Get very aroused by the thought of being pregnant

>get very aroused by the thought of being pregnant
>have had these thoughts since 7 or 8 years old, before porn was everywhere and the internet was a commercial technology
>sex: male
what did God mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make him procreate because knocking up a girl and looking at her experiencing pregnancy is the next best thing he can think of that is achievable

if you have these feelings, god doesnt exist

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Yeah, it's basically my realistic sexual fantasy to find a woman and live vicariously through her by knocking her up repeatedly and worshiping her belly, but why not just make me fetishize cumming inside of a girl instead? Wouldn't that make more sense?

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Of course there is a metaphysical realm, this world is a simulation or some form of emulation of a higher reality. Greeks figured this out 2,500 years ago, Indians had it figured out even further back.

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It does not matter what way you go at it as long as the end result is the same

That is why there are different species with different ways to survive

Yeah, well explain why I'm a 28 year old virgin then. Some survival strategy that one turned out to be. Thanks you monkey ancestor bastards.

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tfw you feel you can never be honest with a woman about your sexuality without completely losing her respect and compromising your masculinity so you avoid all intimate situations with girls like the plague your entire life and end up miserable and lonely

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Wish I could say I didn't know how you feel OP. A roastie could never appreciate the beautiful gift she's born with, instead she'd rather fight tooth and nail to make killing fetuses a human right paid for by your tax dollars.

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tfw you will never be kept as human livestock with a harem of other perpetually pregnant girls and bred and milked until you hit menopause

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That would fulfill me completely, I'd love to be a big breeding cow

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there was a fembot here who used to have human cattle fantasies with me in threads but i think she got off to humiliation too much, shared too much shit and got doxed by some rude robots. It's sad, cause she was actually quite pretty in addition to being close to the ideal hucow aesthetic.

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People who say this don't really understand the issue. It's not that we don't appreciate the gift, we definitely do. The woman who hits a wall and ends up childless and miserable is actually very rare (and very stupid, none of us like her, either).

We want "killing fetuses" to be a right because there are situations where, let's be honest, we might end up pregnant with a kid by someone who isn't really genetically up to par.

You can go on and on about how wrong you think that is, about how we shouldn't sleep with inferior guys, etc, but if we followed that strictly we would literally be in harems and all of you would die virgins. Is that really what you want?

I didn't think so. Shut up and pay a few dollars so women can get abortions, and stop crying about not being at the top. Nature is cruel and it only makes your situation worse.

Go fucking figure. It's always one or two angry retards throwing autistic tantrums that ruin it for the rest of us.

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Roastie, fuck off. You once more prove to be nothing but a slut who wants to fuck as much as she wants and yet risk nothing.
>lets give equality to women because muh oppression
>lets allow women to not be responsible for their faults by killing kids

Yeah, no.

I have extreme desire to breed women. Fucking them raw and impregnating them. I mainly have a forced impregnation fetish where I would be bound, raped by women and forced to impregnate all of them (think that hentai called Euphoria).

I cant find much porn in this specific regard and I am going insane. Any tips, robots?

okay but i don't see why I, as a khv, should be paying for abortions for anyone. that should be between a sexually active woman and her partner. I'm not opposed to it but don't try to rope me in to your life decisions with the force of the government. Government should also get its nose out of marriages, the idea of the government even being able to officiate a marriage is 20th century nonsense, a marriage is purely an agreement between you and your spouse, or if you want to be traditional about it between two families. God is the only third party with a right to be involved.

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Play corruption of champions, the goblins in that game are all about femdom forced impregnation. There's even an ending once you have enough goblin daughters where they enslave you and use you as a breeding bull for the rest of your days.

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Based. Got any link?

>Thought would hate pregnancy and never wanted to be
>Get pregnant
>Loved it the entire time and would love it again

Feminists rtarded

just google cocmod, it's on github. It's not supported by its dev anymore who is making a furshit scifi game but there's a mod with more content.

It's text based though if that's a dealbreaker for you. There's also lots of furry content but it can mostly be avoided in favor of fucking gobbos.

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Incels don't understand sex. You think you do, and you talk like you do because you watch pornography and think about it constantly, but all you can really do is see it from the perspective of someone who is unattractive and struggles to get it.

We don't have that problem. There is a lot more nuance to sex, who we have it with, how and when we have it, that it would probably just be a waste of time to try and explain. This is why people don't take you seriously, and why people treat you with contempt, because you come off like children with adult bodies. Because that's what you are, in a way.

I'm not stupid enough to think women are "oppressed," not in any real way. Not everything is fair in every single way, and it never will be. The only thing you can do is be pragmatic. In this case, it is pragmatic for women to have access to abortion, both because it benefits us, and because it's attainable. Nothing else matters.

You "allowed" women to "not be responsible for their faults" (it's kind of sad the way you see this) way before abortion entered into the picture. You are bitter that you're not getting access to sex, and in a way I can't blame you for feeling that way, but it's preventing you from understanding that this is just how nature works. It's not about right or wrong. Your ideal is childish and impossible.

We have abortions because a large amount of men are not suitable to procreate with. That's just how it is. If you mess with this, it will only make things worse for you.

Government should do a whole lot of things, but it doesn't. While it's here, access to abortion is beneficial to the most amount of people, including women. What you're talking about would not only be bad for you, it would be bad for everyone but the very tippy top of men.

Your God complex or whatever is an indication you probably won't understand what I'm talking about in the first place. Fortunately you have no say and no power either way.

I remember a long time ago, me and a girl were bullying this other fembot by making lewd conversations and having the girl read it.

Basically the girl suggested me to tell her to come over and knock her up and both girls eventually got horny as fuck over it.


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>Most men are not physically fit to have children
So you are saying that you are willing to become the harem wife of a chad then? Because he will not have you alone you know.

>say that what you do with your body and what others do with your body is none of my business whatsoever and that the government, and as such my representation as a voting citizen, shouldn't be involved in personal decisions regarding your body and regarding how you choose to interact with other individuals within the context of association
>you have a god complex!
don't use words you don't understand sweetie. Not having a de facto patriarchal society where women have no choice and all marital arrangements are not made between families with children only having a partial say in who they get to marry is "bad" for men who are below the top 20%. I guarantee I would have a wife and probably children by now if we lived in such a society, but even if this arrangement was strictly speaking beneficial for me, there is a difference between what is beneficial for me and what is just.

Your genes are just inferior so nobody wants them. I'm in the same boat, but I stopped caring after 22.

Rape is very rare
Women are literally Satanic as they willingly murder their own children for the sake of fucking more Chads

No, I'm saying what we have now is better than being in a harem. Those aren't sustainable and would lead to collapse.

Are you actually implying I'm the one who has a god complex because I don't want a slimy incel to vote society into collapse by creating a situation where only harems of men have access to women?

Satan isn't real. All animals do this. Sorry nature is cruel and you're not one of the "Chads." They don't seem to mind.

Friends with a lesbian couple, they wanted to have a kid and asked me to help. But they for sure only wanted one kid at the time and would have a tough time with just the one anyway. So they decided who would be the mother since one didn't want to go through with the whole process anyway.

Got underway, and after awhile the other changed her mind and they even both changed their stance to wanting two kids. Not sure if it was jealousy or envy or what else, but saw them do a 180 from just "we might want one kid after a long time of considering" to "please we want more kids!"

Women can be weird lol

Lmao, you actually fucked them? That sounds hot as fuck and I would feel tempted to do that if I didn't know a dyke couple will make terrible parents.

>Women can be weird lol
Can't blame them really or expect them to be stable due to hormonal fluctuations.

Also if you are not pro-choice you are stupid, I'm pretty conservative but I agree with pro-choice from a moral standpoint because it keeps undesirables in check. There is a very good reason they keep promoting child free lifestyles primary to white women, they are shocked by the level of abortions that happen to minorities. With that said a woman getting pregnant and having a child/children with a strong and well rounded man is something all people should aspire for. For the future prosperity and natural and non-volatile expansion of populations and thus the tax base I wish that they did show the beauty of a woman fulfilling her purpose more in the media - it really is something to cherish and appreciate because it will likely be obsolete past this century.

It was kind of a two way favor since going to a clinic is actually quite expensive, or would be for them especially if they wanted two kids. Doing it the normal way is free and that money saved can go to other stuff in preparation. Lesbian or not, they weren't really down with sex but for how much a clinic could cost and all of us being struggling college kids, they got over it.

It was all for their sake and I could get really fucked if they ever decided they wanted child support, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't pretty hot during the process. My original point though was, already it was such a big decision for them to come to about wanting a kid, all the work it would be and what it would cost them, and all the issues of pregnancy not to mention them being gay and having to get over the sex to make it happen. But then once we got into trying to make one kid, they both did a 180 so quick. Like pregnancy was that appealing to them to outweight everything else that would come before and after.

A god complex is when someone believes they are a god or godlike and is used colloquially to describe someone who wants power over everything, generally in order to make things the way they want them to be.

My post was saying that not only do I NOT want to have power over the personal choices of women/families who are not my own, I don't want ANYONE to have power over said choices aside from those directly responsible for them hence why the government shouldn't be party to sexual or familial affairs. The second that it has any involvement, even an economic involvement in terms of financing abortion procedures, it follows that the government (and as such, any individual voting citizen) now has some interest or say in what people can and cannot do with their bodies since it is funneling collective resources into it.

I do not follow how, as you claim, the government not financing abortions leads to harem sexuality. The government has, in fact, only paid for womens' reproductive health services of any kind for the past forty years or so. It is during this time period that female sexuality has become the most harem-like that it has been in western society since pre-christian times.

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lmao women have been trying their hardest to collapse society ever since pathetic betas started listening to them in the 1950s

You don't know what good genes are. No, we don't need a species of lumbering 7 foot tall freaks with 18 inch dicks and jawbones sticking out like cow catchers. Women should not be permitted to be sexual selectors lest you doom us all.

Monogamy is literally the creator of civilization.

I don't blame them I guess I'm just surprised that they got hit by the baby rabies hammer, HOW hard it hit them when I'd never seen or experienced something like it before in my life. Like it seemed a big thing for them to want to have a kid at all in the first place and how much time and consideration led up to it, then once pregnancy actually comes into play they both tossed that care and caution out the window. Went from one maybe having a baby, to one having a baby so the other wanted one too for sure.

Maybe it sounds dumb but to me it was and still is kind of baffling. Like watching all logic and reason dissolve away when biology hits or something.

Hey, I masturbate to this bitch's videos a lot and I don't think I've ever seen this one...

I wanna breed a woman over and over until she ends up a big fat milky mess

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I'm not disagreeing with you really, I'm explaining to you that monogamy is no longer an option. You cannot undo what's been done, and you cannot roll back society to a place where birth control doesn't exist, where women don't hold all the cards when it comes to sexual selection, and where we can go back to genetically inferior men procreating like they have been. Technology has changed that. Society has changed that. You might as well hope for the best and not do things to make things worse for yourself, like cry and complain about it.

Time for you to let other robots cum in your boipucci OP

she the best

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post all you got

Sorry, I'm not actually attracted to men in any way. I just want to be a pregnant woman. If I was less self aware and more autistic I might have become a transbian or some gay ass shit.

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impregnate women instead, make them print out so many kids they turn into 200kg hamplanets

I could go for a breeding cow dump
She's such a fat, fertile goddess. I'd literally pay for her to get pregnant again.

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>let us kill children because muh unsuitable sex partners
The logic behind is mindfucking. Lets go for extreme methods instead of proper anti-conception pills and condoms. Or you know NOT FUCKING EVERY DICK YOU MIGHT FANCY. Female sexual revolution was a mistake.
>pay for muh fun and sexual freedom stupid males, its good for you!
Make me, cunt. Thank god I dont live in a society entirely made up betas giving into every demand of average roastie. Your sex life = your OWN problem (as well as your own business). Dont make anyone else pay for your fuck ups. You are a simple gear in the machine of society and nothing more.

She's too bloblike for me, I like a nice firm belly supporting a pair of heavy boobs.

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You're bitter and you're projecting. It's pathetic, and probably a factor in why you're an incel or something close to it. I don't just fuck "every dick I might fancy" and I don't know any woman who does. You consider it "extreme" to prevent a pregnancy from going to term, but that's because you're afraid of the implication of not being able to force a woman to have your child if she doesn't want to.

Also, regardless of how I feel about it, someone is making you. Ironically, other men. I'm not making you pay for anything, the government is. I don't even vote or participate in it, but even if I did, you're nowhere close to rolling back that decision, and you never will be. You might as well learn to deal with reality instead of decrying women for not being "logical" because they don't want your gene trash babies.

It could be worse. Since I was like 8 or 9 years old I get aroused by the thought of being a girl

Like how you didn't even acknowledge his statement about contraceptive pills. Also if you're stupid enough to let garbage men fuck you raw you should be forced to face the consequences of your actions.

His comment about pills was irrelevant. "Should" or "shouldn't" doesn't actually matter, because abortion is legal, and it always will be. I know it upsets you that you can't force women who had a lapse in judgment severe enough to let you get your gross seed in them to carry on your trash genetic line, but really that ship has sailed, sweetie.

I love that too, but there's just something about seeing a heavyset cowish women like Anorei/Lexxxi heavily pregnant that activates something primal in the deepest recesses of my cav brain.

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Abortion shouldnt be legal. Not unless both man and woman agree to it.

Yeah, you guys keep saying that, but it is legal, and it will remain legal. Here's a hint: it's because Chad knows he's better off if we'll abort your trash babies to make room for his superior ones. Guess who makes the calls on that one? Oh yeah, Chad.

Just ignore the cunt and enjoy the sows m8, at this point it's pretty obvious it's just a troll and not an actual female

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>Falling for a bait like this.

What the fuck was I thinking. I feel like a fucking newfag holy shit. Am I getting senile?

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I find this really funny because I'm not a feminist, and nowhere have I encouraged anyone to kill themselves. Is it possible that you're so angry at your situation you can't even calm down long enough to actually understand what I'm saying?

Thanks user. *tips fedora*

You're probably not going senile, I'm just a master troll.

>you're genetic trash user, only Chads should be able to procreate
Yep lotta room for interpretation there

You keep saying "should," you're reading a lot into it.

By the new sexual selection paradigm, you ARE genetic trash. It has nothing to do with who "should" reproduce, it's down to who's going to. It's not going to be you.

The sooner you accept that and learn to know your place -- helping raise Chad's offspring with a woman who realizes she's in the same genetic boat as you -- the sooner you will be a happier, less angry and bitter person.

is this peak female performance?

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It's the most natural, beautiful state a woman can be in

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True, back in the days of high infant mortality women were basically pregnant or postpartum and nursing a child (lactation naturally suppresses fertility to avoid overtaxing a mother's resources) until menopause. This is basically the natural state of women between their late teens and early forties

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Such a shame it's not like that nowadays (exept the infant mortality part). Also that image is fucking delicious.

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yeah but what if op was gay

I'm not gay though, I don't have any attraction to men, I just want to be a pregnant woman and ideally my sexual relations would consist in cuddling up and mutual nursing with another pregnant woman. Granted if my brain was flooded with female hormones I would probably enjoy being dicked but I'm not attracted to males in the least as I am.

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Why do black women take to pregnancy so well? There's something special about a big, gravid ebony belly and a pair of dark, sensitive udders that you just can't find with other preggos. It's even sexier when you know it's a white man's baby enhancing those curves and causing all these drastic changes in her body.

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Dark skin hides the blemishes better and their skin is naturally smoother and softer imo. Proportionally they tend to have shorter torsos than women of other races (most of their height is in their legs, asian women are the opposite and tend to have long torsos and stubby legs) which forces the new growth to go out more than up which means their bellies get especially distended. Also worth noting that black women have a higher rate of birthing twins and multiples than women of other races.

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It's like they were built specifically for baby-making. Damn I didn't mean to turn this into a BLEACHED thread lol

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I like pregnant bellies of all races desu. I'm pretty much agnostic on what race I want my wife/mating partner to be so long as she loves the idea of a little half-me squirming around inside her

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When you get a fat, sensitive pregnant pussy you're gonna have cock on your mind 24/7. I suppose you could go back to girls only after you pop but those preggo hormones are gonna hit you like a truck.

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it sounds to me like you want a man to cum inside your shitter and you just don't want to admit it

its ok user, its 2019

I reiterate, I have no sexual attraction to men and never have. I just have a weird form of autogynophilic sexual ideation where I get off to the idea of being a pregnant woman, but have too much common sense to totally fuck up my body and mental health for a sexual fantasy/fetish.

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This is your true purpose fembots, don't deny it

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Me too senpai. Me too... If you want fetish material, try Corruption of Champions, and Violated Heroine. ESPECIALLY Violated Heroine.

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>google cocmod
>get clash of clans

here you go baby bird, enjoy the spoon feeding

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Thanks senpai, I found it eventually
Here's something for you trouble

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i like her but hasn't she been in BLACKEDtrash?

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Dunno, that's news to me.

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Maybe it's a different girl I'm thinking of, as long as she's pregnant she can't be that bad tho

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A female's best curve

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Boobs - Butt - Belly, the three B's of a goddess tier female

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Surely that's more than one kid she's carrying.

Some women just really blow up even with one.

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She's probably just that fertile

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>tfw saw a natgeo documentary about how ancient egyptian women would get floral patterns tattooed with dots around their navels and they'd bloom into a net-like pattern which supposedly provided their babies magical protection

as much as I like a completely pure and unblemished belly i think that belly tattoos are the only sort of tattoos that appeal to me, same with nipple piercings, I prefer none but I can accept them since they kind of cater to my big fetishes.

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I think I knew this girl, does anyone know if she still comes here?

I saw people sharing pics of her a few months ago and even back in the day she'd get weirded out and split from a thread if someone recognized her so I assume she has fled the premises.

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That actually sounds really interesting. I know that feel too, I don't like alot of piercings but when I see a thick girl with a septum piercing all I can think is 'hucow'.

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How can she be African AND pregnant and still have relatively small breasts?

Septum piercings disgust me in general. The nipple piercing to me is just a signal that a girl wants her nipples to be prominent, usually girls with nipple piercings enjoy nipple stimulation even if they do kind of get in the way of lactation. Maintaining constant pregnancy/lactation is pretty burdensome so I think I'd just settle for a girl who sees her nipples as fonts of sensual pleasure and is willing to be pregnant and lactating at least at some point.

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Not every girl gets massive tits when pregnant sadly.

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No worries, just gotta pump a few into her to turn those black breasts into ebony udders

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Should helping her gain weight independent of being pregnant also contribute to her increase in secondary sexual characteristics?

Definitely couldn't hurt to thicken her a bit, make her soft and curvy before you make her a mom. She's gonna be eating for two soon enough anyways, why not make sure she's prepared?

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Rubbing her swollen womb on the unit that made it so

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>tfw no pregnant wheeli gf

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this is absolutely stellar bait, i applaud you user.

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tfw no black baby factory gf
how is this not an original comment

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