Guys I haven't taken a shit in almost 3 days now, should I be worried?

Guys I haven't taken a shit in almost 3 days now, should I be worried?
Nothing hurts at all so far and I'm able to properly pass gas, but I keep having this irrational fear of my colon or some intestine inside my body bursting and then dying of shit leaking all over inside my body, I know those things usually happen.

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When that happened to me it began my colon troubles.i had to get a colonoscopy a while later. Try prune juice see what hapen

This. Prune juice will get things moving. It's also delicious.

Nigger I once went 14 days without taking a shit when I was in the military. Nothing happened. You are a pussy.

I haven't pooped all year I think

once i didn't took a shit for almost an entire week and nothing happened.
except for a giant log that i wasn't able to flush for almost 4 days. eventually my giant log got soft and the toilet was able to swallow

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once i didn't took a shit for almost an entire week and nothing happened.
except for a giant log that i wasn't able to flush for almost 4 days. eventually my giant log got soft and your mum was able to swallow

>Drink more water, or as others state, prune juice. Coffee is also good if you don't have problems relating to it
>Avoid dairy
>Eat more beans, meats, and vegetables. They are easier to digest and won't add much to your colon. Beans also encourage pooping
>Three days isn't critical, but there are over the counter laxatives if it lasts more than a week. Doctor can also prescribe some along with seeing if there's actually anything wrong
>Don't strain yourself on the toilet, it's not going to help
>Try a different position on the toilet, such as lifting your legs with a stepping stool to encourage easier passing

Source: Use to have chronic constipation and was actually at risk for colon rupture. Haven't had a problem since doing most of these.

>actually at risk for colon rupture
How does that happen? Impacted bowels?

>prune juice
Thanks I just drank some, ended up taking 2 small lumps of shit, not what I expected to have after almost 3 days of not shitting at all but at least it helped.

get some laxatives.

I shit once a week, used to once a month. No rupture or anything, but I got lactose and gluten intolerant overtime. But you OP should get some laxatives. If you too autist, eat pickles and drink milk. No need to panic yet.

Reach in there and check for shit. If you find any, scrape it out with your nails until it breaks down

Try a whole carton. You'll be cleaned out. YOu may need to bring a paper to read though

Literally so full of shit that movement became painful and anything that passed caused bleeding. Enemas and laxatives were almost daily for a while

I would be worried as well, I take at least 2 shits a day

shitting once a month is like slowly poisoing your body...

>when you skip the veggies on keto
every time

This happens very frequently to me because I'm always holding it in. It's life wrecking 2bh.

I haven't taken a shit in ... shit I don't even remember how long. But it was sometime in december. I don't remember I think around christmas. I've been worried for the past few days, I bought some castor oil today and just took it an hour ago.. I don't feel any pain or anything but yea it's definitely extremely abnormal to not shit for, fuck something like two weeks now?

Sit on the toilet and try to poop also post a picture of your turds or boipucci so we can diagnose what's wrong