sorry for benny claiming
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Let us all join hands and say a little prayer for the wagies on this blowy day
Cold lad here, how we all doing?
*uses multiple doorhandles after wiping nose*
Cat being sexually aggressive to his sister and I've ran out of fags, not great, but at least I had my flu jag
Just reorganised my entire porn collection to make it more accessible.
Feeling quite satisfied.
>neets haven't woken up yet
>wagies are all at work
Slow thread :(
>sophie from peep show has now won a load of awards
mad ting
half way through my shift, thank you for prayers, much appreciated
Going to the highstreet lads be back in a bit
What for?
See you later lad.
Pay in my xmas cheque and maybe get a sandwich and a sip
how did you organise it? by actor or what they were doing?
Morning. Hope you all slept well
Details lad, what sandwich, which shop and what sip?
Out of interest, how did you structure it? I made a folder for each basic sex act - fellatio, penetration, handjob etc
You may remember about two months ago I had a brief but intense relationship with a girl. It ended when she said she wasn't ready for a relationship. I told her to take her time and that I'd be waiting for her when the time came.
She went to China for work/family visit over christmas, and today is the day she gets back to the UK. I'm hoping that when my phone goes off it'll be her, and the message will read something like
>Hey James, I did a lot of thinking and I wanted to know if you were still waiting for me. What we had was very special and I don't want to lose it.
Or maybe she won't message me at all, and in the past three weeks has totally forgotten me. If that's the case I'll be waiting indefinitely, haha.
poor lad stood outside the ecig shop waiting for it to open
if dubs you have to go to greggs. if trips find an independent sandwich shop
It's actually all hentai lads. I think I've rewired my brain at this point.
>there's a knock on the door
>it's the cleaner
>"have you got a torch"
>"i asked the rest but they have no idea what i'm on about"
Bloody albanians. How can they not understand such a simple request?
I didn't have a torch for him to use
Oh, fair enough. I have a bit of hentai myself but it only makes up about 15%
Poley admitting he's a dress-wearing slapper
>just because I'm wearing pink dresses and riding the cock carousel doesn't mean I'm not a woman
Poley's sexual partners are measured in the negatives.
Crona has been missing for over a week.
Crona isn't missing. Crona is dead.
We're reaching delusion levels that shouldn't be possible.
Hope Crona is dead.
can someone be missing if no-one cares that they went?
i've really gone and done myself over this time
Oh no what should we do
If a tranny dies in the woods but nobody cares, does it make a sound?
new boots arrive today
>does it make a sound?
as much as it possibly can because trannies are just attention seekers
What is your favourite memory?
Wahey lad. Always a good feel when something you ordered arrives. It's the little things in life
Cold lad again, just snorted a huge load into the back of my throat and swallowed it
got them for a very good price as well
What kind mate? Wellies? Walking boots? Some overpriced meme fashion shoes?
Sitting on britfeel with a brew, after just having been for a run. Cold but the heating is on so I get that warm tingly feeling in my hands as the blood warms them up again.
some walking boots
i think walking boots are trendy now anyway
Do you even walk though?
no im a parapalegic
Listen this is an interabled thread lad
>it's a banana and pint of water for second breakfast episode
at least it's good for me, 'spose
Hostlad detected
Morning lads! Hope youre all doing well. In the middle of some exams myself so I want to fall asleep, but I have a break right now.
Anyone got any cozy plans for this evening?
bananas are full of sugar and potassium, really bad for you akchually
if I was half a person I'd make sure my boots always had fresh dirt on them so people would think I'm just pretending to be half a person
when did potassium become bad?
Sounds a bit povvo. You on a health kick? Would prefer some coffee with that myself
Got an all day breakfast and opted for a cherry Lucozade instead of a proper sip. Big queue in the bank got a bit sweaty
>Big queue in the bank got a bit sweaty
I know that feel. I'm not a bank robber I'm just anxious
They're really good for you as long as you don't have more than one a day lad
I was on day 8 of nofap yesterday but had a wet dream. Does this mean I've lost? Boxers were absolutely soaked this morning.
would have had a coffee but already had one and my lips are really dry so think I'm dehydrated
Did you walk out the bank or complete your task?
They've removed the paying in machine too.
was tempted to walk out but gritted my teeth and waited. Home and comfy now so was worth it
That's just your body's way of saying you're wasting your time on a meme lad
>invited to play badminton with colleagues
>never played before
>need to provide my own raquet
Might just say I'm busy.
Do you lads think /britfeel/ deserves a thread on kiwi farms?
Kiwi Farms relies on being able to ineract with their targets, so no it wouldn't really work here.
And there are too many joke characters and LARPers for it to be possible.
Can you imagine trying to kiwi farm Moni? He'd just post there and sabotage the community.
Proud of you mate
Did your colleagues just assume everyone owns a badminton racquet? Where the hell do you work?
No. It would have to be a neutral retrospective like Down the Rabbit Hole and about inactive posters but it would be pointless anyway
I guess they do. It's not posh, it's a factory in the midlands.
>local branch closed down last year and the next closest one is a half hour drive
>always a massive queue
If my grandparents give me another cheque for Christmas I'm actually going to REEE irl
What kind of factory? Sounds fun to be honest, badminton is wicked.
Good lad.
I remember when I did my theory test last month I was sweating buckets, very anxious through the whole thing. Never been to a big city but had to go there to do the test.
Then when I got home and had a brew I felt really really good.
Reward yourself lad.
Badminton racquet factory
You've done good then lad. The paying in machine was broken last time I went so I got in the queue. After like 20 minutes I was the next person in the queue when the paying in machine came back on but I still waited in the queue.
I'd like to try it but only played as a kid and they do it regularly, so it wouldn't even be fun for them to play against me.
We build metal cylinders, not that interesting but I work in the admin building not the shop floor.
Had a good chuckle at this.
Might be able to use the mobile app to deposit a cheque. I did it with mine just had to take a picture of it
Is anyone here expecting to inherit any money from their relatives?
I know people who have inherited over 80k
my daddy teaching me how to ride a bike at the park
Can you inherit debt?
>I work in the admin building
Oooooh, check you out. Go for it, sounds like a laugh. Girls love badminton too, so you may find a cute, sensitive, shy, submissive girlfriend to love and cherish you.
going to sound like a larp but my uncles has over 2m in property and no kids, just lives a comfy life, used to be proper close to him but haven't spoke in about the last 5 years and he lives abroad now so doubt I'll even find out if he dies since he fell out of contact with everyone
>10k when granddad dies
>3rd of my mums house when she goes
Yeah I am in line for quite a bit. My Mum's side especially was quite large and wealthy, now I am the only one left. Of course I would rather have them around, but it is nice knowing I will be set for life
My parents aren't wealthy plus I have two siblings so split three ways it's not going to be much at all
Doubt there'd be actual money. Both sets of grandparents own a house but I wouldn't want to see the houses sold. A split of the house sale price is pointless, it will just be wasted away within a year. I'd rather one of the relatives just have the house at least then someone can live mortgage free.
Not a penny lads, come from lower middle class
Trying to claw my way into the higher classes through sheer will for my kids however
>great uncle died a few years back
>he had this fantastic thatched cottage in a comfy little village that looked straight out of a postcard or something
>family just strips it and sells it
The only limits you have are the limits you believe.
What's your excuse in life??
Shame my legs dont work then init lad
It's heartbreaking isn't it lad. I dunno how many people split the money or how much you got but I imagine none of them have any of that money left now.
Grandma has 2 children. (Step) Grandpa has 3 children. He of course is the major breadwinner, has about 100k in cash. The house they own is worth about 800k, so let's say they have 1mil in assets together.
Grandpa is about to die, he's not well. So how is this wealth most fairly split?
Should it all automatically transfer to Grandma, upon whose death it is spread between the 5 children?
Or should it be split some other way?
Depends what is in his will really. There will be a hefty inheritance tax charge on that if he doesn't have any planning measures in place. Lots of people end up having to sell houses because of that
>woke up at 10 am
Awful start to the week, I guess today will be another lazy day after all.
>make a thread on another board
>someone makes a competing one
It will go to the wife first then their children and grandchildren last in that order. The wife will get the most the rest to the children the grandkids kid nothing
No idea on the contents of his will, but I know his powers of attorney are my grandma and her daughter (my mother), which is strange because he could have chosen his own children.
It's more a hypothetical, I'm just curious as to how others would split it.
To me, them being married means there is no 'individual' wealth, the two of them own assets like an individual would.
Current snot colour: green-yellow
I'll let you lads know if the situation changes
I wonder how Shut In Chad is getting on with his first day at work. I wonder how many girls he already has his one working eye on.
Mine is clear and I've had to use like 4 rolls of tissue so far
don't blow your nose too much or you'll clear all the mucus out of your throat and it will dry out and be much worse
In that case I would probably say it should all go to the grandmother (no inheritance tax) so she doesn't have to leave the house, and then when she goes it would be split amongst the 5 children. There would be about 270k of inheritance tax payable on that, so the house would get sold (unless there is another way of paying it / planning measures in place) and divided between the kids.
Dick just exploded ffs
He'd have written a will earlier on, maybe revised it since.
>There would be about 270k of inheritance tax payable on that
Absolutely mad. Definitely gonna have to set up an offshore trust to hold my assets. Fuck taxes.
Yeah that's what I was thinking.
I hope so. The doctor says he's now unfit to change his will or powers of attorney.