Should I get a Mail Order Bride?

Should I get a Mail Order Bride?

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make sure they poke airholes in the crate first. learned that one the hard way

Just get a mail order sex doll. Don't even bother with biocunts.

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I'm thinking about doing this

this image is organized so poorly. how the fuck do these people get and keep jobs

how to be a mail order husband
it literally has numbers, in order, left to right, top to bottom, retard.

I'd rather just fucking die, thanks

once she has the greencard and speak some english she is as good as gone

>more Japanese mail order brides than Chinese

Why? Also why's Filipino so high? The country can't be that much worse than Indonesia or any other shithole. And if it comes down to not being muslim then China's rates should be sky high too

>japanese mail order brides
Tell me more.

LOL at these shit unsourced stats. Mail order brides are literally just scams to get citizenship. The actual answer is to not get married at all.

No. The average SEAmonkey has a room temperature IQ. Your kids will be manlets/womanlets with double digit IQs

I wish a nigga would
I wish a nigga would, I wish a nigga would
I wish a nigga would
I wish a nigga would, I wish a nigga would
I wish a bitch would
I wish a bitch would, I wish a bitch would
I wish a nigga would
I wish a nigga would, I wish a nigga would

>Tfw no korean or jap mailorder bride

Why live

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No but forreal, you can call me crazy but I'd rather be miserable on my own than to force some poor girl to live with me so her family gets an extra meal per day.

I would only feel worse about myself and feel that I had contributed to the evil in this world.

Remember: she will never ever love you, she pretend and stuff but you can't force someone to be with you, it can never be a healthy relationship.

If you can get a japanese or korean mail order bride, then you could also probably buy an american or canadian one. Thsoe countries are actually civilized.

How do I do this? Like is there a legit website?



Obviously, idiot, but that doesn't change the fact that the maker has no idea of composition. Though I guess if they weren't retarded they wouldn't make shill infographics for mail order brides.

oh shit we got a master graphic designer in the house

>recognizing shit design means being a master graphic designer
I assume you consider anyone who doesn't eat their crayons to be "master" artists?

oh shit we got a master logician in the house too!

100% of these things are scams
All women except Middle Eastern and Africans (who are either disgusting or "protected" by guardians), know that their pussy is worth it's weight in gold
These websites operate on a subscription basis which means you'll get a ton of guys, pretending to be girls to keep you subscribed. On the off chance you do get a real girl, she will undoubtedly leave you the second she can secure citizenship.

Romantic love is an invention of the modern West. A marriage was and still is in many parts of the world a deal in which both sides profit. She gives you regular sex, takes care of the household and, if necessary, gives you children, while you help her and her family to prosperity.

Dude just go on Grindr and get a sissy for free your gonna get ripped off go fuck some boipussy

be prepared to spend a ton of money and have her not like you when you finally meet her in person, or have her be a no show when you fly over there to meet her. you spend so much money before you find out it's not going to work out, it's kind of silly.

Also, even if it worked 100% of the time, as a guy in the mail order bride marketplace, you're basically just using US citizenship as a bait to pick up girls from shit countries. They won't love you, and many won't even pretend to love you, knowing as well as you how flimsy the pretext behind your relationship is.

It's better to just go over there annually for sex tourism and get a few contacts for regular use rather than use a mail order bride service.

>sperging this hard after being called out for saying stupid stuff
>not even ashamed of posting like the equivalent of "that kid" and doing so unironically
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt
I'm curious if you really thought that this kind of reply would make you look better?

i'm curious why you think everyone replying to you is the same person

>you thought you had me cornered but don't be too hasty as I still have an ace up my sleeve!
>you see, you haven't even considered that there might be not ONE but TWO retards in this thread
Ok, I give up. You won.

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pls don't give up user, i have no one else to talk to


It's not because they're mail order. It's because asian women are inherently better then western women and are far better marriage/long term relationship material.

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This true though even for WMBF couples.
It's almost as if white women try their hardest to make sure their marriages fail, while white guys do the exact opposite, generally speaking.

You can get a free girl from these countries without paying. It isn't that hard, even if you are not attractive.

so is mail order bride shills targeting incels that are r9k losers? sad.

>the only actually tolerable asians barely make up 3%
fuck that


i can't see how anyone would be attracted to those ugly brown goblin midgets

What's wrong with literally the same composition as books?

But you're sperging out over how a picture is designed.

>asian wife
I'd rather die.

First of all if i'd buy one she would have to be white.
Second of all I personally dont give a shit about love. Love is a scam. Nothing more. If you buy a mail order bride (which I think is sketchy in how successful it is to get one) then you forfeit the ability to "love". Its purely out of necessity to pass on your genes. Marriage and chastity is for the benefit of man. It means that all men and women get to procreate. When this is broken, and it has been, you get angry and desperate men - "incels". What else do you suppose they do? Just wither away? Many choose to kill or drink themselves into oblivion. I think if you're in such a postion then an arranged marriage is a good option, given that you earn enough money to support a family.
All of you stupid shitheads still believe "true love" exists. No it doesn't. All it is is cooperation. You have to live with each other and over time figure out how to improve it for both parties involved. But dont expect some magical feeling you got from you first or second crush. Even that eventually fades and you're left with the same set of circumstances.

pic related, I hope you see what I mean now. The red line is the way your eyes go over the page in order to get the information. The infographic leads it all over the place in a random fashion while the book at least has some form of pattern. Also I might note that even if the infographic would have a similar pattern like a book, that's not a good thing. An infographic is supposed to be more interesting and easier to digest than a block of text. At least that's the general idea behind it.

I just wanted to say its shit. OP, for some reason or another, wanted to be contrarian without having any argument to back it up. Maybe I did sperg a bit but well, it's fun

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I heard about mail order brides on tv when I was a kid and I thought were women shipped from european and Asian shitholes in boxes and I had no clue how that was allowed because it surely wasn't legal.

tfw you get the wrong size or the wrong color but you already removed the packing peanuts and broke the seal, and return postage to Third World Shithole is a bitch

>it won't be white
If the Filipino bitch won't let me tat her head and hands white, then keep clothes on in the light, then no deal.

Random young pinay women.

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pinay women 2

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And it's a great "invention" for people that are worthy of love.

When I was a kid, my neighbor had a mail order bride. She really hated herself and her situation. She hung herself from a ceiling fan. I always felt really bad for their daughter, she was like the opposite of qt happa, more like the worst parts of asians and whites grossly exaggerated in one person. She's usually what I imagine a fembot looks like

>tfw this meat is more mysterious than Panda Express's orange chicken
No thanks

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They are the Asian equivalent Mexicans.

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