Anyone else have an endless stream of gibberish running through their head constantly? should I be concerned about this...

anyone else have an endless stream of gibberish running through their head constantly? should I be concerned about this?

here's my stream of consciousness:

eaten fagurta have you seen the magazine flipped pole boy door smashed into a wireframe zoo flick light sensor now bush has look at the wheel look at the wheel 7 fence scapegoat have dididididi farmed out

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Epic larpe

i sincerely wish i was joking

Is there a drug I can take to cause this??

you probably have that retard disease where you say random junk whenever it comes to mind

>there /drugfeels/ on here user, you know that right?

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i've been stone cold sober for 5 years

can't be a retard because I have an IQ of 131

man if i even start to begin with what my stream of thought is i would eventually go into that dark corner of my mind that thinks about death, destruction, and longing for pain
fuck, atleast im not gay

My inner voice is very quiet. Just a whirl of general feelings about things that I then put into words. I don't think in words or pictures, just impressions and feelings. Sometimes I have negative self-talk when I get anxious or do things badly like "DUMB IDIOT" "CUNT" "KILL YOURSELF" "FUCKHEAD" in my head and out loud. Sometimes sadness hits my heart so deeply it leaves me short of breath but I'm not thinking "I am sad" I am just being. Sometimes I notice I've just been looking at a thing and zoning out for a length of time and I don't know where my mind goes. Sorry for the blogpost, I think it's interesting to think about the different ways people experience life and perceive their subconcious inner functioning

IQ = My ass

IQ is worth nothing irl

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i autistically yell "KARCOON" and "Puny karcoon!" because the NPCs in WoW would yell that shit and now it won't leave my head.

i was diagnosed with tourettes though. whats funny is i just ignore it, it's like it's not even a part of my life.

there is no reason to be concerned about this, but if it bothers you, try cannabis. For me its like turning the radio off when i smoke.

Sounds like me when falling asslep. Maybe your NPC script glitched out. Maybe youre becoming an A.I.

I used to love weed because it was the only thing that calmed my mind down but I haven't had a connection in ages

darknet is your friend. Not as difficult as you might think.

Sounds like you're going to have schizophrenia by the time you're 30.

You're just an NPC trying to larp as a person.
>this is what npc's actually believe the stream of consciousness is like

Don't know if it counts but I'll often randomly start chanting all kinds of prepositions and that kinda stuff in my mind (not in English though). Sometimes I do it in German as well, like this
>aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
>durch, fur, gegen, ohne, um
>das, wie, warum, durch, ungerade, was, wie

the irony of this post will be lost on you

schizophrenia user is a schizo a crazy person so to speak.
Taking shrooms or other hallucinogenics can mimic this effect.
Your inner thoughts basically go berserk and you lose control over what you think.

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