How did you fail to have a gf/bf and sex during high school? Brain problems?

How did you fail to have a gf/bf and sex during high school? Brain problems?

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>11th grade
>half day coming up tomorrow, wanted to go on a date
>passed the same "will you go out with me [] yes [] no" note to girls in my english class until one said yes
>she took my virginity and we dated for a year

it was so easy in those days

Never bothered tbqh

I'm not obsessed about one part of my life like the ILLUMINATI wants me to be

I stopped talking to anybody after freshmen year because I was embarassed about all the dumb shit I would say and didn't make any friends. I started skipping lunch to read in the library. I spent my down time in class reading and eventually took study halls just to read. I was mostly reading about theoretical math. By the end of HS I was at a graduate level and knew shit like Gallois theory and Ramsey theory. This was possible because I was on adderall.

It's impossible to get laid if you don't have a social circle. Obviously excluding 150 kg land whales

So many freaking fears and mind fuck. But then you get older and regrets every time you didn't try because of fear of rejections.

I wasn't obsessed with it like everyone else my age, and when I actually did get a girlfriend she would barely even want to hold hands, let alone fuck.

High school is about status and I had no friends, nothing else mattered at that point.

I'm not chad.
ewop8;i/gyah\we3oq;i8juh/ lhgvj

Said some shit freshman year that I shouldnt have. Didnt try to find a girl. Was a late bloomer, I still look younger than my age.

I never tried, didnt start puberty until late and was a gAyM3r
At least im tall because of late puberty

I was thoroughly conditioned by the age of 13 that nobody likes me and behaved accordingly for many years.

I'm waiting until I'm married because I'm not a degenerate

Your IQ must be really high. Not to be rude but do you have autism?

dropped out at age 12, went back at age 17 to small school, no worthwhile girls in my tiny class of 15 people, tons of younger 13-16 year old girls, one winked at me, but I was paralyzed by social terror and insecurity and no-girl-will-ever-like-me self hypnotism, so she killed herself a few weeks later (turns out I'm extremely attractive), quickly turned 18 and was locked in "UR A PEDO!!!" mindset for thinking about those hot LITTLE 16 YEAR OLD CHILDREN, I waited till some of them turned 18 but they had already run away with 30 year olds and shit, kill me

Too busy grinding for IMO. Same in undergrad, except i was grinding for 4.0 GPA and Putnam.

I didn't and it was Jr High not high school. I got a GF mostly by pure luck it took a little bit for me to get comfortable and overcome my shyness with her but when I did we fucked like rabbits and did kinky stuff all the time.

I don't even care that I haven't been with a lady in a long time. What we did sated me for a life time.

>be 14
>ask a crush for sex rather explicitly on our way to her house
>publicly ridiculed the next two years
>shut in for years and just now (28) coming out of the shell

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I just never talked to anybody. Hell I wasn't even at school half the time. I usually was at home playing video games by myself.
>That was 13 years ago and things havn't changed.

Ever since I was a kid I could never even make friends so I grew up with self esteem issues.

I highly doubt it. When I was tested they decided I had ADD which is how I got the adderall. My IQ in elementary school was 125 I think.

I'm ugly and a faggot

once when i was around 15, there was this fairly hot girl that started randomly coming up to me and talking to me for no reason. like she'd ask me how my day was it was fucking weird. then one day her friend says to me while we are all waiting for a class to start that if i asked her out she'd say yes.
so i replied
"nah, sounds like too much effort"
my autism levels are on the charts bois

also i have more stories
like just now the first hunger games movie is playing and i just really really didnt want to hear the part where meela or the bread guy or whatever confesses his love to katniss on the interview part and i stopped typing and spent 20 secs with m hands over my ears making la la la noises
i mean me too thnaks

Suicide inducing video desu thb

I was fat, ugly weirdo so I felt like I had virtually zero chance with any girl I would actually want to fuck, and I lacked the kind of friend group that would get me into parties or even put me in contact with good-looking girls. I also jacked it basically twice every day, meaning that I was able to just sort of space out and let time pass me by without caring too much or feeling like I should try and get some practice in with some fat 3/10, so that probably didn't do me any favors

I had porn so why should I bother myself with orbiting around some thot? just for sex, ridiculous

my high school had around 80 students (10 that actually came) the dudes were like brothers to me and the only guy I liked didn't give two shits about me the closest we got was when he once spit on me and slapped me, as you can see I wasn't very popular... also identity problems so many of them

i was in a boys only school the only relationship there was between alpha dudes fucking beta fags,some beautifulgirly dude even got raped but he doesn't have the face to complain.
shit thinking about it it seemed hellish lmao

Middle school was rough for me to the point where I subconsciously lost interest in girls. During high school several girls went out of their way to be around me but the only thing on my mind was getting my work done and going home so I could dive into a screen.

>funny edgy qt from my theatre class sees that I brought a home made cake to another class for an event
>literally gives me her number and tells me to text her so we can bake together
>every time she sees me in the hallway she asks me to text her
>never text her

>nerdy girl in my geometry class randomly starts holding my hand as we walk to the buses after school
>asks me what kind of music I like
>does this for two more days and stops when I stop talking to her

>redhead in my literature class starts talking to me more when she finds out I have aspergers like her
>hugs me from behind every day in the hallway
>one day I tell her I'm tired of her doing this and she stops

>qt who lives in my neighborhood starts sitting next to me on the bus
>brings an earphone jack splitter so we can listen to Metallica together
>literally listen to music and don't say anything to her
>gets a boyfriend and I start sitting with a cool guy instead

>super shy girl who sketches in a notepad in math class stares at me every day
>talks to me about her art when we get partnered for a project
>avoid her gaze for the whole semester

Looking back I was so retarded I needed a flashing neon sign instead of signals. I'm decent looking but had no Idea at the time and it didn't help that only shy and awkward girls liked me. After high school, my best friend and his girlfriend set me up with his girlfriend's best friend and we've been dating for a few months so it all worked out in the end.

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All boys school + autism didn't help my chances.

I went to school in NYC and as a result nearly all of the girls in my school were sheboons or Asians that barely spoke Englsih
They also barely interacted with anyone outside of their racial group so not only was I not interested, I did not have an opportunity

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By not being a Chad to be honest.

All boys school. Don't want a gf/bf anyway

>girl ask me on date
say no
>another girl flirt and say hi

im gonna say its my autism

I did not attend high school lmao

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Honestly I always felt like I was too young for a GF
Of course I did nothing outside of school
I just came home
Never talked to any girls
Never had any in my social circle was was small

By not being a Stacy in a school full of Chad's and Chadlites.

Looking for an opportunity is what's holding you back

I remember the ugly girl that one of my few acquaintances dated and while he was short he was charismatic and buff

I did independent study on the first floor of an old office building that was converted into a "school". It was always just me and my "teacher" in a small room. Every so often other independent study kids would show up during my shift but we never spoke. That was my highschool experience.

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