Would you date a girl who has saggy tits?
>mfw old lady boobs in my twenties
Would you date a girl who has saggy tits?
>mfw old lady boobs in my twenties
Yeah, I like saggy tits honestly. Always have. They're jiggly and look fun to play with.
I don't care about tits though
fuck no, kill yourself whore
i don't care if your tits are saggy as long as you have a qt face and a nice waist
No, but I'm sure you have a greeeeeeat personality.
absolutely not, why would you willingly date anyone who is already showing signs of ageing poorly in their fucking twenties HAHAHAH, maybe if i was too but i'm not.
My tits have always been saggy even when I was a teenager. It's not because of ageing.
Same here, life isn't fair.
Notice how men are always fixated on a woman's body. You have no real problems compared to women, who actually evaluate the quality of men.
Post breast doppelganger. Sometimes people are negatively delusional of them self.
A bit like this, they've always looked like this since my teens
Same situation, bad genes. I don't want my children to have saggy tits, or even a higher chance of such. I bet you have brown eyes too hahahah.
not even that bad, i was expecting the downward facing nips.
would date, not that I'd be able to tell your boobs were sagging like that when you're dressed. If we get to the point where i see your naked breasts, there probably isn't much that could be messed up from there.
That's another "it depends" answer, because there's a couple of things to consider, for example
>are we talking "golf balls inside of tube socks" saggy?
>are they at least big?
Because having some natural sag comes with the territory with big tits, but if they're like B's, but only when held up in a bra, then no, probably not.
Very shitty bait. Women are more fixated on men's bodies, because they are not attracted to any man whose height starts with 5. At least boobs are fixable.
what else are they good for hahahah
But you would be disappointed.
That's really not that bad. I mean, the nipple placement could be a little bit better, but the volume and distribution is alright. If you're really worried, and have the money, just get a breast lift or something. Cheaper than having to deal with self-esteem issues.
by what exactly?
and originally
By the tits of course, once you got a girl with those kinds of tits undressed.
The scars from breast lifts are awful, and I can't afford it anytime soon anyway.
if I got you undressed, then i'd be already attracted to you as a person, so the shape of your free hanging breasts wouldn't sway the needle much one way or the other.
Well... Just realize that most guys won't care if your tits aren't perfect (most girls neither, if you're a dyke). They would be happy enough to actually have partner.
I'm nearly 26 and have never had a romantic partner. It's hopeless
They wouldn't sway the needle, but you still wouldn't be attracted to them, and they wouldn't be how you imagined them to be
>I'm nearly 26
What are your life prospects? Are you a neet or what? If you're not going to get a partner either way, then what does your breast quality matter?
Breasts aren't meant to be two half-spheres bolted onto your chest like they defy gravity. Natural breasts hang, not sag. Unless you're like 250lbs with pointy tits that point downwards, no man is gonna be disappointed in seeing your titties.
I'm sad because I didn't get to have a romantic partner in my life.
What have my life prospects got to do with anything? I'm on my way to becoming a software developer.
Now post face doppleganger
>What have my life prospects got to do with anything
It affects the likelihood of you getting into a romantic relationship. For example, if you're were a shut in neet, then the likelihood would be next to zero.
Well I'm not a shut in neet.
I have a job and go to university. Sometimes I go out on the weekend.
you know a part of every romantic process involves idealizing a woman and then coming to accept and appreciate who she actually is.
I guarantee the shape of your breasts is among the easiest aspects of your person that a male is going to have to accept. Don't worry too much about it.
So what is stopping you from meeting someone?
my literal only requirements for girls i'd date is to not be monstrously deformed and to like me back
too bad im a 26 y/o khv shut-in NEET dicklet fatass with no job or car
I can make friends with guys, but they don't see me in a romantic way
For example, I was set up on a date with a 26 year old virgin who was over 300lbs and was desperate for a girlfriend...but he didn't want me
I've asked out and pursued many guys but they didn't want me
Sure, as long as we can use the word saggy about them in dirty talk and you let me oil them up and fuck them, not one of those super insecure I hate this body part so we can never talk about it or use it types. No real issue with it at all
what do you like to do for fun
im a 26 y/o virgin who is over 300lbs and desperate for a gf
>what do you like to do for fun
is that how you start chatting up all girls my dude? really strains my imagination how you're not rolling in pussy at all times.
I like to read and draw/paint.
>I guarantee the shape of your breasts is among the easiest aspects of your person that a male is going to have to accept
i literally spilled my drink laughing, thanks
>26 year old virgin who was over 300lbs and was desperate for a girlfriend
Who set you up, how'd you know all that stuff.
>but he didn't want me
Do you have any clear apparent flaw you aren't telling us, like bpd or something?
>I've asked out and pursued many guys but they didn't want me
Did they give a reason.
i don't talk to fucking anyone sorry
i don't have friends i don't go outside
i'm not good at this. i never said i was
what do you like to read what do you like to draw/paint. that's pretty vague.
>Who set you up, how'd you know all that stuff.
His best friend's girlfriend. His best friend told me.
>Do you have any clear apparent flaw you aren't telling us, like bpd or something?
Well I'm not the life of the party, I'm pretty bland as a person. I also don't have the prettiest face either.
>Did they give a reason.
No, but I know he told his best friend's girlfriend why, and she refused to tell me.
that wasn't op, just some nignog being a cunt m8, don't pay any attention, asking what people like to do for fun and hobbies is perfectly fine
Why do you care? I don't have time to get into it, sorry.
what part of the country are you from? studying to be a software dev at 26? I turn 26 on thursday and I've been a software dev for 3 years. Where has the delay come from?
you don't have time to get into a question i'm asking about your interests it but you have time to cry about how people don't take interest in you
I went to uni late, I had depression and anxiety when I was younger. England.
>I also don't have the prettiest face either
So why don't you worry more about that then your "saggy" tits?
You honestly want me to explain to you what I like to read and my interest in art? I don't see how this is relevant.
>I had depression and anxiety when I was younger
Do you think that might have something to do with it? Trauma from "previous" mental illness?
I worry about both with about the same intensity and time.
That's a really qt image you got there.
saggy tits can be a turn on user, definitely not necessary to worry about the same degree as face.
thanks, are you a girl?
top tip: everyone worries about stuff like that about themselves. you either get someone to convince you not to, or you make the decision not to yourself. i prefer the latter. people are often unreliable. and nonexistent :(
women are mentally ill... stop caring about "hollyjew stars" "perfect" tits.
Men like different kind of bodies, face, nose, psychology, etc
maybe I'd try to make a connection with you but you're across the pond. Don't worry about your saggy tits though, unless you're trying to use your tits as the main attraction.
The deeper issue I think is that you aren't quite sure what about you is attractive, so you're insecure about whatever you can find flawed. Don't worry so much, be social and meet people, let your more trusted friends know to keep an eye out so that they can keep setting you up on dates. The last one didn't turn out super great, but that doesn't mean you should stop trying. Good luck out there, and remember if you get to the point where he's seeing your tits, there's already some good chemistry there.
Tits are one of the main aspects of femininity. To have shit tits is to feel like you're not even a proper woman.
if you are male, you are retarded.
if you are female, you are retarded.
if i like u i dont give a fuck
I'm 26 user, I've been social and meeting people for a really long time. I still haven't even had one boyfriend.
>if you get to the point where he's seeing your tits, there's already some good chemistry there.
Bullshit, guys will fuck anything, the only kind of sex I can get is casual sex where guys will fuck you and then never speak to you again.
not true at all
tits are as fluid as the wind
any real man doesn't give a shit about tits
it's about the ass that real men care about
you can easily have a nice ass by simply doing squats
tits you have to have a surgery and even then there's still a high chance they won't be that great
and small tits are great too just little slabs of fat that stick out just a tiny bit
even if you got lopsided tits are good
These threads are always so fucking hilarious.
>Girl makes a post
>Tells everyone about her awful traits and/or habits
>Desperate anons flood the thread
>Oh it just so happens that is perfect for me! Sure sure I don't care about any of that me and you are a perfect match, contact info? :)
I hope none of you roastie whores believe these stupid fucks. Saggy tits are disgusting, get surgery.
Saggy tits are the best, I especially love when they have those little stretch marks like they got dragged down by being too heavy. I also like large, prominent areolae and veins. Basically I like the udder aesthetic on human women.
that's your problem, you're letting guys fuck you immediately. I'm giving you the good faith that you're not acting like a dang whore and you go and disappoint me.
>casual sex
How often does that happen?
No, you just want chads and brads instead of choosing robots who would worship you.
They lap it up. Females are retarded.
not as retarded as the thirsty ass anons that respond
>giving the milk for free
>expecting the man to buy the cow
if you have casual sex men know that you have a low sense of self worth and they project that back on to you. I could never really respect a woman that wanted to fuck me on the first date, or especially without a date.
They don't want to go on dates, they just want to fuck/hook up and nothing more
I haven't had sex in years because I refuse to have casual sex and want a relationship. But guys don't want to date me.
Haven't done it in years. I don't enjoy it.
>the only kind of sex I can get is casual sex where guys will fuck you and then never speak to you again.
I literally went on a blind date with a 300lbs+ 26 year old virgin
a lot of guys don't really care about tits one way or the other you know, as long as they're there in some capacity. hips and arse and thighs and hair and whatnot are all far more important aspects of femininity. i've dated a girl with a legit flat chest, didn't make her any less feminine.
>the only kind of sex I can get is casual sex where guys will fuck you and then never speak to you again.
nonsense. saggy tits would not make me give up regular sex, so i'd keep speaking to them and keep fucking them. i'm in the uk too, come hang out and i'll play with your bazongas regularly np
>Haven't done it in years. I don't enjoy it.
Then why'd you do it from the start?
>But guys don't want to date me.
What about the losers in this thread?
I was curious about sex and that was the only kind of sex available to me. I was 21 before I had sex for the first time.
>What about the losers in this thread?
yeah, but you can't say that guys don't want to date you because of your tits, i assume you wear a bra which conceals the influence of gravity somewhat.
it's a non-issue, because guys will fuck anything, and the guys who aren't dating you aren't seeing your saggy tits.
>I was curious about sex
You mean you were a cocklusting slut who couldn't get enough easy and effortless dickings.
>Then why'd you do it from the start?
I was curious about sex and what it felt like, I was tired of waiting for a boyfriend, I was 21.
>What about the losers in this thread?
Sure, if they'd have me
>I literally went on a blind date with a 300lbs+ 26 year old virgin
Don't pretend to be the same person. Or you were just a troll from the start, who cares either way.
Well I don't know what to tell you, I want nothing more than to take a fembot out and at least try to connect. What was the problem with the virgin? He fucked you and never spoke to you again?
I wish I could find someone to give me a chance.
I just want someone who would be loyal and would love me.
didnt you make a thread the other day? on Jow Forums if i remember right?
how you feel about dick size is how men feel about tits. some are little bitches about it, but porn has got you confused on what people really want. youre not gonna break deals with people because of your tits. would you break it off with a guy if his penis was below average? its the exact same thing. dont worry about stacking up so much, youre fine
Yes I know it's not because of my tits, but I know that if I ever get to date they'll be too much of a turn off
He didn't even want to fuck me.
>I was curious about sex and what it felt like, I was tired of waiting for a boyfriend, I was 21.
I wasn't judging, just curious.
>Sure, if they'd have me
I'm sure there's an orbiter here willing to do it. There is always an England thread floating around. Tough to be honest it will probably not end well.
it's not your tits you are probably just fat
I already do, and she's amazing. I'll keep her forever if I'm able to.
>inb4 get out reeee
You mean he never talked to you again?
You could be my britbong gf. If you like me enough you can abuse me for a green card. I have enough money that I could fly across the pond for a meet. Yes I am serious.
I wish somebody thought I was amazing.
and i'm saying they won't be, because by the time you get into bed with a guy you've been dating, you should know already that he's into you.
To talk in terms of product development. If you have a user onboarding funnel, and users are churning on the first view, you don't need to worry that much about the views further into the funnel until you've addressed the reason the users are churning in the first view.
>no timestamp requests
>no gtfo larper posts
Well I don't know what else to do. I socialise, I used to pursue guys relentlessly, I wear makeup. I try to be interesting.
I'm so sad and hopeless and lonely.
You got a bunch of offers in this very thread user..
>>no timestamp requests
Why would there be, they're banned.
I don't know, move to another country, maybe it's just britts being shit. Or get involved with the church, maybe there's a cute wholesome christian boy whit different social standards then most others.
Either way, what kind of guys do you approach?
fretting about hypotheticals isn't how you're going to solve your problem femanon.
when you go out to socialize next time, don't be so focused on getting results, but on getting data, fraternize as you do, but pay close attention to things, like when your conversation loses their attention, or the kinds of reactions you get from the things they say, try to figure out what you're doing wrong in the phase you're stuck on. You don't need to worry about bedroom phase if you strike out before the second drink.
Love the fact that you waited until 21 to have sex, because I was the same age when I lost my virginity, I'm 24 now.
It just so happens that is perfect for me! Sure I don't care about any of that me and you are a perfect match, contact info?
I love small and saggy boobs OP! They are the number one thing I look for in a girl. I also really like that you waited so long to have a bunch of casual sex to me that is perfect! Got discord?
saggy tits are sooo fucking trashy lmao, like bitch do you even know what an omega-3 is? should have eaten more sardines instead of eating Chad's cum when you were 15.