
Haven't seen a that kid thread in a while so let's have some fun
>that kid who smashed sharpeners to get the blade to cut himself
>that kid who gorilla glued porn to classroom windows
>that teacher with a high school DxD bag who browsed hentai in class
>that 7th grader who dated a softmore
>that tard who wore a tailored suit with a punisher shirt underneath

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That kid who constantly interrupted class and try to be funny but was just really annoying

>that kid who drank water from the urinals
>that autistic kid who became Chad after school
>that kid who was only seen once during the entire year
>that history teacher who was into Age of Empires
>that kid who created a chemical weapon and used it in the school

>that kid who created a chemical weapon and used it on the school
Excuse me can you elaborate

>>that kid who gorilla glued porn to classroom windows
Absolutely fucking based. What a hero.

Some kid gassed the entire school with toxic fumes with some bomb he made.

So that kid just went and ww1ed your school now that's epic

>that kid who bought hundreds of grasshoppers at a pet store and freed them in english class and made the fat SJW bitch teacher pass out, hit her head on the corner of the table and now her entire left side is numb for the rest of her life

lmao dumb bitch

>that kid that brought a skinned snake to school to show it off to the biology teacher
I was a weird kid.

What an absolute madman I admire his act of bravery

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>that kid who played Alabama Nigger in history class on his phone

>that foreign kid who wore full suits to class
>that shy, quiet kid who ended up joining a gang and selling weed to the entire school
>that kid who came on a girl's hair when she was asleep
>that kid that got stabbed in the eye with a pencil during a fight and fucking died of a heart attack
>that smelly african kid
>that poor kid who went to school just for the lunch
>that kid from another state who got made fun of his accent
>that nigger kid who was whitewashed as fuck
>that group of indian/muslim kids who always sat together at lunch

>That kid who hid raw fish in ceiling tiles and vents around the school for april fools
>That kid who would scratch his ass with the complimentary plastic knives from the cafeteria
>That white kid who played piano for the black history assembly with a massive cum stain on his shirt
>That married, van darkholme looking teacher who fucked a 17 y/o stacy

>kid that eveyrone thought was a school shooter because he was quiet and brought gun magazines to school to read

It was me and im on a watchlist.

That was me... I just wanted attention and it worked until middle school, then all my friends started hating me and I became a loner

I went from popular class clown, to annoying reject within a year

The kid I'm talking about probably has autism or something and is still doing this in high school

I know that feel
I mean why don't people just let me read about my hobbies

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>those kids who burned bibles in front of the teacher who made religion hard on purpose.
3 years in a row and every time a different group.

>that roasty who faked pregnancy
>that kid who headbutted a window and broke it
>that teacher who gave drunk classes
>that teacher who always got drunk on school trips
>that kid that snorted dextrose

after a while i accepted it and it became a running joke, got really interested in mass murders when i was a teenager and would research columbine and other shootings to no end. god i was such an edgy faggot. didnt help that i had long blond hair and blue eyes and made nazi jokes/spoke german randomly too

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>snorted dextrose

holy shit that was me as well, I snorted:
>dorito powder
>chicken noodle flavouring

i dont even remember why i did that.

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>that tradthot who dated half of the males in your class (but would never date you) and yet considered herself pure
>that bro-tier Chad who would defend robots
>that kid who put glitter on his face because he was a faggot
>that kid who grabbed his girlfriends ass in the hallway
>that nigger who was so stupid he made other niggers look better
>that kid who died of heroin overdose

that kid was me
I grew a festering disease jar for several months and smashed in in the school. 7 people got lung infections and from what i heard the hallway still stinks like rotting garbage juice 5 years later

>that nigger who whipped out his dick in class and shouted WHO WAN TO PLAY BAA BAA BLACK DICK

All of this at a rural Christian private school btw
Uniforms and everything

>that kid who pretended to be high after you and your mates rolled up some oregano and tobacco

I once did that but it was cinnamon and oregano so it was better

>chili powder
>crushed quartz

Like when people like you are the reason libcucks wanna take guns away

>That kid who liked to smell and eat his own shit in class
>That kid who loved to dance and act as a fucking superhero while looking at Spider-man pictures
I shaked the bastards hand when we first met

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Fuck off. I was dubbed a school shooter for just being quiet.

>Idolizing the Columbine shooters
I wAs tHE sChOol ShOoTeR bEcAuSe I wAs qUiEt

>that kid who openly abused his girlfriend and ended up getting jumped by her ex

>that kid who have worms (and i mean those white from rotten shit worms) coming out of his head
>that kid who shaved his eyebrows and then didnt come to school till grow them again
>that kid who smell like cum for a day
(those three was the same kid)
>those kids who broke some lights, almost hit a girl and have all the classroom outside because of the gas of the light (i was one of those kids we were playing football with a bottle of glue)
>that kid who hide meat on the chairs and let it rotten
>that kid who shit on the urinal and the janitors refuse to clean it so they close the bathroom for 2 days
>those kids who molested some freshman and film it
>that kid who throw a draft to a teacher and hit her in the face

>that autistic kid who stabbed brads hand with a pen
>that kid who punched the principal in the face
>those kids who killed the groundskeeper dog with pepper spray
>that kid who downloaded cs portable in all of the computers so we could all play
>that kid who zinged off the teachers eyebrows and got a suspension for it (was me)
>that kid who still shat his pants at 14

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>>that kid who downloaded CS portable on all the computers so we could all play
Hey those tournaments were fun dude

>that kid who talked to the bus driver

>that kid who thought people couldn't tell he jacked off before school and then didn't shower

Was me
He was a pretty cool guy and got along with everyone including the chads

I assume that was you

indeed they were

>that obnoxious gay kid, that was contantly hitting on everyone
>that kid who collected empty mtn dew cans in his locker
>that kid that climed up a tree, fell down and broke both his legs
>that kid that threw shit around in between classes and screamed GRENADE OUT
>that stoner that faild class so often he finished highschool at 22 years old

>That kid who said Nigger every 2 minutes
>Forced into EXTREME therapy
>When he didn't fulfill his requirement, he would start shaking, sweating, crying then would unleash a fiery attack
>Put into mental asylum

>that kid who roasted everyone

nah I was smart enough to know just because I can no longer smell my cum doesn't mean other people can't

>that kid who downloaded cs portable in all of the computers so we could all play

What a lad

>That kid who swore she was gay but got caught sucking dick for money in the bathroom
>That kid who really was gay and got caught sucking dick in the bathroom
>That physics teacher who said fuck it and taught the class how to play street fighter for 2 days near the end of the year
>That one philosophy teacher that found Chuck Norris jokes funny
>Those groups of kids that had a panic attack during finals

I remember we banned the semi auto shotgun

>that kid who put isaac.exe on the school server

thats how i got into isaac

>That Kid who shaved all his hair off and became a racist.

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>that autistic kid that smeared shit all over the walls

>that kid that would always put tin foil in the back of your shirt
>that kid that got beaten up by immigrants because he wore a bomber jacket

>those kids that always were together and everyone presumed they were gay
>that kid that tried to make a volcano in science class and accidentally made a fucking bomb
>that stereotypical egyptian kid that everyone bullied and now does soundcloud rap

>that kid Who stabbed another kid at lunchtime
>That kid who broke his hand punching an iron dir
> That kid Who sent photos of his dick at every girl in the School

>That 5th grader that got nudes of her realased and then they arrested some teacher for possession of child porn
>that hot teacher who fucked a student
>that kid who got arrested at school by a fucking swat team who were armed with sub machine guns

>>that kid who pit Tin foil in the back of your shirt

that was me for quite a long time. Fortunately, that phase is mostly gone.

>the 2 Chads that beat each other bloody over some bullshit reason with lead pipes
>the kid who announced it like a sports match
The kid who announced was me

>that kid who molested a girl and got away with it
>that gay kid who got caught fisting himself in the asshole
>that kid who liked naruto and submitted an essay about it to school

Hey these are some pretty cool kids not cringe at all

>that kid that got out of class running to get to the bathroom, only to find out the door was locked and shitting in his pants
>that kid who cried every time he did bad in a test
>those fat kids that once fought in the classroom and everyone started screaming and saying it was a titans fight
>that kid who secretly organized betting card games in the school break
>that stinky Irish kid who wore sweaters, had over 5 redhaired half-siblings and whom biological father was in prison
>that kid who was caught in film fucking a sheep
>that stoner kid who was smarter than almost every other kid but hid it

>that kid everyone thought was masturbing in class
>that kid that actually did it

it was pretty common, many did that in 7th grade


>Can't remember any school stories or happenings
I feel so empty


>this kid
he would exercise and meditate literally everywhere, and would shoot energy balls at people he doesnt like

>that Irish kid
yeah it's like they're an archetype themselves

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But why
Also sorry am phoneposting

are you a dae bald man by any chance?

>That kid that tried to fuck the aspie in the school bathroom
>That kid that played Yu-Gi-Oh and for some reason had his Dark Magician girl card slightly broken down because of "humidity"
>That furry who watched Yiff as a "joke" after getting caught in the bathroom masturbating to

Wait... this was all the same kid.

I assume it was you user

autism i guess,
its annoying

Nah dude, back in 8th grade I was the Catholic kid

>That Aspie girl whose pussy smelt like a rotting body in Pripyat
>That kid who was into cuckolding and would often pay guys to fuck his gf
>Same kid who offed himself after she got preggo
>That kid who ran a eBay account selling Runescape items
Got more if you want anymore

Test test, am I banned?

I don't think you're banned user

ADHD does that shit to you. I'm not even a person anymore, just a walking database for bad jokes

>that kid who picked up a trashcan and blew his nose into it
>that kid who stole toilet paper from the bathrooms
>that kid who ate a box of donuts every morning
>that kid who got hit by a stray baseball and it shattered his tibia

looks like you might be shadowbanned (you can see your own posts but nobody else can)

>that gay kid who got caught fisting himself in the asshole
how the FUCK did he get caught?

Get the fuck out underage
Go back to facebook or something

I have ADD and I dont do that shit

Nah, I'm good, I posted a bait thread on Jow Forums, it got 2 replies before 404

>That kid who stole a Teacher's car and drove it all the way to Birmingham
>That kid who acted like John Marston when Red Dead Redemption came out
>That gay kid who used a stolen rolling pin as a dildo and when he returned it back, he had to use to roll out the ball of dough
>Same kid who found splinters in his ass
>That kid who was edgy af and sang a Tyler, The Creator song for the talent show (On Goblin's release date)

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That kid downloading CS for school computers, That's me also
>that kid handing out booze at school
>that kid nailing an HDD Drive he stole from a school computer to the wall
>That kid who moved furniture in front of the classroom door to keep the teacher out

>that kid who filled a condom with milk and threw it at one of the janitors

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>that kid who got caught masturbating to trap porn in the school bathroom

>that kid who sprinted everywhere while holding his backpack straps