>"How does it feel knowing that even if you ever got a girlfriend, she would constantly look at you and think 'Man, I could really do better...'"
I fucking hate normies. Why can't they just leave me alone.
>"How does it feel knowing that even if you ever got a girlfriend, she would constantly look at you and think 'Man, I could really do better...'"
I fucking hate normies. Why can't they just leave me alone.
If she could do better then why would she be dating you in the first place? That's stupid.
Every girl in a relationship has thought this at least one time. It is how women are hardwired.
I have thought it before, even crushed on others, but I'm never done anything because I chose my bf. It's a nonissue for nonwhores and a shitty what-if to taunt somebody with especially an incel
I'll do you one better have a girl who is genuinely in love with you and all you can think about is how she can do better and why is she with a piece of shit like you.
It's a terrible feeling.
>Self-sabotaging your own happiness out of fear of taking away from others
Yeah... Yeah...
Yeah, I understand where you're getting at, but like a previous user posted: Why haven't they left? But that's what makes me happy for some reason. Through the bullshit we both go through, she is still there and we're sticking by each other. If you worry too much about it, you'll be your own undoing.
>Why haven't they left?
Biding their time
Women are like niggers. We need to bring segregation back
And how does that make women prefer you over better men?
Happiness is a zero-sum, never forget that
One person in a relationship will always feel that way. Make it her, not you. Don't make her feel good all the time. Harshly disagree with her sometimes. Then when she gets upset, show her that you understand where she's coming from, explain how she can give you what you want despite the disagreement, and hold her and let her know how much you care about her. She will love you totally
What happens if she breaks up with you in between the be a dick phase and the be nice phase
>even crushed on others
No you did crush on others that isn't doing nothing. you just prove his point you braindead slut
>t. has a waifu
How to spot someone who has never been in a relationship.
No you're a whore when I'm in relationships Im not crushing on other people
How do you get bullied anymore like lamo just walk away nigga
Idiots, you disgusting guys watch camgirls and pornwhores more often than you have sex with your girlfriend and you'd complain about a girl innocently crushing on somebody because they have a nice smile? Hypocrites
Yea I never had a relationship but I've had some girls who had crushes on me before and I always ended up wondering why the fuck they would be interested in a mentally ill piece of filth like me and that they can do better and deserve better
Normal guys don't do that you just date shitty men cause you're a WHORE
What's really shitty is when she tells you she could do better. Constantly. Throughout the relationship. Demanding you prove to her why she should stay with you.
>t. Slut-user who has only been with shitty folks who failed to talk to someone about what bothers them like a true robot
Whaddya know this user may actually be a robot after all
I've never lost attraction to my gf you are just a used up whore and will never attract a real man.
you don't have to lose attraction to her but you've seriously never been attracted to any other girl since you've dated? if not how long has it been, less than a year? loser..
I have a bond with her that I won't get with anyone else I find others attractive and I might fuck them but theres no feelings or bonding besides that.
When did you leave? You did leave, yeah?
Just dump her if she does this, she clearly doesn't respect you.
>has sexual feelings for someone other than her bf
>no I'm not a whore you dumb virgin's
what a whore
Because she's just settling because Chad is no longer interested in her
My mother flat out told me this
Story? Interdasted
Thats what you get for allowing a normie to talk to you
Mom was a slut
What you want?
Why are you talking to normalfags in the first place, you stupid failed normalfag?
When the majority of the world is nrormalfags, you'll have to interact them at least somewhat.