>be me
>virgin CS student
>thicc black girl asks me out
>I said yes without thinking
>she said that I should pick her up this friday
What should I do? Should I take her to the movies or something? I have social anxiety.
I need help
if you're white then ghost her. Don't betray your race.
maybe? I've never been on a real date so I don't no haha
I'm just a bot on the 9k
That depends, do you want to get to know her? If so, a movie is a terrible choice for a first date. Take her out somewhere where you both can be active, occupied, & having fun so there aren't any silent awkward moments between you two. Make it about her, ask her a lot of questions so she feels like you "somewhat" care about her.
She may be a slave, but its the best you will ever get.
>thicc black girl asks me out
>she said that I should pick her up this friday
I get that this is how it is and there isn't much anyone can do to change it. But what are you supposed to do?
If she's asking him out than she wants to rape
Oh NOOOOOO not op!
Was more talking about how he has to take the lead, even tough she asked him out.
maahn it's all peaches ands creams
dating does not imply sinful sexual things.
take her to the church.
talk her about our Lord.
thanks, bro. I hope she will convert.
this board is filled with atheist faggots.
Return her to the zoo.
OP here.
I cannot.
The monkeys in the zoo will shout OOGA BOOGA like there's no tomorrow.
Seriously though: Is she hot? Would you bang/gf her? Give me an honest rating out of 10.
I don't know, I'd give it a shot. Just take her somewhere you can have some fun together and maybe eat something. Movies sound good, at the mall or somewhere similar.
What kind of place would you take a child to? Most child-friendly places are women-friendly places. Except, you know, the fun ones (i.e.: arcade).
I guess the nigger girl wont want to split bills.
Basically she's in for a free meal.
Yet OP will be able to brag on r9k "Dated a Girl, Herp, Derp, see ya later, virgins" even if they didn't actually date.
Don't listen to these fags, OP.
A THICC black girl will change your life for the better.
You can
A) take her out for a drink
B) take her out for a cup of coffee and talk
C) Take her out for a movie
Do you have her phone number?
Movies are a bad first date. Go to a bar or restaurant where you can get tipsy and order some small plates, nothing that will fill you up too much. I like tapas for this reason. The alcohol will help make conversation come easier.
Find a movie showtime and pick a place to eat, grab food and ask her if she wants to go to the movie or what. Do you toke? Drink? Take her along on something you really enjoy dont feel compelled to do something unnatural to please her, be genuine and unapologetic about your interests.
No. You go to the movie first for extra shit to talk about at dinner. Dating 101
Fuck her in the ass, hard.
Black girls love anal, trust me
I'll let you in my Wakanda user.
that's the actual Wakanda flag!!!!!!!!!
This user knows whats up. DO NOT let her go. Show interest in her. She might help you leave the virgin life and become somehow normal. Be nice to her and just try to take it easy. If you get nervous try to talk about something she finds interesting - the key is to listen to her (but with women it might be quite hard to do so).
BUT dont forget to wear a condom. She is, after all, a THICC black woman.
Im gonna fuck a black girl in 14 hours
Last time i saw her I came so quick I didnt even feel the orgasm
Hopefully I can last more than 2 seconds this time
>leave the virgin life
depressed virginfags spotted.
I'm still trying to understand that pic.
>dpressed virginfags spotted
>on r9k
Boy you sure kinda retarded. Either that or you are way too young to be here. GTFO zoomer.
It's probably a trap and you get robbed or she asks you for payment after it
Go to a museum or the zoo or something. See a comedy show. Maybe ask her if there is something she really wants to do.
take some kratom. super green malaysian
You got aked out by a girl? Wtf? Does that even happen?
Same boat but never even got a first date. She came to pick me up supposedly but just came in and fucked my brains out. Some black girls are crazy.
itt another white larper thread cringe
Be funny and tease her in a nice, goofy white guy way. Black girls eat that shit up. If you can make her laugh, you got this. Dress well, smell good and have fun with it.
Yes then follow it up with cofee or a cheap restaurant thats not mcdicks or burger king.
Going to the movies for a first date is utterly retarded and so are you if you don't understand that.
wow, that woman.
too bad it's photshopped and not real