Post your mini chart. OP will judge you all.
Mini chart thread
These things are gay and edgy.
Just look at the way he stands. Like some hipster emo kid drew it.
this was fast to make.
not that beautiful, did it in paint in 1 min
here's mine but originally
Could I get any more basic
here man I tried
Get a load of this fucking degenerate, LMAOOO.
You are me in three years.
man bun is gay
phil spencer
It's more of a little ponytail but if I'm not lazy I'll slick it back
Somebody I'd drink with
Somebody I would have asked out a year ago
who would've thought the average Jow Forums user is a painfully average university student
wtf you look like and have the exact same music taste as me
I doubt I look like you, user. My weight is 68kg.
Can't be arsed filling image in
> 21
> alpha male
> white
> Brit
> Smart as fuck
> dropped out at 18
> pharmaceutical process operator
68 kg = 150 freedom units
For fellow Americans who would have to convert it
cometale oreginale
soon, wagies... i may be joining you soon...
oh look, a bunch of jerries think theyre ricks
Why are all the students choosing university as their education? Are you not supposed to pick highschool as long you haven't got a degree?
>Thinks Rick and Morty terms are ok to use
Oh look, a cringe Rick and Morty joke.
Imagine actually saying this, please off yourself as soon as possible
what are you doing on r9k? are you fat?
My name isn't actually Keith, that's just what my friends call me. God knows why.
would you call that color mustard? i wanted to be a cartoonist once.
nice hair
native, thats cool, don't see to many.
nice homeless chic
burgerland, yum
i was able to get my IQ professionally tested as a part of trying to figure out if i had bipolar disorder, ADD, or aspergers or anything like that.
Irish-American, Conor
that was kinda fun
>nate of
aloha from slovakia
darn it, did not upload the file
It's comfy here
thank you
This is quite a bit nicer than the larger charts.
shave, i find everybody with any facial hair before they have any wrinkles looks like a dirtbag
I've been lazy with it lately, that's all.
Sup neighbor mang lad
Robert you fukin post here? How's it been? You gotta draw a bigger belly than that man
i put so much thought but so little effort into this. Enjoy
>The cherub bicycled against the umbrella.
blip blip blip toryah
You're 4294966302 years old?
White-Chinese, /gd/ major
10 minutes of my life down the drain
>60 iq
You realize that makes you actually retarded, right? The threshold is at 70. Was that an error?
here, i tried. first time drawing with computer shite
Err I do have 10 digits yet not this type >_>
Idk if i can agree with you,iq is bullshit anyway its a way of seeing if you know to remember useless things,i have probably an iq of 78 in a school paragraph but still im smarter than everyone i know,making fun of someone for not getting A's? Hahah dont tell me about getting frustrated or manipulated by letters
i wanna fuck a long haired brittish twink
Oh. It's just remembering things in general, not just useless things. There are lots of things you need to remember, user.
You seem like the normie of the normies
I hate work so much but it's starting to look like an inevitability.
I can remember the stuff i need and i like,never liked the fact that had to push down my throat stupid shit i dont even like and wont remember for more than an hour,science can be one of the few entertaining things in school with literature the rest to me is pure bogus so i dont see why studying them (if you like other stuff like maths study it it not saying you cant)
Italian-Korean is dope, love that
I guess I can agree that most of school is useless. I don't understand why literature and world languages are required. I've been taking Japanese class for four years (I am a senior now), and I love it, but I don't see why it's necessary to graduate.
I'm aware Pearl was a woman but it fits.
Le me
I spent way too much time on this shit
aw thank you i always thought I was super weird that means a lot to me
I hate being a phonefag
First time doing this thing.
Love my job but I hate dealing with women sometimes.
very cold where I live having this beard helps.
More like a cyborg, user.
muted for nine seconds for poop in the woods
made on an app because im lazy
>why are you here
i hate myself
Bland describes me well.
hey at least you have blue eyes! You got that going for you!
They're probably my best feature, that's all I've ever been complimented on.
>134 IQ
>working at a warehouse at 25
you ok senpai?
Student wagecuck reporting in
No. I've had the job since I was 21. I don't really know where to move on to, but I want to find something else.
Shall i receive hate in here for looking like this, i wander..
Took 4 online IQ tests just to fill in that fuckin slot and only one of them actually gave me a result, and it was most certainly wrong.
this is fucking me
Girls come talk to me.
The true face of a degenerate
Oops wrong picture. This is the right one.
wish i were special actually works well
all of these look neat
What's up, alex?
fuck it ill bite, yes i know im a nigger.
Hello Fellow Robots. who else here a gamer ?
I'm not a girl, but I'll talk to you. No lewd stuff though.
Is that baldi's from batman vs spongebob?
No i just take aesthetics from The Joker
here we go! blah
Very nice.
I dig the artwork here
.I would likely find you attractive. Sorry, mam.
Surely your IQ isn't sixt-
Surprised it isn't lower, desu.
I dig this one too. You look like a rad lumberjack.
paint.exe is my friend
I got trips! I'm very happy. Here is the image I meant to post along the post I made.
Thanks man thats mostly wat people tell me when they meet me for the first time
First time doing a chart
currently a depressed college student soon to be a depressed engineer, S/O to class of 2019 we made it bois
your shirt makes you look like chris-chan
WE LIVE IN A ((original post)) SOCIETY
Aussies aren't stupid! Guess where Hitler came from idiot!
First time doing this for me
if sex means I get any am a virgin
IQ was from multiple online tests but they are inacurate so feel free to subtract points from it.