posting pictures of art that I have saved because there are fewer threads in the catalog than there usually are.
Posting pictures of art that I have saved because there are fewer threads in the catalog than there usually are
all my painting images that fit the file size limit
this is a painting of a sailboat
another image of something painted
this is another image with ships
a painting of some ruins
a storm on the Italian coast
I don't remember what the pastry war was
I have many paintings with trees
a painting with a dog
a painting with a pond
a painting of a dead tree and things
this is the image I was going to put in the last post
a detailed painting of a building
I have more of these trees but the file size is too large
I like the birds in this painting
fireworks in Naples
cows in a field. someone took the time to paint cows back when painting art was still expensive.
3 MB isn't too large of a file. I want to post the big version
Roman waterways
are you from the pnw?
This has always been my favorite piece
this painting with fog and leaves on the ground is a quality image
does that stand for pacific northwest?
I just saved a bunch of art over the years and the spam earlier killed a lot of threads in the catalog and I wanted to make an art thread for the catalog once the spam got deleted
falling off of horses
people using nets to catch animals. probably fish
now that I look at that painting again it looks like the nets catch the small boats that might drift away
this one is also better in the 6 MB size
>there are fewer threads in the catalog than there usually are
Unless you've filtered/hidden some, how could that be the case? A thread is only removed when a new one is posted, or I guess if one gets deleted by a mod.
If I remember correctly this is a painting of somewhere in America
These are some nice paintings, OP. Where do you find them?
there was a new thread posted every 10 seconds with cartoon animal porn and spam text until they all got deleted
Fucking furries. Well, here's hoping your thread lasts a good while.
I saved them all when they got posted by someone else
another painting of a pillar. there used to be stone pillars all over the place
Pretty good thread OP, saved a few of them
I'm pretty sure their ship sank and this is the lifeboat
I guess the shipwreck could have been even worse
this is good thread, i like it. have some more art for your troubles.
thanks OP, here's one back
pushing a donkey
before tugboats
I like this one because the dress is just masterful. Blows me away how good these people were at painting.
I saw an aqueduct like this in Spain a decade ago. they're actually really tall
the legal system in Rome. I don't know when these paintings of the Roman era were created but they made a lot of paintings
Some nice paintings OP. A good change from all the gay shit on the catalog.
this dress is insane indeed
a painting of a goat. it's Biblical or something
Russian soldiers lat down their banners
I don't know if this is a drawing or a painting
this brought me to another good painting
Caerphilly castle
the gallows outside Yarkand
swine looking at the weather
I think this one is about world war one
I think this is a philosopher or a saint
there are skulls by the wall that this guy is looking at
I'm running out of images that fit the file size limit.
a castle from the Isle of Man
Thank you user, this art is very cool.
that one is one of my favourites
Why don't you post any good art?
This looks like aquatint+etching with gouache or watercolor applied to the paper before or after going through the press.
These are definitely engravings.
Neither, it's a woodcut with either multiple blocks or ink applied after the initial print to produce color.
>>tfw you have 4/5ths. of a degree in fine art
>>tfw you had to drop out due to health
>>tfw you will never finish your degree
At least I get NEETbux and can browse comfy threads like this one. GJ OP user.