Do tall women actually believe this?
Do tall women actually believe this?
Yeah because guys they don't want to date aren't guys. They are want attention but they're incredibly shallow so they have to lie.
All I want is a tall gf. Please. I am cute. Please.
I've actually had an ex ask me not to wear heels around him because it made him feel "less manly". These men exist
Well dudes shouldn't be wearing heels anyway, faggot.
How tall are you? Would you date a guy shorter than you? Ask yourself this.
Were you already taller than him without heels?
Lmao, I knew a couple like this a while ago. He was about 5'6" and he got super fucking buttmad when his gf worse heels because she'd be a good three inches taller than him.
I'm only 5'7" myself, but my gf doesn't wear heels unless we're alone and she's trying to look sexy. Don't think I'd really mind all that much if she wore them while we were out to dinner or something, but damn that guy I knew got real fucking mad.
He also cheated on her but I don't think it was related to the heels.
Nice. I hope I can also make it.
tbf I would be somewhat intimated by approaching a tall woman, once thats over with I don't mind
Still dated you didn't he?
>woman taller than me
eh, tough one, only if she was genuinely lovely, didn't make a thing of it and had a rocking bod
>futa taller than me
not even a question, would be her loving little guy for the rest of my life
I think most guys don't care if the girl is taller but alot are propably anxious about getting rejected for beeing too short.
>once dated a girl who was 6'2
we were like gods in public. i miss that girl. good sex too. she twisted and wrapped around me in ways i'd never imagined before.
>great sex
Shoo shoo normie
i'm a guy and never dated before but i myself don't know why other guys perfer woman that is shorter than them
Would a tall woman even feel my small dicklet?
Don't girls want a guy taller though? Is this some comic in an alt universe
yeah, its true outside of the spergs here. Girls only want bfs tall than them anyway so it works out.
I dont like heels and in 6'1 for what its worth. Height difference is cute.
>tfw no smol gf to headpat
You still dated him though you fucking retard.
There's plenty of manlets who believe the reverse and are just as insecure as tall girls are.
They're also all wrong.
And girls only want guys taller than them so stfu
There are incels but no femcels
This is partially ture, if a woman is not the same height I will automatically assume she is not going to be interested in me, especially if she is chubby, making her even more intimidating and older looking.
>be me, 5'7'' manlet
>Ex gf was 5'9'' (she was the one chasing after me)
>Dated another 5'9'' girl awhile ago
Most of the times I go for girls shorter than me, but some girls really don't care about your height.
But it's true. Being 5'10" has contributed to my being a robot heavily. There's nothing dainty or cute about it. Men want something soft and small and adorable to protect.
5'10 isn't even that tall for a girl and I say this as a 5'4 manlet
Also tall girls are cute
5'10 is tall for a girl. Its average for a man
>basing social beliefs on a shitty comic panel
This is why you can't get laid.
The average girl in my country is 5'6 and I didn't say 5'10 isn't tall.
imperial units are originally retarded
>women rather date insecure manlets than you
I watched a guy who was 5' 4" quickly squat down at the beginning of a fight, grab this dude who was 6' 3" by the ankles, pulled them out from under him somehow, and ended the whole drunken squabble right there. We don't think of you as "manlets". That's just normalfag bitches on Twitter.
>tfw 6'3
I wish I had a tall boyfriend but everyone is tiny.
>Get one shot at life
>End up a manlet literally from birth
>I was a very small newborn and much smaller then all of my classmates
>Make peace with it, accept it.
>Amazon and femdom fetish developed because when the girls wanted to play "house" during recess I was "the only one small enough to be the baby".
>Not that I could fight back when they could manhandle me
>Fast forward to today
>Try to get tall gf
>They don't want a short dude
Game end myself.
manlets are the *best* non professional fighters they will do ninja level shit like this while 6 foot oafs trip over themselves
i unfortunately do. i always wished i was shorter even tho i am not that tall. anything less than 5'6 seems great for a woman. as a 5'7 female i feel weird since i tend to meet more men around my height or shorter
The usual is the other fucking way around. Since I'm a manlet, most women instantly reject me for being shorter than them.
But do you feel like men shorter than yourself don't want you?
absolutely. this and the fact i am afraid i would make them uncomfortable or self conscious :(
Do you wear high heels or are you afraid of sticking out even more?
As a manlet I've briefly considered the social pariah that comes with having a tall gf but the benefits outweigh the occasional odd look you'd get. It's never even been about "masculinity" if that helps, just more worried about what people think. The key however, is don't.
Id gladly date a tall girl honestly, the few ive seen where qt to my tastes but i think they would mind shorter then them, im like 5'11 so girls taller then i are fucking rare but idk id love one, a tall gf trigger different feels then smol girls but those feels are just as comforting
tfw no amazonian wife who's at least my height (6'3") to impregnate and raise goliath children with.
The kind of thread women will never ever have about men
I laughed, but it is true.
>Ninja level shit
Too bad I dont have any muscle.
Chads only want gfs shorter than them
Fixed it for them
I'm 6'4" I've never met a girl taller than me lol. But I'd give her a shot if I did that sounds amazing.
You could walk on stilts around me for all I care. Plz be my gf
I am only 5'7" so not even that tall. My ex was 5'7" himself and, before we walked out, he'd check if I was taller than him in the mirror.
I didn't wear heels for all the years we were together.
There are men who care about this.
How do you know that's why he looked into the mirror?
Did he ever say he disliked your height?
>How do you know that's why he looked into the mirror?
He told me.
>Did he ever say he disliked your height?
No, but I know he did. He'd always say that girls who were 5'3" or 5'2" were "so cute", or smile when his friend who was 5 feet hugged him. He cheated on me with her.
We started dating when I was younger, I was around 15. I was 5'4". I grew up when I was around 17 and got as tall as him.
>tfw no gf you need a ladder to fuck
But in all seriousness it's hard to find girls taller than 5'10", even more one who actually fills out instead of being lanky. Even harder one who is into dudes smaller then her.
>tfw can't be a big game hunter
Feels bad.
I'm sorry to hear that and hope you find somebody who can appreciate you.
Have you come to dislike your height because of that or how did that affect you?
Those men might exist, but the important thing here is that YOU CHOSE to date him
>I'm sorry to hear that and hope you find somebody who can appreciate you.
Thanks, that's really sweet.
>Have you come to dislike your height because of that or how did that affect you?
For a bit, but at the end I understood it was a problem with him and not a problem with me. He was an insecure asshole, and my height is alright and looks pretty good on me.
I admit that now I'd much prefer dating a guy who likes my height, than one who thinks I'm a little too tall for him, but hey. I'll get over it.
please date me, i'll be your 5'4" girlfriend
>you are actually, unironically, less self-conscious than certain normies
pretty good feel
For the most part it is true, plus
Non-chad/stacy normies are the most insecure people on the planet.
I'm 5'6 and I'd happily go out with a girl who is much taller than me, the thing is she wouldn't want to be with someone as short as me.
that's a very liberating thing to know, i wasn't aware of it before now.
genuinely thank you
>tfw you don't have a tall gf to be the big spoon when you cuddle
Do you live among midgets?
>Prefer short women given the choice of an ideal.
>Don't actually care about a woman's height when its all boiled down.
>Ultimately just want a woman who is loyal, wants to be with me, and is someone I can enjoy spending time with.
Anyone who values height over trust, communication, and compatibility is an idiot.
Would you date a 6'1 girl male?
Are you feminine at all?
Or do you stand out?
I'm 5'9 so not THAT tall for a woman although still well above average height. A guy I was dating who was like 6'2 made a huge deal about how you can 'protect' short girls more so I ghosted him.
I'm feminine but I'm still transitioning. I just wanted to know if I should have hope or not
My grandma says her neighbor is a femcel because she's about 6' tall
>ywn have sex shadow of the colossus/dragon's dogma style
Probably not but idk
A passing tall trap might be okay
I want a tall girl
Thing is 90% of women as tall as me (6'2) or taller are morbidly obese
most likely yes, give pics
Do you think it's weird he brought up height at all or are you just upset that he seemed to prefer to protect girls smaller than you? Also would you date a guy shorter than you?
There are propably other reasons, I doubt she actually is a femcel though.
ive read a lot of posts by tall women who express this but I don't think it's real. Women are the ones who push the height stuff not men
It was very weird especially since I met him from tinder so had no clue how tall he even was because I didn't care enough to ask. I don't care about the whole 'protection' thing some guys like with girls, it just doesn't do anything for me except cringe me out, personally. I'd date a guy shorter than me, again, height doesn't phase me I'm just sick of when guys have their I want a girlfriend not an NFL player!11 jokes
i want a gf whos taller than me where do u live
I got rejected because of my height more than once. Like, got told directly it is because I'm too tall.
I'm not even a giant, I'm 5'8".
UK lmao
yes but that only happens with guys who are between 5'9 and 6' because they are in the floating range where they're kinda just normal and get weirded out when girls are too close. If you ask out tall (6'1"+) or short (5'7" and under) guys they don't care
It happened to me with a 5'6" guy, and with a 5'8" guy.
In my experience, tall girls feel my pain as a short dude but would never dare break the cycle lol.
Would you date a 5'4" guy? A-asking for a friend of mine
As long as you're cute and we get along, yeah.
Height isn't a big deal to me.
I don't understand. This doesn't compute with the data on the topic, it's women who push the male taller norm not men.
Where are you from and what do you like?
It's true user/anonette ogrerogigege
Try taking a Stats 101 first. Maybe it will help you understand how to read data.
If you want me to help you: just because women tend to care about height much more than men, it doesn't mean all women do and all men don't.
I live in Switzerland, but not originally from here.
I like books, working out, shitposting, hiking (on the Alps, for several weeks at a time), and baking.
>Try taking a Stats 101 first. Maybe it will help you understand how to read data.
I have a degree in mathematics and computer science. The data is very clear - 94% of women would not date a man shorter than them, whereas only 13% of men wouldn't date a woman taller than them. Having it happen twice in a row is a 0.016% chance.
>If you want me to help you: just because women tend to care about height much more than men, it doesn't mean all women do and all men don't.
Never said that, but pretty much all men don't and pretty much all women do.
Actually looked up your study. It's 49% of women.
Also it's not 0.016%, it's 1.6%. And I have a degree in psychology.
Just because a few Stacy models who are 5'10 don't want to settle for a chad shorter than 6'3 doesn't mean EVERY tall woman thinks the same.
Tall women are pretty down to earth about this to be honest. Much more than shorter girls.
One half of women aren't fine with dudes shorter than them. also yea 1.6%
the data is clear though, women don't like it not just "stacy models"
Women just like to complain about their height. No woman in the world is happy with her height. Tall ones want to be short, short ones want to be tall, and women of average height want to be taller than everyone they don't like a shorter than everyone they do like.
I'm more of a indoor person, I don't mind going out from time to time but I can't really imagine going hiking for several weeks.
Is that a dealbreaker?
That must be some weird manlet fantasy. Show me real evidence about this?
Fucking manlets
>One half of women aren't fine with dudes shorter than them.
Your data is pulled out of a statistic from personal ads on craiglist or something, it would make no sense for an average men to say he wants a woman shorter than him since 98% of women (actual number, not pulled out of my ass) are.
It would make much more sense of a woman to specify she has a preference for height if she's taller than average.
Doesn't prove anything. Still advising you take Stat 101.
I mean, no, but I can't imagine a man who's fine with me going alone on a trip of several weeks in the woods with my friend Hans.
I imagine that's a dealbreaker.
No, it's a king-of-the-manlet cope fetish.
>tfw manlet wanting a tall dom gf
>tfw no women, even tall women are dom
>tfw even if they were I'd be too scared to make the first move