I cant stop getting dreams about high school even though it was 7 years ago.
I cant stop getting dreams about high school even though it was 7 years ago
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what happened in highschool for you?
They don't go away hs was 10 years ago for me
pretty sad that i've gotta check if these hoes have schlongs. anyway me too OP, dreams be whack. wouldn't wish them on my enemies
Nothing really, thats the weird thing. There was a girl i liked but thats all.
I graduated high school almsot 10 years ago, I still have dreams about several friends that i knew from it and after.
I dreamt about one of them last night, he was a big star wars/LOTR buff . I miss you Shawn ;_;
>be indoctrinated through the entirety of your developmental years
>surprised you still subconsciously think about it decades later
>had a near mental breakdown last night when I realized high school was 10 years ago for me. What the fuck happened, man.
i dont think im ever going to get over high school. that shit fucked me up for life
why did I drop out it wasn't that bad in hindsight
tfw still a neet years later
Every now and then i dream about my former classmates. Not bad people but because of my autism i severed relationships with them and now i havent had any friends in the last 4 years
I have dreams about having to make up for skipping classes (which I did) and not managing to get enough grades and having to do the year again.
I get similar dreams. I always have forgotten to take classes throughout the year and now can't make up a grade and/or don't know any material. That or I've completely forgotten what the room number for a class is because I've missed so many classes throughout the year.
It's always the excessive missed classes thing.
That or teeth falling out.
They never go away till you do something important with your life. Get a harder job and a better gf so you can have nightmares about that
I don't dream too much, or maybe I just forget most of the dreams I have, but
I've been having dreams about being in high school, hanging out with my friends at the local mall ever since I graduated back in 2015
In fact, a week ago, I had 2 dreams 2 days in a row about being in high school.
I think I'm starting to hate having dreams
They remind me of better times, and when I wake up, I just feel more miserable about life
Recently, I've pushed a lot of people away, and people that I knew who I was cool with but weren't my goods friends started treating me differently. I keep having recurring dreams about these people, just normal ass dreams about hanging out with them or having conversations with them. I fucking hate it. I know what my brain is trying to tell me but I don't like it at all. Sometimes dreams can be a great escape from reality, but sometimes they just fuck you right up the butt and it's so inconsistent.
It's because you're a nonce
>Tfw dreaming about snuggling with that girl
I hate those dreams
dude, i dropped out at 16 and im 28 now. I STILL dream about highschool. Im always there trying to finish getting my diploma, but the whole scenario always goes to shit and something terrible happens.
Will this keep happening until i get my GED?
Same. Four years ago here. Still dream about going to school late and not having finished my chem homework.
Dream about doing my English homework in homeroom.
The best dreams I have ever had have been me in my tenth grade English class. I was actually happy then. I wake up happy and joyful but the feeling slowly fades away.
Dream about when I still saw people I liked every day.
I have nightmares where I didn't graduate in time and had to do another year.
>Took 10mg melatonin one night
>Had a super vivid dream that I was at some sort of football game with that girl
I love them in the moment, but after I wake up I feel like shit.