She got sick of our conversations and said "look, I'm not looking for someone to talk to...

>she got sick of our conversations and said "look, I'm not looking for someone to talk to, I just want someone to vibe with"

What did she mean by this

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That she is a total fucking Normie

That you're boring and weird. Connecting with someone isn't the same as the beta "hey how's it going" every day.

she wants a fun conversation and not a serious one

>someone to vibe with
can't help it op no idea what she meant

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This guy gets it.
Most people cant handle too serious discussion for too long.

What does connecting entail? Because I haven't talked to anyone outside my family since 2011 but I have a job now and "how are you" "good you?" is all the interaction I have every day and I don't know what else to do

Also what are you doing here if you're so socially adept huh Chad?

When people ask how are you, they don't really want a "good" or "bad". Tell them a bit about what you've done or are going to. Maybe complain about the work (if it's not your boss), but finish it with positiveness. And don't just go on and on about your extremely exciting grocery-shopping. Maybe a phrase or two, and finish with "what about you?", so it's not too self-centered.

>when people ask you a question, they don't really want the answer, so just say some bullshit then flip it back on them and ask them a question you don't really want the answer to and they don't really want to give an answer to so they can just say some bullshit too

normalfaggots are the absolute worst.

>What did she mean by this
She only wants to talk to Chad

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This, you probably were trying too hard to guide your conversations towards something serious and weren't taking whatever hints she might have dropped.

vibe, short for vibrator

She's sick of long ass conversations about deep topics and just wants to shitpost and bant or make small-talk.

I used to think like this, too, but you're missing the bigger picture aka where it all leads. granted normies mostly just follow the algorithm step by step without looking ahead, so they can't explain this to you, at best they can see it in retrospect once it has already happened (later). but basically you ask each other vague questions to give the freedom for both people to express whatever they want at the time, and then using details picked up from those stories that each person tells you start to bridge the gap. you start to relate to one another. you figure out that this problem the other person has in their job is kind of like that other problem you have in your hobby, or whatever. you find similarities, common experiences. and before you know it talking to that person is different than smalltalk with just anyone. there's this little world that only exists when the two of you talk and it gets bigger and bigger over time, granted that you are at all compatible.

so the goal at the start isn't to give both people an opportunity to vent at each other, where the listener is just being polite. the goal is to listen actively, ask questions, react emotionally etc. so the two totally separate stories start intertwining. soon enough you find key "access points", again only granted if you are compatible, where you know bringing this kind of thing up always results in a fun conversation so you find more of this kind of thing to bring up and when you find something you look forward to bringing it up the next time you see that person. can you imagine that? have you never ever had that, not even with a childhood friend? you probably have and it's just been a while.

>where it all leads
but i don't want where it leads or could lead. it's fucking terrible and exhausting and bullshit.

You're not Chad, plain and simple.

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what do you want then? you must want something, otherwise you wouldn't put effort in it to the point of exhaustion. think about it. how do you end up exhausted if you don't care? that's not logically consistent. so you're putting effort into your social interactions and yet they are "terrible" and never progress to anything worthwhile. maybe if you figured out your goal you could get something in return for all your efforts that you will put in no matter what (because genetic programming).

>you wouldn't put effort in it
i don't. i have been engaged in conversations like that before, against my will, and i don't start them myself.
literally and honestly, the only social interactions i have are on Jow Forums and some forums.
i talk to exactly zero irl people.
my goal is to not be involved in irl social situations.

"I feel intimidated by the topics you keep bringing up. Most of my life has revolved around continuously compensating for my complete inability to understand or even think deeply about most things external to my being. Tell me I'm pretty."

you seem really really interesting

And you seem like the sort of stunted little social butterfly who has a hard time getting people to like him and therefore thinks that's the point.

interesting rebuttal

do you unironically enjoy anything in your existence or is it all just this

Not a rebuttal. Just thought it fit the mood of us sitting by our devices; fantasizing about who could be on the other side. Fag.

I'm content with my existence and enjoy many different aspects of it.

>i have been engaged in conversations like that before, against my will
okay so you're weak-willed, too timid to exit a conversation then. but what's holding you back? is it not wanting to step on others' feelings or is it a vague sense that maybe you do need others, that maybe noping out of all things social isn't a smart move in the grand scheme of things. I relate to this attitude:
>my goal is to not be involved in irl social situations.
and I don't believe it anymore. I used to believe it when I would tell myself this, but it's just not true. we are social creatures. introversion is a meme, we're all extroverts. especially people on Jow Forums. this is a fucking social media platform. we're having a conversation right now. just because real conversations are uncomfortable for you doesn't mean you don't want them, or that you can un-want them to spare yourself the discomfort. social contact is a basic need. you can't escape it.

yeah i agree, omg its the BRER LAPIN!!!

Jow Forums is not social media, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown

wow I never had any fantasies like that, I just pictured some low iq gorilla you are clearly the only fag here

of course Jow Forums is social media. all forums are.

that's just your cope, social media requires your posts to be tied to an account. socializing implies that we are talking to *someone* not anonymous.

>I never had any fantasies like that

Well you say that but then the second part of you post is:
>I just pictured some low iq gorilla you are clearly the only fag here.

>some low iq gorilla
yea and only a fag would call that a "fantasy" it ain't rocket science buddy

>too timid to exit a conversation then
lol what the fuck are you on about
yeah i know social creatures etc, thats why i participate socially on this site and others.
i prefer it to irl social situations for a number of reasons that i don't really feel like i need to validate with you.
one example though: as soon as i finish this post, i'm closing this tab, and i won't know if you reply and i won't care.
i don't need to think about what i'll say to you the next time i see you, i don't need to remember unnecessary details for our next interaction. there won't be one.
i'm literally 44 years old and decided in my 20s to abstain from irl social interactions. it's going great, no problems here. you can project on to me all you'd like, i don't mind, i won't be here.

She probably means she's going to let you sit next to her while she stares at her phone for 5 hours, like all these screen-addicted fucks.
That or she's inviting you to put a vibrator into her cooch and another in your ass.

Maybe you never moved past the probing small talk and constantly messaging phase of a relationship and she got tired of waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to show your inner self and non NPC dialogue. Or you never made a move and she got tired of the tea time polite discussions. Or shes a bitch and couldnt dismiss you openly.

She wants you to abuse her with a vibrator

You're obviously confused in regard to the meaning of the word fantasy.

you're probably talking too much

just when you think someone can't be any gayer.. god damn

Is starts off with mindless politeness, yes, but if one person puts some actual effort into the convo and the other welcomes it and does too then they can become acquaintances. The hard part is getting close, making the first step without seeming creepy or boring

Have sex with... yes that simple

SEETHING roastoid

the real hard part is getting the fuck away without anything negative happening

You really don't want friends? Who hurt you? :(

everyone, directly or indirectly. and conversely, the potential for me to hurt while actively wanting the opposite is something i personally can't handle sometimes.
i have a biased opinion obviously but in over 3 decades, it's been getting increasingly harder to find someone to relate with and talk to. some of it is me, obviously, but not all of it.
i haven't been able to find someone and i long ago accepted that i might never have anyone in my life like that, be it friend or deeper relationship. i'm okay with it. it's kinda shit, yeah, but it's okay. eating cheap ramen when you want steak is kinda shit too but it's okay.
i'm fine with e-friend stuff, in fact i prefer it for a number of reasons, but even that is difficult to find. how does a lurker find a lurker?
t. autism, in case it wasn't obvious.

Ah, i understand a bit. It really is hard to find someone, even with a solid identity on some social media, who is more in it than just for the ocassional meme sending or ranting. I wish you the best of luck, you still have time.

i've never bothered with social media, it's not for me, and the kind of person that uses probably isn't someone i can relate as much to. it's possible, but not likely. i wouldn't disregard someone because they used social media.
>still have time
i'm not even really concerned honestly. if i die with no friends or family to know that i died, then at least i won't be leaving anyone in a situation where they're upset and i'm not able to try to help it.