What do you think peopIe say about you behind your back?
What do you think peopIe say about you behind your back?
Here's what people say about you:
I don't think anyone even remembers my name if they doesn't see me or talk to me, and i can't imagine someone talking about me at all, there's Just no reason for something like that to happen
Why did you even decide to check if OP has switched a single letter?
"why haven't they killed themselves yet?"
I am too busy shitposting and having homicidal urges
Not everyone is a faggoty phoneposter that can't see fine glyph detail.
Most recent one is probably how I was wasting my time chasing this one girl. I desperately hoped they were wrong. They were right. Fuck hope. Hope is just a pretty road that leads to despair.
These are repeating lower case ls and upper case Is in Firefox. They are identical.
in chrome they're different
i do not know, but i'm pretty sure they would just talk about how weird i look and behave.
>in chrome
Is it ls and Is or Is and ls?
oof da, feel bad for that guy
you can see in in Firefox by switching to Futaba style
Use >>>/frames/ while you're at it. Superior experience
that im a mean asshole because i don't get pussy and i hurt people's feelers because i don't laugh at their shit jokes and i speak my mind.
people don't like me because i'm not friendly. i don't want to socialize or hang out and shit, period. it's sad. i think people are just looking for any reason to dislike other people.
you're right, people do look for any excuse but also you give them nothing but reasons to hate you
welcome to Hell
>"its a shame he's so weird"
>"if he only was normal he'd have everything"
>"hahaha he's fucking retarded"
stuff like that. I'm a high IQ good looking fit sperg
Dec 15, 2014, 2:41 PM
It's an operating system.
You see, there is this board called Jow Forums on Jow Forums. Two very overused memes there are "install gentoo" and calling nearly everything a botnet.
Vintage memes
no i give them a lot of reasons to like me also. you can extend the olive branch to people, just because you do doesn't mean they accept.
it's easier to just hate people for their outer most qualities.
Supposedly talking if I was taken or not. Guess she had to ask that since I hang around this one chick a lot since she's a close friend, so I kinda get the curiosity.
the thought that other people might talk or even think about me when i'm not present never occurs to me
>no i give them a lot of reasons to like me also
your mcjob and model plane building hobby don't count
you must be insanely dumb to be this close to normiedom and still falling short
I know most of things that people say behind my back. Most of the time it's something along the lines of weird, quiet, reserved, anxious, rude, stupid, smart and serious. I've been told this by some people that other people say these things about me. Not saying I got completely used to knowing that people are saying this about me, but I'm getting there.
Without a doubt people would talk about how i'm an "abusive boyfriend" and "extremely dramatic" because my gf's best friend harassed me for 3 years straight, still does and makes my gf part of the arguement which causes so many problems but she refuses to stop talking to her cause they've been friends for so long.
>Does he ever brush his teeth?
>It took all my will power not to gag
>He literally smells like shit
doxx your gf's friend on /b/
dude can you just like hose yourself down or something
stupid sad slut that aint worth shit
I don't go outside but this is what I imagine people would say behind my back.
All in my life I always thought people never talk about me because I'm so boring. But after I turned 30 I realized they are probably all talk shit about me and laugh. Or feel goof between themselves no matter how bad they have at least they aren't me.
They say that I'm wasting my life.
bring the hose inside
or go to a car wash