How do i even get a job? Even wage cuck gigs never get back to me. I just want money ffs
How do i even get a job? Even wage cuck gigs never get back to me. I just want money ffs
Spam applications to every minimum wage job in your area and you might get a reply
Try to use nepotism benefits if you have any
Are you from Europe by any chance?
American anons don't know the pain of looking for a job in weaker economies like Europe
surely you mean eastern europe
i could apply for a job today and be working tomorrow
i won't, though, jobs are for cucks
Not him but I am and fuck this shit. Finding a job without high school finished is impossible.i gave up long time ago and basically will be homeless in 2 weeks.
>Try to use nepotism benefits if you have any
what an oblivious mongrel you are
>surely you mean eastern europe
oh no. Western europe may have free healthcare and education, but our economies are much less flexible and as result it is harder to find a job. It's great for people who are already happily employed, but everyone trying to get in the system is at a disadvantage.
Where are you from? I need people in my warehouse in Texas :/
Show us your resume. Chances are it's filled with red flags for employers.
God why can't you be in Florida? I can't even get a fucking car wash that hires 15 years old to call back
how about "he does the job you pay him to do and mind your business" you faggot, my friend's job requires him to have a fuckin facebook
>Finding a job without high school finished
Yeah bro, that's your fault. No sympathy here. You're a retard.
Tx warehouse user here
Post your discord or a throwaway and I'll add you and give you tips
Sorry chief but without a good resume you won't even get hired at McDonalds. Certainly not with that attitude. And taking 3 seconds to write "I'm a hard, motivated worker" doesn't count.
I do feel your pain though. These day entry level jobs somehow require 3 years experience in the same field, multiple solid references, years of other prior work experience, and passing 2-3 step interviews. Fucking ridiculous.
is what we learn in fucking high school really worth ruining some dude's life over it? I bet he could pass high school exams with a month worth of studying, this shit ain't that hard
remember that our brains are not fully developed at 17
I have a bad attitude with you because I don't have to kiss your ass, might be something you're unfamiliar with.
Your personal attitude has 0 effect on me broski. Meanwhile it'll lead you to homelessness and an early grave. It might feel good to act edgy in the short term, but it feels better to be able to afford food in the long term.
>Your personal attitude has 0 effect on me broski.
So why bother to mention it when Jow Forums is not a fucking job application?
Don't really know what you can help me with though, but I appreciate it.
Well you called some dude a faggot for asking about your resume and it seemed as if you were scoffing at the idea of even half-assing one, so I wanted to let you know how important they actually are.
Holy fuck. Shut up you dumb faggot. Go shit up another thread
It's quite easy to get your GED. Disabled people and people in prison do it. It's free in most if not all places as well.
Also, I'm pretty sure they never check and you can just lie about it.
I will stay and wait for your answer to my question, why should anyone here give a single fuck what you think of them
where in texas? how much you pay?
I'm not the one you were talking to fuckface. Jesus, try to keep a track of your (you)s.
Here I am Here I am not Got it, brainlet?
I do not live in America.
Good luck with learning calculus and other shit while in home. I wanted to kill myself anyway and homelessness will help me with that.
That other post didn't even get a response, where do you get off calling other people dumb holy shit. What a power tripping homo
>other post didn't even get a response
Maybe thats what I was trying to point out, but you must know better, right?
Was I not clear enough? Do I have to break it down for you, piece by piece?
Another thread ruined by infighting
I've applied to every fast food entry level job in my county
No one will hire me. They only hire beans for like 10.50 a hour prob. I can't even get a job at a casino cleaning shit off toilets. Fucking hate shit. If I knew how to apply welfare I would do it. I'm just retarded clearly. I choose not to leave my bed. It's been weeks since I showered even gone outside. I just want some currency to purchase goods and services like everyone else.
Last time I posted a thread like this the cuck jannies removed it for being off topic lmao
Not that user but I would be willing to move.
throwaway email - [email protected]
I dont want to post my resume for obvious reasons but a general guide or template would be pretty appreciated.
Little north of houston. $10/hr with overtime being time and a half
Check it, I just contacted you
>be op
>constantly make "haha stupid wagecucks" threads
>parents threaten to kick him out
>realizes he needs to get a job and begs on r9k for advice