is that nothing has come out and if she were up to something we wouldve caught her by now.

can confirm a friend of mine named meppz recently started having a grudge against her because she humiliated him in front of his mother during a video call when she was in the room about his femdom fantasies and how much meppz wanted to "eat the crumb cakes out of her asshole". he's been kind of hush about it ever since, but you can ask him and he'll probably tell you. she also basically cheated on her current bf if this was recent he only just told me this not long ago but im not sure how long ago it happened

what a surprise. all e-whores cheat on their cuck pedo bfs
ciara hunted down and brutally murdered when?

never heard of this meppz dude in my life lmfaoooo. sounds like a loud of bullshit. he can provide proof or gtfo

Here you go. Still looking for alot more rares of her.

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Post some post some reeeee

Here u go. I miss her

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Fucking kek

nigga originalo

Don't know about you user but here on earth we orbit the sun. It's pretty comfy but it takes kinda long, which I could orbit faster

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You sad, sad fucks. Why?

What video did she leave this comment on because I am not seeing it.

Imagine ever orbiting someone you've never met

The guy with a folder full of space shit has a brain disease, not the guy who obsesses over ugly underage girls on the internet. Ok.

I love this. It really shows how stupid and self absorbed these attention whore roasties are.
>This stuff seems fun and exciting at first
Stupid fucking whore really thought that it was fun and exciting being orbited by a legion of mentally ill adult men.

One of us OP discord H2BtAu