Mayo appreciation thread...

Mayo appreciation thread. This little fuck right here has done work in a single sandwich than you have in your entire fucking existence.

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Give me your best recipe sandwich, you faggot.

>Favourite condiment for the French, Belgians, and Americans
>The three most parasitic nationalities a human can have
Why do you "people" like this cummy spoiled milk so much?

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More mayo white boi? Yes, please.

>not ranch or spicy sauce
Yare yare daze

i'm asian and i fucking love mayo

It's not made from milk, but egg

I'm asian and I hate mayo

Fuck that white shit

try mayo + wasabi guacamole

Did someone say mayonez?

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stfu before I call anatoli over there to eat your ass

>only started using it over the past year
it's awesome.

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Horseradish using ass motherfucker

If you regularly use mayo in your sandwiches you should try this
It tastes way more flavorful and through some miracle of science is healthier as well

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Is that like some pinko hippie mayo or something?

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Thanks for posting the best mayo brother.

>tfw only buy Miracle Whip

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>only buy Miracle Whip
That's how everyone knows you're gay

Because it looks like cum? Why else would they like it. Those are the three gayest nationalities, just add Brits as well.

>I'm asian and I hate mayo
Pic related

>Fuck that white shit
Though i have to say, absolutely based and redpilled for this comment alone

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Did you mean Miracle Hwhip?

Mayo is poor people food, so it's black shit

I can't help it, it's just better. Lighter, has a zesty taste to it. Love miracle whip and liverwurst sandwiches

>Lighter, has a zesty taste to it.
Well now I know what jizz tastes like. Thanks for that, faggot

As someone that has taken multiple loads to the throat, mayo is more cumlike

But i thought many white people were poor and living in trailer parks and as such there is no such thing as white privelege?

End your existance immediately

it's definitely possible for white trash to out number american blacks, there's not a lot of them.

It wouldn't change the truth!

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Whites are on a little more than 50% of the welfare in the us, of course that's as the majority, blacks consume almost all the rest of it despite being 15% of the population.

Why are facts always on white people's side...