post em lets see what you got
Post em lets see what you got
I do not have a phone. Robots do not have phones. FUck you and go back to facebook
I still think of them as reaction images mostly
You could at least have waited a couple of months before trying to be faggot of the year.
Some of us do. They're pretty great for posting without needing to leave your bed.
Let me through I'm a busy man
Alright officer here you go. Is it sufficient enough so i can get through?
wario time
I don't have a phone that can post pics
Damn it's been awhile since I've saved anything
>in your phone
get the fuck out
Jow Forums needs to ban all mobile posting, if nothing else just to cut down on ban-evading retards.
this and other boards would be infinitely better if mobile posting was banned.
jojo swanson
wish i could post without a comment
i relate to ronnie on a spiritual level
/vp/ is a warzone
>not from my phone
>but who WAS phone?
This thread beIongs on s4s
I got this one about trannies
based /vp/ poster
Here's my latestes.
Originally this board fucking sucks. Fuck jannies and fuck trannies. *originally dabs on them jannies.
I love it when pictures I've known for a long time get a makeover
guess ill post one because im board
bost post
I only save anime reaction images on my phone.
this is true though. the games have been getting shittier and shittier because Game Freak won't stop injecting Kanto into everything. that and they keep making everything easier and easier
i swear officer no illegal memes have been smuggled here
Postan memes.
Fuck off and never come back, re**it.
here's a nice hot one fresh out the kitchen for you guys!
Hahahaha, look at his big chin.
Should call him Chinaman or something hehe
haha nice one Anonymous! I like to call him/her/it tearsonlargefacedotjaypeegee but you can make him/her/it your own! pic related i call 'haha funny face that looks pleased and uncomforted at the same time'.
Standard issue. No problems.
Racy, I like it. Good to go.
Jow Forums format. Check.
Wario is borderline normie-tier but I'll let this go. Don't let me catch you with any Waluigi shit in the future though.
Almost edgelord enough to fall into normie territory. Watch yourself.
Weird but innocent enough.
Funny mashup. Good work, user.
Disagree with the sentiment, but it's a sperg Jow Forums post so you're good.
This looks pretty normie-tier to me, fucker. You're getting ticketed. You can dispute this in court if you wish.
Funny stuff, user. Have a good night.
You cannot remove the Facebook-tier stigma of the Minion, no matter the context you put them in. Ticket.
Good shit, user.
Not all that funny, but inoffensive.
This isn't even a "meme" really. Glad to see you're above having "meme" images on your phone, user.
Is that Rick and Morty I see, scumbag? Oh, seems to be making fun of it. All right, sorry to bother you.
Simple reaction image. No problem here.
Good one, user.
I think this is Shrek-related. We're taking you in to the station, fucker.
Easy, edgy, normie. The big three. Ticket.
Boomer memes are a bit too new-school for my tastes, but you're good.
Ironic rage comic posting isn't funny anymore, shitbag. Ticket.
Quality completely depends on context with this one. I trust you'll use it wisely, user.
porblem, copper?
Still hurts originally
He's resisting arrest, boys. Follow that motherfucker.
this is my most recent meme, I don't phone post though so it is from my pc
>mfw i dodged the meme police and their chief, fag op
I think you'll find everything's in order.
>tfw nostalgic to a period you didn't experience
Bretty gud meme, I guess I could go on my phone and post, but why would I ever do that unless I had to?
Old Star Wars games are not normie. Right?
Dude lmfao we should make that a meme!!! xD haha omfg show it to your gf to help make it a meme!
When typing that out I realized how much it made me want to fucking kill myself
The new Jow Forums memes are funny in my opinion, but they are all, essentially, sequels in the same series of Pepes and Wojaks. Like the film industry pumping out movie after movie in the same franchise, all of which will be passably good at best and nothing more. I wasn't around for the old era of Jow Forums either, and I probably wouldn't find it fun/funny now that I've been conditioned to look at things through layers upon layers of irony, but at the time I bet it was a real treat to experience it.
Go back to faggit, retard.
Does this count sir
Gay meme
>Owning a phone
Kill yourself normalfag.
I keep every image I download on a Linux server. It uses a Btrfs filesystem to protect against file corruption.
The most recent one, officer.
>facebook meme
>rick and marty
>phone posting
. Z . :^) read it and weep
A phone i do not own.
not even the most recent
Here we are
It's an ok one I think
I left /vp/ last year after some drama in one of the remaining roleplay communities
who the fuck saves things from the internet on their phone?
I go on /trash/ no judge
Ty for the new phone wallpaper
I laughed at this harder than I should've.
That's all I have officer, can I go?
this one is pretty advanced, i like it
This is what I have
I love it
I'm gonna call joints "boof" now
Choke on this chodemaster
What is this and why is going to commit am hero??
Also I found this funny new meme off of Google plus guys, I was rofling for ten minutes!!
I gots this to offer
International stereotypes, the true patrician's meme.
I have been on Jow Forums since 2005 and I can confidently say that the last few years have seen a massive decline in anything even remotely funny. I blame traps and the 2016 election.
I didn't get a phone till I turned 24 and I have only used it for emulation
If you were actually here since 2005 you would be blaming 2008-2009 or 2013-2014
The Hog Boss has requested my presence, step aside.
>being this wrong
Real robots only have phones with no cellular plan. Only normalfags have desktops
That's mine, sir
user please.
I almost definitely already had this one saved but I saved it again so here.
>tfw I still miss Cracky.
Sometimes when Im alone I start crying randomly and I cant stop
Top fef
Got a hearty laugh out of me, genuinely.
Of course not. Might play some Battlefront 2 if the servers are alive.
it's trash, i'm trash, you're trash, the world is trash
we are all trash
Nothing to see here, officer. Just dabbing on dem jannies.
Can you prove that I'm driving, officer?
textless posts are definitely not allowed
Noose-chan, originally of course
I went to /mu/ to ask about rap memes and found this over there.
i like my memes to be period pieces
wanted to let you know i read it. (poster of the image)
Certainly not the most intriguing meme but itll do
Behold, the true power of the left.
I don't know what a meme is. I'm posting from my pc.
Who cares if you're a robot or not. Just post some memes. Robots are dying out anyway.
is that johnny joestar
outdated as hell. use this one.