Just another old waifu thread
Just another old waifu thread
My wife Leah is so cute.
I love Elizabeth.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
Probably /mu/ I guess, She might also use some of the waifu threads for posting about me
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
Probably music or something since she has experience. I could see her learning a foreign language as well.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Definitely introverted. She doesn't feel very comfortable around people.
>Was there another character you had a great interest in before you met your waifu/husbando?
There were few female characters that I was really interested in and I even daydreamed about them occasionally but it was never love, despite me being interested in them for several years. Alice is the only girl I have ever truly loved. When I was interested in other characters I still wanted to get a real girl. Now when I love Alice I don't really care for that because I believe I will never love someone else as much as I love Alice.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
I don't know for sure but maybe /an/, /fa/, /ic/, /lit/, /x/ and Jow Forums.
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
Psychology. I think she would be great at understanding other people.
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
It isn't mentionioned in her game whether she is religious or not but here are the words of her creator on that matter:
>In regards to Alice's religion or personal beliefs, American McGee does not feel it is necessary to comment on them, stating that it's irrelevant to her story or character. However, he did say that he hoped that Alice would be smart enough to realize that "religion as a thing requiring on faith is stupid." and that "Alice believing in herself" is "enough".
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Introverted. She never had any friends even when she was a small child. That's whe she likes going to Wonderland so much.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
Alice would need to learn how to use computer first. Then the fact that the content here might shock her.
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
Psychology and shit. Or something else completely. She's just barely rudimenrarily educated
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
She doesn't exactly have the opportunity to think about those things.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Introverted it seems.
Bruh those boards you posted are kinda ok, with /fa/ already being slightly shitposty, but even glancing Jow Forums would just outright delete her mind or sumn
Alice has engaged in melee combat with eldritch demons and you think she will be shocked by cartoon frogs?
Not shocked, but disgusted by the people really. See us as uncivilized and shit
why is the thread so inactive right now
All boards are fukken dead rn
Lots of people going back to college or work today, which is also the cause for
I also noticed this trend, the threads seem slow these past couple of days
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
/an/, /out/, /lit/, /c/, Jow Forums?
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
Environmental engineering?
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Husband time again
I love Poppy.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
I don't think she would browse Jow Forums. Maybe /out/ and Jow Forums?
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
I'm not really sure.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Extroverted, although during her early life she doesn't really fit in with other Yordles.
Which one of them is poppy?
She is at the upper left of the screen with blue hair.
I curse the english language for not having a word stronger than love in order to express my feelings for her.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
Primarily /sci/. Maybe some /lit/ too from time to time.
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
She has a canon MD and PhD in biology. She wouldn't study anything else if given the option.
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
She isn't canonically given any. But her entire aesthetic represents biblical angels and is a pacifist. It wouldn't be that much of a stretch to say she is religious.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
Introverted but not too much.
Windranger from Dota but it was only physical attraction. She represented my 10/10 in terms of looks at the time. I wouldn't call it "great interest" though.
I'm giving Kotori a bath today, so hopefully i don't screw that up. What's everyone else up to?
I'm here. I just forgot to morning post like I usually do. I'm busy with practice, so I'll post later today.
I think she would visit /fa/ because that's a pretty good place to hear honest opinions about your clothing. And I'm sure she would have many cool ideas on new dresses.
As for Jow Forums, that's a place for poor, broken souls and she's undoubtedly one of them.
Besides, why do you think Alice wouldn't enjoy a little bit of shitposting? Do you think she's always serious?
>but even glancing Jow Forums would just outright delete her mind or sumn
>disgusted by the people really. See us as uncivilized and shit
She heard her sister being raped and her parents burning to death, she was witnessing the transformation of young children into prostitues and she was sexually abused in asylum. Do you think she doesn't know that majority of people are disgusting? She has seen far worse in her life and I'm sure that these boards wouldn't affect her psyche much. She has a very strong psyche. Much stronger than majority of people.
Eh, could be true. All depends on how one thinks. She's desensitized to bad stuff, but if she perceives something as bad, she wouldn't really go deliberately. Would probably depend on which thread she stumbles upon first desu, there are 2 possible situations
>now this is fun stuff, and interesting
>why is everyone talking about nigger dicks? This is a waste of time
Boy, that suit she wears sure doesn't leave anything up to the imagination, huh
Her breasts aren't nearly as big as people tend to draw them.
Please do not say such things about her.
>doesn't smell because of lack of odor producing bacteria
>doesn't cause suffering on other beings by needing to eat, gets energy from photosynthesis
>doesn't excrete waste
>stable mood because no menstrual cycle
>doesn't have the immoral urge to sexually reproduce and force more beings into existence
>no cunt flaps
>lighthearted and free spirited
>has immense compassion
>can bant
Who else /gemfag/. Gems are so pure.
you forgot
>doesn't exist
how would you react if you found your waifu cheating?
>Blizzard just released a new short story
>it's about Ana and Soldier 76 (AGAIN)
>Mercy only gets mentioned once in dialogue
I swear to God...
I would just be heartbroken. I wouldn't even be able to find the energy to get mad. I would be absolutely crushed. The worst part is I probably still wouldn't stop having feelings for her.
All feels deleted instantly, probably. Such behavior I consider treachery
No idea honestly, i've been thinking about this for a bit but i still cannot come up with an answer
Man she was built for BBC
I'm giving Kotori a bath too! I'm washing her with cum! Yay! I love Kotori!
What the fuck, why would you say such things
Looks like /vg/ fags.
Listen up lil homie, some girls are just cruisin for a cervix bruisin and I say your girl would look fine being stuffed by grade A alabama black sausage.
Hello /vg/ kun, how was your holiday?
Just hide their posts and ignore them. They're just whoring for attention.
hello friends, how is everyone doing?
I love my cute waifu Ricardo!
Ricardo-chan would definitely browse Jow Forums, but something not a lot of people know is that he would browse /u/ too!
Ricardo already has a masters in being a hunk.
Ricardo worships our lord and savior, Zyzz.
Ricardo is extroverted and if you relax around him so too will be your butthole.
It was great! I love Kotori! I'm gonna cover her in my semen! Yay! Then next I'll cover Leah-chan!
Sure are a lot of /vg/tards here today.
have we been invaded?
Why does everyone hate me and Ricardo?
Can somebody fill me in on why /vg/ of all places gives a shit about this thread? Did one of you go and do something stupid?
newfag, this has been going on for 15+ threads
leah poster is apparently an infamous troller on /vg/ so they come here to troll us back
It was me. I'm sorry Leah... it had to be done.
One of the posters here has had beef with his respective /vg/ threads and so they decide the best course of action is to act like children.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
/x/, /sci/, and /lit/.
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
he did go to college! he studied psychology and chemistry.
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
i think he would be the type of person to believe that religion is just a tool to control people, though he would have special interest in how one's religion influences their fears. i don't think he himself would be religious, despite his upbringing.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
very introverted. kind of a misanthrope, if i'm honest.
I just want to post my waifu Ricardo. What's wrong with that?
Leah poster apparently shitposted somewhere on /vg/. The people raiding here literally said "just believe us bro" when they were questioned so I think it's just falseflagging to be honest.
Why does everyone hate me and Leah? I just want to push her face down on the floor and fill her with my cum, that's all I fucking want...
Not sure what they're pissy about though. Just checked the last lovelive general and there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. No trolling by leahposter, no anything
Probably boredom.
that's pretty cringe desu
This is pretty accurate and explains most of the /vg/ drama.
Good, all the normies will get out this is a board for autistic NEETs only now
Alright, that's it. I'm calling the janny.
Any Hina fans?
hello bruh
seems so
anyways, did you see a certain instagram post by a certain m6usy
Muh nigga Leahfag rigged their polls so Leah won EVERY category
>puffs cigar
>Muh nigga Leahfag rigged their polls so Leah won EVERY category
Oh, I remember hearing about that. What a time to be alive
fuck all of you, some fucking cartoon 2d piece of shit will never be your wife, nor would want to even fucking lick your sweaty cock
this is probably why you dumb fucking losers make womens pussies drier than Libya, fucking incels; maybe if you stopped liking weird stupid shit you guys wont be fucking retarded virgin autists
fucking kill yourselves
how did you sleep, /waifu/? Did you dream about them last night?
ebic post my fellow memer!
Haha! Yep! Trolled Em' Normies Again! Damn, You Really Got Em Buddy! Yup! Yipee! Lets Go!!!!
I love Mai.
nah, i rarely dream when i'm sick, if i do they're garbage tier and give me headache
>Did you dream about them last night?
Nope, as usual.
What about you?
>you dumb fucking losers make womens pussies drier than Libya
Yes, because we make them wet just like Gaddafi irrigated Libya with the Great Man-Made River.
I don't tend to dream that often. The last dream I had was last month where I was a Starfleet officer exploring the ship I was assigned to. It was fun and a shame it didn't last very long.
someone tried to steal canisters of his toxin.
they got what they wanted, but not how they wanted it.
>tfw last Hinafag alive
Feels good to be ELITE.
Im jealous of you, I can never dream about my waifu?
Do you feel good or depressed when you wake up because the dream had to end?
weII would you look at that
the absolute state of /vg/
dreaming about him is wonderful. i'll end up thinking about it for the rest of the day.
sometimes i wish i had more dream, but usually in those cases, i can just go back to sleep.
Leahboo is cute! CUUUTE!
Not as cute as Josh.
>what is inspect eIement
nice falseflag tho
>could you princess carry your waifu/hasbando?
She's not too big so easily.
>do you think you could defend your waifu/hasbando if she was in danger?
If I have my weapon of choice (K11 with beyonet) then I try my best and probably do an okay job. Otherwise the only skill have in that regard is being in good shape and tenacity.
>Would your waifu/hasbando be able to protect you?
Easily. She is an elite swordsman and warrior in her world. Also her greatest skill is determination. Plus she can take a serious beating before giving up.
>What small romantic gesture do you think your waifu/hasbando appreciate?
I think just being genuine to her and making sure to spend time with her is enough for her.
>What kind of historic period would your waifu/hasbando feel most comfortable in?
Probably later 19th century Europe. It has quite a lot of advanced amenities, but also still has things like nobility and monarchies, which she is part of.
>What board(s) would your waifu browse on Jow Forums?
Maybe Jow Forums? She might also go to the cosplay board because she dresses as this guy everyday.
>If your waifu were to go to college/university what would she study?
I think she would enjoy law or history.
>Does your waifu have any religious views?
Not exactly religious, but very much anti devil dragon and any super natural powers that would bring harm to humans.
>Is she introverted or extroverted?
She does not speak much, but at the same time she can converse eloquently and confidently and is not afraid to speak her mind. Over all I guess slightly introverted.
My friends kept me up late again, so I'm tired.
>blue hair
good taste, my guy.
Good for you! That's a nice image of her.
Here, have some questions:
>you and your waifu have to defeat all of the raid posters. How do you accomplish this task?
>Do you have any merch of your waifu/husbando? If so post it!
>Is your sleep schedule good?
>Would your waifu want you to treat yourself better?
we have a discord? orgionls
>you and your waifu have to defeat all of the raid posters. How do you accomplish this task?
I'll counter-shitpost them, and Alice will go rewire their heads.
>Do you have any merch of your waifu/husbando? If so post it!
Nah, and there isn't any, and I'm not interested
>Is your sleep schedule good?
It's within normal bounds but could be far better
>Would your waifu want you to treat yourself better?
Yes. Alice is a good cute girl.
OI, you didn't answer >anyways, did you see a certain instagram post by a certain m6usy
>you and your waifu have to defeat all of the raid posters. How do you accomplish this task?
Move a step up from the jannies and get a mod to monitor this general, so shitposters can get banned.
>Do you have any merch of your waifu/husbando? If so post it!
I have this plush of her (pic related)
>Is your sleep schedule good?
If you call 4 hours a day "good", yeah.
>Would your waifu want you to treat yourself better?
Yeah, she would want me to get some more self-confidence.
>mfw made alice thread on /v/ and some fag is trying to lewd it to death
Anzio is my waifu
I assume its some sort of meme meant to poke fun at me in some way, ill pass.
forgot pic orgionllls
they're from /vg/ not /v/ you brainlet
nah, it ain't. You might like it if you haven't seen already
i know, i just made int on /v/ because often they turn out to be based threads
>you and your waifu have to defeat all of the raid posters. How do you accomplish this task?
Starving them and paying them no attention.
>Do you have any merch of your waifu/husbando? If so post it!
A figurine. If I find it on my harddrive I'll post it. Really need to organize my images.
>Is your sleep schedule good?
>Would your waifu want you to treat yourself better?
oh well I guess im not the only one who waifus her I liked the gif he made
>you and your waifu have to defeat all of the raid posters. How do you accomplish this task?
fear toxin for everyone.
>Do you have any merch of your waifu/husbando? If so post it!
i really don't want to advertise the fact that i not only spent money on funko pops, but that it's the only merchandise i have of him.
>Is your sleep schedule good?
no. my sleep schedule is terrible. i go to bed at around four in the morning and wake up at around three in the afternoon.
>Would your waifu want you to treat yourself better?
i always imagine him encouraging me to go to bed earlier and, eventually, dragging me out of bed, even if he has the same nigh-nocturnal sleeping patterns that i do. same for when i forget to eat.
we do, but it isn't used much.
>often they turn out to be based threads
I wish my waifu got threads, let alone good ones. The closest thing I got was a thread on /c/ that had only one person besides me.
maybe raiders would stop coming here if you didn't shill your waifu on every board possibe. i wouldn't be surprised if i saw a thread about Leah on Jow Forums one day.
I only do it on here and the lovelive general, and rarely on /c/. She never had a thread on Jow Forums for example even if I go there a lot. I did have a plan to post a birthday thread for her on Jow Forums but I never did.
>i wouldn't be surprised if i saw a thread about Leah on Jow Forums one day.
>unironically browsing Jow Forums
Hina is my #2 to be desu senpai. My #1 is Ayaya.
>Has ichi blocked but not cia and fakejosh
Shit taste