What are your thoughts on Neeko?
Does anyone main her?
League of Chads general
I play her a lot, for now. She could be interesting to main.
I don't get it, there's nothing sneaky about her. If people see an emeny champ they'll still attack you. Only thing that's good about her is her buffed ult that does way too much damage. Otherwise a boring champ to play.
I wish she was more like the spy from Tf2 and could go invisible/disguise as enmeny champs for twenty seconds
Go to /vg/ faggot
Also add me on my accounts
Sigh Yawn
Vi Fisting Neeko
League isnt hectic enough for that to work though, except for maybe in Iron 4
It can work.
For example:
>disguise as Thresh or Lee Sin
>they hide behind minions, thinking they're safe
>root them with E (improved after hitting minions)
>pop Q and ult
>they die
You can pretend you are your jungler and gank a lane (or just show up).
The other lanes will think they are safe and push, then the real jungler ganks them.
You can trick an adc to think you are a low HP support, bait them and burst them.
You can pretend you are one of your teammates in a lane, or at the beginning of a teamfight.
Enemies don't know which abilities to expect from which direction.
This is amplified if you use your W, now there are 3 of the same champion, further confusing.
If you are disguised, you can prepare the ult without them seeing.
You can disguise as a tank and run into them.
They won't focus on you because they think you take barely any damage.
What do you mean she is not sneaky?
She is also very good early game due to her long range and good combo potential.
She can also jungle and support, but I don't do that most od the time.
I don't think she needed the 3 hit passive and the ultimate is overtuned.
I don't like how her root goes through multiple targets and gets stronger if it does. Makes minions and body blockers trivial.
smite > every other moba
fucking faggots playing a puzzle game
Are u the same Faggot who posts league threads Yesterday?
Been seeing league threads on this board lately
Seems like a really uninspired champ. Like they thought of her gimmick but didn't know how to make a kit around it so they just gave her generic mage abilities.
Ok, smartass.
You tell us what her abilities should be.
>make champion with a theme of disguise and deception
>put that champion in mid, the lane to which all ten players are usually paying the most attention on average
genius ideas being realized at riot games
also this game's player base is dying in general (in NA at least). I spend 20 mins trying to queue in any elo above gold on my smurfs and every game is a dodge or autofill. Combine that with extended preseason so nobody cares about solo queue anyway and you get the formula to help the game die even faster
Neeko will never see any competitive play. The only way you could be caught off guard by her is by forgetting to look at the minimap. It's no surprise that her win rate steadily tanks at higher rankings
>>make champion with a theme of disguise and deception
Dude, it's just her passive (which is actually an active when you think about it).
It is better than most passives.
She can also jungle pretty well.
95% of League players are low elo.
Also, most games played are normal.
She is a fun champion to play.
She is pretty unique and cool.
Not all champs need to have some weird-ass outlandish abilities.
She has her place in the game.
I'm sure she can be played well im high elo, but it is a bit more difficult to pull off.
Of course, people prefer safety and abusing what is busted.
bad in real game modes and extremely obnoxious in fun meme modes. probably will never be in a state where she's treated as a real champion
Give me a list of 5 real champions, and a list of 5 non-real champions.
The lead designer already mentioned that there's going to have to be a limit on the number of champions added to the game and that they don't plan on removing any. The longer this game lasts the more evolved the player skill and strategy will become. That means that she will eventually just become a dead champion that is left to the wayside and thus be due for another shit rework. Competitive players care far more about the game than casuals so it's fair to question why they would make a champion like this after putting so much effort into quantifying and inducing champion diversity at Worlds
And also it's less about abusing what is good and more about avoiding what is really bad. Her place in the game will be with one tricks and drunk normal games, which is kind of sad to see.
Real: leblanc, aatrox, lucian, graves, xin zhao
Non-real: neeko, corki, volibear, nasus, jinx
tfw no eune league bf
I'm on eune and I'm a semi-faggot.
You want to play together and chat and shit?
I used to main Singed, best champ btw.
There are threads on other boards for this
This is why league is such a shit game.
The number of things you do in game is so small and limited, so every skill and strategy gets perfected and polished to the extreme.
Once this happens, certain champions are overplayed, while others are dead.
This is very unlikely to happen in a game where there is a lot to do, there are several game modes and maps, etc.
You want a proper faggot?
Games just suck in general.
Maybe we should stop being manchildren.
What items do I build on bloodseeker, dotards? Despite his ult not being able to kill anymore he seems pretty strong this patch.
Also when will Valve finally release Mars?
>See a thread about LoL
Ok I get Jow Forums can be cancerous but it can't be that bad people make LoL threads now.
Any ideas on how to troll without getting banned?
How do I feed a lot without getting banned for intentional feeding?
Gonna try Cassiopeia jungle (never played her.
This is gonna be fucked.
Play tahm kench or anivia EAT AND BLOCK everyone dont get bad score and you won't get banned ever.
>be plat
>start maining renekton
>hit diamond
>feels good
That's actually pretty good.
Still, nothing is as spicy as feeding every lane, giving them red and blue buffs, etc.
soft inting. only super effective in high elo tho, since games in low elo go 40 mins regardless if you int or not. inting low elo nobodys is not satisfying at all anyway.
fine. what's your ign?
I'm gonna start school.
It's come to this. Video games have literally become as fucking boring and arduous to me as the thought of getting an education. At least they will fill me with a sense of accomplishment i hope.
Yes. Maybe he will boost me for nudes even.
>Maybe he will boost me for nudes even.
Boosting is not what you might think it is.
When you duo queue, you automatically get 3 bad teammates.
I don't know why, the system does it to balance things out.
Still better than the usual 4.
I'm a fucking comedian.
Yeah. Enemy team can't see her items or her build. It's a bit OP not knowing her stats.
she's not that bad honestly. Before the ult nerf she was broken but now shes not that bad. I'm a 1 trick Gragas main in gold 2.
If Riot made an MMORPG with 2 factions based around Demacia and Noxus, which one would you choose?
Would you even give the game a try?
There have been some rumors and clues they are working on an MMO.
this doesn't even belong in Jow Forums fuck off to fags
duo queue boosting is for egirls
we high elo faggots boost accounts in solo queue
only niggers play her
League of Garbage should be erased from existence. I wasted lot of my time on various skinner box bullshit games, but Leag is the only one I sincerely regret about. I hate how everything in it is designed to waste as much of your time as possible, I hate its garbage bloated pool of ugly champions 90% of which are begging for rework, I hate its annoying e-cringe on every corner with overly-photoshopped awkward pictures of e-gooks occupying 90% of launcher's space, I hate Rito's retarded attempts to enforce their own delusional meta, I hate its archaic outdated mechanics, I hate how Rito thinks that "buff for next basic attack every 90 seconds" is the pinnacle of game design. But I'm grateful for the degeneracy streak that Rito have performed to finally make me drop this shit forever:
>release underage disney thot that is out of place even among LoL's eclectic mess of non-existing art direction
>apologize for Kaisa's tiny cleavage
>state that Xayah doesn't lay eggs
>butcher Ahri's Q movespeed buff
Battlerite > every other moba = smite = shit
You mean like you literally play on some other dude's account?
best way to boost quickly and without fail
But that kinda sucks, doesn't it?
I mean, all boosting sucks.
What is some guy gonna do in an elo he didn't reach himself?
Just never play ranked that season (of course, not if you reach elo decay)?
Wasted a lot of time as well and felt like you for a while then I came back, guess I liked it after all.
Did you at least learn something playing this game?
The only thing I dont like is the overly sensitive playerbase and the disciplinary measures enforced, I would love to have a really offensive edgy name lol
Lol, my name contains a word you can't say in the chat.
The account is 7 years old, so maybe it wasn't filtered back then.
I guess it is a swear word in some other language, but I don't know and it was never my intention.
>I hate its archaic outdated mechanics
And what would you like to have instead?
What are modern mechanics in your opinion?
League was outdated the day it came out.
It replaced World of Warcraft as the top online game, yet it looked much worse than it (graphics, just an example).
I am addicted to negativity. I play League so i have something to complain about.
I also refuse to give Rito any money and haven't done so in the last 4 years.
If you don't give them money, yet you use their servers, you are actually a leech, your impact on them is negative.
If you also spread this leech mentality on others, you're a mega-leech douchebag.
Think about it.
people do it for the rewards (shallow i know). i would care more about competitive integrity and all that but this game is dying anyway. i've boosted multiple people and the only thing i've ever been banned for across all accounts is playing a normal game while piss drunk and inting a few times lol.
>Did you at least learn something playing this game?
Some funny polak words. EUNE is truly Aryan region.
>And what would you like to have instead?
Not having those clunky RTS controls in a game where you control just one character. Walking on WASD, everything is skillshot. Like in Battlerite.
Also, last hitting minions is complete bullshit. Total autism that blocks your way (often literally) to actual gameplay. Farming them should be simple and braindead, while having lots of interactions between minions and champions' items and abilities (like Sion's E or Syndra's W) to justify their presence in the game.
>If you don't give them money, yet you use their servers, you are actually a leech, your impact on them is negative.
But you support them with active playerbase which is just as important as money. You are providing a service for people who paid for this game but it's Rito who gets paid for it, not you.
Do you think it's dying fast?
I returned recently after 4 years of not playing, so I'm not too familiar with how it's been going.
What if I troll every other game?
Then the playerbase gets more cancerous, which is not good.