Life and the world pretty much just suck no matter how you slice it don't they?

Life and the world pretty much just suck no matter how you slice it don't they?
Suicide is actually a very logical answer and I think you just have to be stupid or delusional not to see that
All it really comes down to in the end is that most people don't have the balls to do it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Read some Camus and get some perspective on the suicide question user.

quit being such a pussy and just do something with ur life u nihilistic faggot.

Lol. You're so fucking dumb...

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At least we have better options than our ancestors
>shotgun aimed at brain stem: Almost instant death, just terrifying to execute.
>inert gas asphyxiation [exit bag]: Comfy but there's the risk of living as a vegetable if improperly done. Takes time to set up
>N or F: Holy grail, but difficult to get acquire.
In the past it was either hanging or falling from a great height.

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Whether it's religion or philosophy they're all just delusions
They're tricks you play on your own brain or maybe it plays on you mental gymnastics at their finest
But no amount of knowledge and thinking can whisk away the deepest most fundamental truths of the world and those are the truths that are always the hardest to accept...

ur the type of person who see's nothing in life because u have nothing in life. ur a complete and utter failure.

>falling from a great height.
stupid people still have to do this because its too difficult to get a gun or helium tank

Read the Heart Sutra and Meditations

what does that make you? someone who makes themselves feel better by ragging on suicidal people, I can't even think of anything more pathetic than that. this is your life and you enjoy it?

That may very well be true
But even so many people who had a lot of things in life still ended up killing themselves
That's really the beauty of death it can ignore all the circumstances of this world

no clinically suicidal people in this thread, just people who think they're classy for making themselves depressed and nihilistic on purpose by manually doing nothing on purpose. quit bathing in your self pity. get some goals and go outside u fucking faggot.

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your existence has become so dull and worthless, when *other* people with worse lives than you want to kill themselves you actually remember you're a bitch who needs other people to validate their existence so you try to spin things as if they're taking something away from you. normal people wouldn't give a shit just faggots like you who have to signal to everybody how much of a pussy you are deep down.

Life is pretty awesome when youre rich

I wish I was rich

imagine thinking u have any credibility when ur defending dipshit ass posts like OP's on Jow Forums

Wireheading is the only way to escape perpetual agony.

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coming from the person who loves life so much they can't even type out "you"

this is proof of how shit ur lives are

Why have you not done it yet if this a very logical answer and that life and the world suck?

we only have proof your life is shit ITT, you are retarded and weak minded, can't even handle the thought of someone else taking their own life because you know you'll never have the balls to do it yourself

wow. what a tough strong man you are killing yourself!. please demonstrate to me your strength :]

I go online and encourage suicidal people to do it because I feel like God

>you are involuntarily brought into existence without an easily accessible, painless, surefire way out
>even euthanasia involves emotional turmoil
Fuck you demiurge

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at least you're honest and your existence alone doesn't give people more reasons to do it like this dumb queer

nothing wrong with throwing lazy nihilistic pieces of shit who aren't even medically diagnosed as depressed into the pool of life so they learn to swim.

u are a voluntarily disabled underachiever

t. brainlet normie

and youre the type of person who thinks he's got a great life, but in reality you have just as little as the next person, you're just a loser. that's the hard, cold truth

little beta ass baby upset that an actual normal person has walked into ur r9k safespace and made u realize how fucking autistic u are?

>nothing wrong with throwing lazy nihilistic pieces of shit who aren't even medically diagnosed as depressed into the pool of life so they learn to swim.
No thanks. Fuck wageslaving and the misery of old age.

get cancer you miserable piece of shit

ill slap the fuckin shit out of u beta ass bitches

of course he slap fights like a literal retard. its probably a fucking girl lmao

>Hurr de durr I have no arguement so I will just insult the other person
He's right tho. The only escape from the pain of knowing life is meaningless is either death or tricking yourself into thinking life has some meaning

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all i hear right now is the beta tears of people who know they amount to nothing because they CHOOSE to do nothing.

>Hurr de durr I still have no argument so I will continue to insult people
Judging by your gay spelling and behavior you're just a 10 year old who has stumbled on 4chin from wavetitan videos or r/greentexts

its a 10 year old girl who knows she will amount to absolutely fucking nothing and thinks the entire board is full of "incels" except her

and whats your argument? that u should be able to curl into a ball and be a fat useless slob of nothing because das objectuve weeality? do something with yourself, faggot.

what the fuck are you doing with your life, you are objectively 10x more of a piece of shit than any robot on this board for slinging absolute horseshit around like this and passing it off as advice, fucking go wash your mouth out with bleach you absolute shitheel

i am objectively a far happier, fulfilled, greater person with a greater life than you have. that right there is objective.

you too, can be there. just start by exiting this tab and never coming back to Jow Forums. read a book hey?

>i am objectively a far happier, fulfilled, greater person with a greater life than you have.
because of the unwarranted self importance you feel from shitposting and making fun of "betas"? sure I believe you

Listen kid, I've done a ton of shit with my life such as learn how to program, build robots, and do some freerunning and parkour. No matter what I do life will continue to have no meaning because even if I somehow put humanity on mars or some shit it won't matter in the end because humanity will die out at some point too. All our achievements will eventually be burned away by the ravages of time no matter what we do.

gotta shake the birds nest to make it fly.

98% chance you didn't do any of that to justify your miserable behaviour with lies. in the 2% chance, seek psychiatric help.

What would psychiatric help do? Im not willing to trick myself into thinking life has some meaning.

>hurrdurr maybe my uninteresting abusive personality might actually be helpful to someone
nah you're just a cunt m8

then stay a depressed fuckwit and don't whine when people treat u like one.

i'm sure OP gave great advice that encouraged you all then. how silly of me to speak the truth of your shitworld.

>more impotent yammering
yawn, go play dr phil on reddit you stupid cunt

>Implying that I'm depressed
10 year old roastie confirmed. Just because I know how fucking meaningless and pointless life is doesn't mean I'm depressed. I bet you would call a person who hadn't felt happiness in a day depressed.

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go get a life u beta short ass 5'5 phony ass anime watchin ass derelict bitch

u are very depressed and i can see right through you.

only an underage girl would get btfo this hard and not realize it

>Still insisting that I'm depressed even though you don't know me
Thanks for thr hearty kek. This site is going to shit since there are so many normal niggers here now

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If you love Lady Death so much, them JOIN HER ALREADY! Stop polluting this board with your despair

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kissless incel. whats it like thinking every successful normal girl who looks down at little pieces of shit like u is a, as you betas would say, "roastie"?

you're depressed

>yes goy have more kids bcuz Jesus n sheeit, have a kosher meme

not even a guy not even single, you are just beyond pathetic in every concievable way, being you must be a fucking nightmare

oh, so you're a depressed transgender autismo AND a compulsive liar? it just keeps getting better

>she says, shaking furiously, waiting for tyree to respond to her texts

Alright then keep being delusional. Judging by your behavior in this thread you seem like a horrendous person to be around. I feel bad for your parents because they will have to deal with you for 8+ years

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It's gonna be a lot longer than that

How often do you see suicidal parents? Once you've seen the beauty of a blossoming human life, you'll have your humanity restored, and you'll be able to make it to the next bonfire in the journey of life

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>How often do you see suicidal parents?
every day

If you're alive, you can improve your life. If you're dead, you can't. The only logical choice is to be alive.

rip user's parents. It probably is their fault for raising her to be a piece of shit tho

the answer was in front of our eyes the whole time, its so simple

take all your insecurities and problems and blame it on girls, how charismatic, faggot.

my parents love me, unlike all of R9K's apparently.

i've gotten a job faster than you've figured out how to socialize.

I don't think anybody's parents fucked up as bad as this user's did
like how hard do you need to shake a baby to cause this level of narcissism?

you all speak like angry midgets. is that why you blame all us girls for your problems? because even WE, are taller than you?. you beta boy.

If you're dead, your suffering is over. If you're alive, your suffering continues. The only logical choice is to be dead.

>blame all us girls for your problems
only the incels think like this but this board went from robot board to incel/gay board a long time ago so meh. How does it feel to be a narcissist?

>How does it feel to be a narcissist?
like nobody loves you except yourself

nowhere near as bad as being a 5'5 beta nihilist on r9k sweaty.

10/10 times i'd rather pick being a khv than a compulsive liar narcissistic turboslut. although thankfully I don't have to deal with either.

u call me a slut because u cant get some. lmao.

Tell that to Robin Williams.

no I call you a slut because there's no way the people you do fuck actually give a shit about you and that's why you have to convince "losers" on a board that wants nothing to do with you

the cringe is big with this one xP
you are the one who needs to eviscerate himself if anything desu, thinking like this just further confirms you're a subhuman dolt

i have a life, what do u have incel?

ok 5'5 manlet. keep living your Jow Forums life until u get old and realize u wasted so much of ur life and die.

the world would actually be worth living in without people like this shitting it up

A better life? One where I actually have real self confidence instead of an arrogant mentally ill personality that everybody hates?

>Lol. You're so fucking dumb...
Not an argument. How is it illogical?

no, YOU are whats wrong with the world. blame your problems on people who actually have a life because you're lazy.

this website is not good support for people like you. the last person a mentally ill person should go to is r9k.

>N or F: Holy grail, but difficult to get acquire.
What the fuck are N and F?

>no, YOU are whats wrong with the world.
>sit inside, do nothing, talk to barely anybody, don't shit up threads with arrogant bullshit, don't have to lie to people all the time
>you: a completely useless bitch with brain damage who thinks she's hot shit because she chugs cock on the weekends

If you're dead you aren't enslaved by the desire to improve

It's not a logical answer user, there are better choices. Taking steps to improving your mental health are better answers, such as seeing a therapist or getting prescribed medication.

typical incel reply, get a job and quit laying in all ur shitty self pity and get a girlfriend sweaty.

But what if religion was true and you were the one playing the gymnastics?

>tfw jealous of people that are terminally ill
this makes me feel so guilty when I'm otherwise healthy but don't want to exist

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Are you really going to base your entire life on the ludicrous possibility that there is an afterlife, or immaterial world?

>such as seeing a therapist or getting prescribed medication.
professional time wasters that get paid to gaslight you into thinking your entire life's goal is to go back to work and keep your head down. these people aren't held to any kind of standard and treat their patients like shit or give them meds without even diagnosing their condition first, anyone with a brain can't be expected to take them seriously

we're all gonna die sometime so why not give life a shot buddy

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just look at all the single moms

it gets better, you go through lows and you go through highs. things are finally going well for me now and i met a qt

That's one in-depth LARP
Fucking hell

Will doing so harm me in this life regardless of the outcome? Not really, actually the opposite is true.

are you really going to base your entire life on the ludicrious lifestyle of nihilism? all the lives of religious people are more wholesome than yours will ever be.

>all these butthurt newfags falling for obvious normie bait

sure thing pal Ahmed the goat brothel customer is much more pious than I, just have faith in god goy

>How often do you see suicidal parents?

People with kids still kill themselves all the time. Also, natalism is pure undistilled normalfag.

i don't count that as a religion thats just fuckin whatever right