>watch Watamote
>really want a Tomoko gf
>go out to look for one
>realise such a thing doesn't exist
Watch Watamote
There is no uglinessin chinese drawings user, if only you could see the ugliness of what you wish for you'd not say stuff like this so lightly.
Also tomoko is a failed normal roastie
fuck you tomoko is literally the best girl and there is no way im gonna let you live after you would say such a thing
If you begun orbiting a roastie such as her she'd gain enough confidence to actively chase chad, and you know it.
no user, you don't understand, tomoko might be a girl, but only because it was created in Japan, irl tomokos do exist, but they're all men
fujoshits exist but tomoko is indeed a failed normal roastie.
Is that why she imagines a life with a loser fatty after she thought he drew a picture of her?
I knew a girl like Tomoko in high school, pretty sure she was legit autistic
She was a massive weaboo that liked talking about yaoi. She was also super shy and I was one of the 3 people she actually could speak too
One time when we were out and she wanted to buy a drink she gave the money to me and asked me to do it because she was too nervous to talk to the cashier
stop trying to force these pills down my throat im not that deranged yet
did i miss the issue where she starts dating him and eventually marries him?
They do but theiyre hideous and habe depressious
She doesn't because he wasn't actually interested in her and didn't ask her out.
Nah it turns out that's just how he draws faces, there was a group pic he drew and every girl had that face lol
>she couldn't ask him
>she dismisses him because he wasn't treating her like the special snowflake she was
literal failed normalshit roastie.
tomoko is worst girl.
She never learns that he just draws faces the same way, though. You're being annoying, just shut up
so literally the only reason nothing happened is because she didn't say anything to him about it?
He wasn't interested in her. You'd know if you read the manga, chump
>waaah cartoon drawings made for the mentally ill don't exist in real life
now that's a reason to kill yourself over if I'd ever seen one
no i read it, i'm trying to get your interpretation and opinion.
my interpretation is what i just implied, that had she made the effort to talk to him, they could've been a couple.
what's yours?
I knew a Tomoko in highschool.
What they don't tell you is RL Tomoko is unattractive and often has mental issues. If by some chance they;re not hideous, they're headed for guaranteed roastie once they hit 18-21
>What they don't tell you
i think the source material here does a pretty god job of telling that. maybe you ignored that.
Mine was that he was clearly 110% uninterested in her in all of their interactions, just did the assignment and didn't give her another thought. His disinterest in comparison to her anxious overthinking of a normal classmate interaction was what made it so funny
How is Tomoko not mentally ill?
Good analysis. Do you think Tomoko should have done something differently?
If you look at her character overall her "doing something differently" in that interaction would be impossible. She can barely live, even taking a seat at McDonald's is a minefield of anxious decisions to navigate. She has completely "othered" herself from her peers with the normies VS me mindset, even her friendship with her busty friend is constantly sabotaged by her anxiously perverse and retarded social skills. A girl like Tomoko would need heaps of therapy or gradual social practice and exposure to even dream of getting to the point of doing something to start a romantic interaction
Fuck man I know that feel. I had to get my friend to buy shit for me as well.
thanks for this post, user. i hope others see it as well.
>A girl like Tomoko would need heaps of therapy or gradual social practice and exposure to even dream of getting to the point of doing something to start a romantic interaction
Or she could just use tinder or okc
if she just went on tinder she wouldnt be able to form a proper romantic relationship. Shed just meet a guy that would take advantage of her mental state to fuck her
That's considered a "win" for these people. They think sex is love and fulfillment because it IS for them, they are lesser beings
>If you look at his character overall his "doing something differently" in that interaction would be impossible. He can barely live, even taking a seat at McDonald's is a minefield of anxious decisions to navigate. He has completely "othered" himself from his peers with the normies VS me mindset, even his friendship with his online friend is constantly sabotaged by his anxiously perverse and retarded social skills. A guy like user would need heaps of therapy or gradual social practice and exposure to even dream of getting to the point of doing something to start a romantic interaction
That's how real life goes. She'd gain some confidence from sleeping with strangers.
this is my personal perspective, but I ended up figuring out how to eventually deal with it better as I got older without any therapy. Im sure she could get to that point eventually.
Mokocchi is a canon normalnigger, surely you know this OP
She's 13
that's how some 13 years olds act
It's just part of their evolution, they will get a bf if they have a pretty face and will be riding dick far before legal age.
Wome have no honor user, don't assume this.