
>the fell for the coffee Jew

Fucking pissed off man. I must be spending nearly 800 a year on this shit.

Also general coffee thread. Where do you buy from? What your favorite? Do you make your own?

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>like the taste of coffee
>caffeine makes my body and mind chimp out
>decaf is hard to find and overpriced where I live
shit sucks man

I used to like it because it made me more sociable, then I realized I could use it for reliable daily pooping. Now I can't go without it.
I was a fan of 8 o'clock brand, but walmart stopped carrying it and started pushing its terrible shit.

>went from 3 cups a day to zero 2 weeks ago
>no noticeable difference
thinking I should jump back on the train

>caffeine does absolutely nothing
>still like the taste
>chug multiple espressos like it's nothing
not sure whether I am spending money effectively

if you drink enough espresso, it's probably worth it to get an espresso machine and grind your own from beans

Fags, get a real addiction

M7 it costs like 6 dollars for a nice bag of coffee. That can last a week so you should only spend like 300 a year.

Op here. I also have a slight alcohol addiction but don't smoke or do drugs. What so you do?

lol I wish coffee worked for me, I have ADHD so it just puts me to sleep. I also can't drink alcohol because of a histamine condition so i'm stuck to drugs that I have access to like DXM and Gabapentin for my fun addictions

>drinking coffee every day
You literal junkie

behold my greasy beans

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For me it's more the fact of having something to sip. I do like coffee but I think it's the idea of having something while I work or shitpost or watch TV. I can't just work or play street fighter without rewarding myself with a sip every now and again.

Yes I could sip water but it's not the same

Try tea.
Not just black tea. All sorts of teas and tisanes

Coffee is insidious

Coffee wakes me up in the morning and perks me up mid afternoon. I love it

Wow 800 bux a year on coffee that's so much money.

You poor faggot.

You sound like a top man user. Thanks.

Gonna get myself a coffee now.

I'm a barista in Melbourne.
I probably make more or less 60 000 coffee a year.
Ask me anything

Coffee is red pilled and tastes amazing. Drinking a lot of coffee keeps me trim. My metabolism is insanely fast.

>Espresso, almost always no sugar except on occasions where I want it sweeter or if the beans are bitter/tarty.
>I like standard espresso blends. I generally hate fruity coffee beans.

I always like barista coffee. Maybe I'm a cuck because I get more pleasure paying for it.

Still trying to find the best instant coffee. Untill I get an actual coffee machine at home I have to make do with the instant stuff

Fuck of you faggot. It's in euro anyway

Why not get a French press?